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Posts posted by Tiwaz

  1. Hey chief , I am sory to hear about your cat. Mine did something similar last year after a respitory infection. I had to feed her with a syringe. I mixed up wet cat food and something called pedialite. Its a formula for babies when they are dehydrated. Anyways I mixed it so that it could pass through a 10 ml syringe and fed her that way for three days and she started eating on her own again. Hopefully you can find something that works for you.

  2. Ranger, don't you think it might be time to come clean here? Posting this photo of the album doesn't help you here. The aging or lack of in the photo makes it highly suspect when shown next to the others on the same page. Also the perspective is off meaning it doesn't take much to tell it was photoshoped in. Its to bad this had to go this far as a simple apology at the start, would have probably ended this.


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