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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Also the IsraelME terrain is much more demanding than previous terains, the solid and alpha object is pumped up extremely, you can see much more objects than you could in WOE for example. Also there is a new effect called Farterraineffect.fx, that baby does not help fps either I edited the terrain DATA.ini a bit, downgraded it to WOE levels and it seems I got a fps improvement out of it, but I doubt that would help you guys with 2GB RAM and modern gfx cards...
  2. I have F-15C/D/E/K/I/J/ACTIVE + stock ones and since I got this game there wasn't a single day I played but didn't use atleast one F-15 So, yeah I kinda like 'em...
  3. Novi Avion

    Yes it means exactly "New Plane". Anyway considering the finantial state of Yu in those times, I doubt it would happen even if there was no war/separation of Yu... But the model does look pretty :yes:
  4. Thx, I know you have spent a lot of time to make it as accurate as possible and can't wait to get my hands on them And I have to get "the Hunters" and watch the whole thing
  5. Thx I was intending to look at the .LOD with the hex editor but must admit I was a bit lazy
  6. Ok here is what I tried so far: Kfir C7 - missing some stuff in the cockpit, FM great I made nearly indentical spin with stock C2 F/A-18A - no graphics anomalies, can pull about 20G's and is very sensitive in pitch(hard not to black out) F-15C MSIP update - WF - works flawlessly F-22A - WF F-16A ADF - WF MiG-21MF cockpit - WF Su-27 -WF(just weapons missing) Will try some more EDIT: C-130J - WF AV-8C - WF except rather strong roll to left A-10-Modern(from A-10 pack here) - WF missing tracers and smoke effect for GAU-8 MiG-31 FireFox - don't touch the burners you will glide very soon F-5E - WF, interesting behaviour at low speed very cool Kestrel - WF Su-15TM - WF It seems to me that all the stuff generally works pretty well
  7. Who gives a fu*k anyway? Those planes are not flyable but are made so after violent and illegal code braking...
  8. I hope you will never make that happen and I wish you as many failures and headaches during the process you can imagine. :yes:
  9. As I said when I finished my Vietnam tileset work, I already had Germany in progress, however for a long time I couldn't find a proper inspiration to finish it, it hitted me not so long ago and...well...here are a few screens of it: First, high altitude view, I think it looks pretty natural... And a series of low-alt shots: This two tree-top level shots I believe show that things are not featureless even on the deck, this is however normal for higher res(512x512) tiles... Coastline is also based on satellite pictures, not "hand" drawn... Same is valid for river shores, and cities are not all in concrete, there's some green stuff there too Montain tiles are based on area in the northern Alps and as you can clearly see I use JSF_Aggies tree texture which fits perfectly with the tiles Some compromises have been made for the terrain, biggest being the huge, no actually enourmus green areas which do not exist in reality, atleast not in modern Germany, so I didn't make them so, but rather as featureless(buildings and trees) cultivated areas. Maybe some time in the future I find an even better solution, but...who knows, I did this for myself and I think it is pretty good as it is. Ofcourse I will share this here on CombatAce, I just need to finish a few things up and it's done, I will probably(but not 100% sure) upload tommorow but not later than this weekend. As always, comments and opinions are welcomed
  10. Hehe, thx As for the patience it's really a non issue for me, I see where did things go wrong and if it pokes my eye too I write it down for future correction, if I consider it too minor to be bothered with...ah well we have an old saying in Croatia: "in on one ear, out on the other"
  11. Hmmm, oops? Yup I will definitely fix that in the future update, just keep in mind that I don't know when will that be Thx that was my main goal, to come as close to ilusion of variety as possible...
  12. *Comes back from Sinai, leaving MiG wreckages all over it* Squid this is nice report I do have to explain some things... 1. Yup those roads are a pain to align, I don't know how I didn't notice that before, thx for reporting it will be fixed 2. Airbase tiles don't exist on GermanyCE tileset, they are instead placed on huge green areas, since thousands square miles of nothing but low green grass do not exist in Germany(don't know how did TK's terrain guys come up with that ) I had to make a compromise, fixing it would require hand tiling of every airfield, on my list but no promises 3. Yes I noticed that too, however target placement is my red line, sorry guys... 4. As for the river colour, I didn't made up the colour, it's a photo, generally clean rivers on a clear sunny day will appear blue, as all water does. All in all if you set mission weather during the middle of the day and sunny, colour is correct, evenings and early mornings especially cloudy or with rain, colour is not correct. I generally got tired of hangover gone bad river colours so I made it this way 5. Ok, but all questions and comments should go to CA_Stary as he did the trees, and I just included them in unchanged state 6. Maybe but I like it this way, not every road looks like a Versailles parks and driveways :) 7. I agree with you completely, but this is pretty much game limitation, while down low things will look better without those shadows, when you go just a bit higher on some mid altitude, the terrain will look highly artifical and maybe the proper word is cartoonish. Possibly a matter of taste Oh and there are some cows, you guys just need to look harder
  13. Yes I meant you need Wings Over Europe, because this was made for the terrain that came with it
  14. By the time you guys read this, it will be uploading I have to go, hopefully when I return I'll have WoI for only 30$+a beer or two(extra price for bothering a buddy with a credit card)
  15. OK guys, it's done all trees and objects are in place I also fixed the seams I had on the shoreline There's still some funky bug with the tileset where in place of one texture different textures with alpha channels exchange every second or so but right now I'm waay to tired to even think about possible cause to that anomaly and that is the sole reason I'm not uploading it right now. However I'll fix it tommorow and finally upload it on CA Here are just two pics I took from this evening testing:
  16. Well Wrench I'll hold 'ya to this, but not before... June? Actually my plan was/is to make a whole new HFD(whole Balkans Penisula), tile it with some kick-ass satelite imagery based tiles and then...play FSX on it since I'm afraid of laying targets in SF series So maybe when/if that happens I'll be knocking on your PM box...
  17. Hehe wishlists are always fun I'll try to avoid very well known WiP's we expect in "two weeks" MiG-29M Su-35 or 37 B-1B - maybe biggest wish Dassault Raphale
  18. I am very interested in making/improving Balkans terrain, and I will most definitely start work on it when I finish my current projects, however...don't expect hyper warp speed on it...
  19. Well I saw this low quality one here: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Han...42/amrcfram.htm
  20. Don't kick my hopes down, he said a month or two
  21. OK guys, I only have to place CA_Stary's trees and objects on river tiles and after that check if there are some errors and big eye poking seams, I have to run soon but I'll be working on it tonight for sure so I expect to upload VERY soon :yes: Well I don't know about Israel, Polak has done hi-res for Gepards Israel and WOI terrain looks great judging by screens(I'm still in the process of getting it, maybe not before CD comes out ) so I don't think I'll do Israel but never say never, as for FE since I don't have much interest in pre-WW2 planes I didn't get FE so I doubt it will happen. As for my other projects I have Korea Autumn in high res practically completely done and a secret project that I'm working on using a bit changed tehnique which IMO offers a better look. I'll post some screens of GermanyCE with CA_Stary's farms and forrests mod this evening so you see how it looks like now
  22. Isn't refueling possible in WOI? I don't have it so I don't know, but if it is and if let's say it's possible to refuel on aircraft carrier maybe they designated KC as aircraft carrier and when you come into it's ini.* defined range you refuel automatically, or something like that lol Just speculating...

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