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Posts posted by Tiwaz

  1. Try and remember as well that Fox would have had multiple cameras working this event. Meaning that camera A stays on the pres and others the crowd for reaction and other goings on. This could have simply been a mistake in the control van caused by somebody forgetting to switch feeds.Right or wrong this happens alot in live broadcasts.

  2. TK Like this




    I don't know if anyone else has stumbled across this . I didn't care for how cluttered my aircraft folder was getting with extra decals so I tried some thing.

    I added a new folder, inside the aircraft folder and gave it the same name as the skin as whose decals would go into it; I named it 417 for my 417 squadron skin. inside it I placed all of the decals for that skin.


    Next i opened the decals.ini folder for that skin and changed the decalfileformat line to have 417 in front of the decal I wanted to useso it looked like this:











    Now the decals still appear on the air craft but don't clogg up your aircraft folder this will also make uninstalling a skin much easier

  3. I don't know if anyone else has stumbled across this . I didn't care for how cluttered my aircraft folder was getting with extra decals so I tried some thing.

    I added a new folder, inside the aircraft folder and gave it the same name as the skin as whose decals would go into it; I named it 417 for my 417 squadron skin. inside it I placed all of the decals for that skin.


    Next i opened the decals.ini folder for that skin and changed the decalfileformat line to have 417 in front of the decal I wanted to useso it looked like this:











    Now the decals still appear on the air craft but don't clogg up your aircraft folder this will also make uninstalling a skin much easier


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