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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Afghanistan DataFile=Afghanistan_data.INI TargetFile=Afghanistan_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Afghanistan_types.INI MovementFile=Afghanistan_movement.INI NationsFile=Afghanistan_nations.INI BriefingText=Afghanistan_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Afghanistan_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE EnvironmentFile=Afghanistan_Environmentsystem.ini CatFile=..\IsraelME\IsraelME.cat <<<<This is the file Viggen mentioned. The cat file depends on the basic game you use. This is the line for SFP1: CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat So it must be if you use WOE as basic game: CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat And so for WOV: CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat
  2. File Name: MiG-21M Fishbed-G File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 28 June 2010 File Category: Mig-21 Fishbed MiG-21M Fishbed-G for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV ************************************* HISTORY ************************************* In the 60th the MiG OKB developed a recon version of the MiG-21. This bird (MiG-21R) got a bigger tank on the back. Basing on the MiG-21R the soviets developed the MiG-21S, a fighter plane with an improved radar RP-22 and a better weapon system. The S had 4 hardpoints under the wings and the big backtank of the R. But it had no internal gun. For export an simplified version was developed and called MiG-21M. The M looked very similar to the S, but got the old RP-21 radar. Because the costumers demanded an internal gun the MiG-21M got as first plane the GSha-23. On paper the MiG-21M had a good performance. It was twice as efficient in the ground attack role than the older MiG-21 versions and was also able to carry the double number of air to air missiles. But in reality the pilots did not love this bird. The MiG-21M was much heavier than the MiG-21F, PF, PFM (SPS-K) but had the same engine. So the agility of the older planes was lost. In contrary the MiG-21M was a very stable gun plattform. Later in service the MiG-21M was updated some times. It got the protection plates below the side air intakes (Startklappen) which should avoid FOD incidents, but also protect against gun smoke which could harm the engine. In some cases the MiG-21M got the engine of the MiG-21MF. The bird in this package is the basic MiG-21M without protection plates and periscope on the canopy, as it was used in the Warshaw Pact and Syria. It represents an early eastgerman LSK/LV MiG-21M before major upgrates. ********************************************** MiG-21M for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits ********************************************** While making the MiG-21M i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files! The plane itself: ~~~~~~~~~~ Model and skin by TK The Cockpit ~~~~~~~~~ Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian The tactical numbers. ~~~~~~~~~ basing on the MiG-21F numbers by PauloPanz And finally my little share ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I edited the Data file to delete the periscope and the protection plates and made some othe minor changes. I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit. ********************************************** INSTALLATION ********************************************** 1. unzip into your aircraft folder The subfolder MiG-21M will be created Thats it! Enjoy flying. ************************************************ For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany Juni 2010 Click here to download this file
  3. Again. The position of the plane at the runway is defined in the _airfield.ini file. If you has not the correct file on your game you will find your plane at the position and situation you descriped. Afghanistan terrain is written for Wings over Israel. So it use stock files of this game. A simple solution of the problem would be that you open the _targets.ini of a terrain where you has no problems and look which _airfield.ini is used there. Then use this file for afghanistan_targets.ini [TargetArea002] Name=Jalalabad Airbase Position=876000.0,679000.0 Radius=7071.067871 ActiveYear=0 Location=1 Alignment=friendly AirfieldDataFile=soviet_airbase1.ini <<<<< This is the mentioned file try to change into desert_airbase1.ini NumSquadrons=4
  4. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Brasil : Netherlands Argentina : Germany It will be great!
  5. Version


    Version 2.1 * problem of white squares of missing tiles is solved. Some computers in certain regions of the world were unable to understand the german umlaut Ü. Names of terraintiles are thatswhy changed. * added a new version of Polaks great Pyramids and also placed 2 new big Temples on the map. Thanks for it Polak! You find them some kilometers north west of egyptian base Beni Suef. * added an additional Oilfield on the Sinai * added 36 new empty targetareas on the Sinai to support Campaignbuilders who can use this points as waypoints for a dynamic campaign * included a folder English. In this folder you will find 2 files with translated targetnames. If you want to change the german terms into english ones, then copy this files into your Israel 2 folder. (I hope my translations are correct.)
  6. MiG-21M Fishbed-G



    MiG-21M Fishbed-G for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV ************************************* HISTORY ************************************* In the 60th the MiG OKB developed a recon version of the MiG-21. This bird (MiG-21R) got a bigger tank on the back. Basing on the MiG-21R the soviets developed the MiG-21S, a fighter plane with an improved radar RP-22 and a better weapon system. The S had 4 hardpoints under the wings and the big backtank of the R. But it had no internal gun. For export an simplified version was developed and called MiG-21M. The M looked very similar to the S, but got the old RP-21 radar. Because the costumers demanded an internal gun the MiG-21M got as first plane the GSha-23. On paper the MiG-21M had a good performance. It was twice as efficient in the ground attack role than the older MiG-21 versions and was also able to carry the double number of air to air missiles. But in reality the pilots did not love this bird. The MiG-21M was much heavier than the MiG-21F, PF, PFM (SPS-K) but had the same engine. So the agility of the older planes was lost. In contrary the MiG-21M was a very stable gun plattform. Later in service the MiG-21M was updated some times. It got the protection plates below the side air intakes (Startklappen) which should avoid FOD incidents, but also protect against gun smoke which could harm the engine. In some cases the MiG-21M got the engine of the MiG-21MF. The bird in this package is the basic MiG-21M without protection plates and periscope on the canopy, as it was used in the Warshaw Pact and Syria. It represents an early eastgerman LSK/LV MiG-21M before major upgrates. ********************************************** MiG-21M for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits ********************************************** While making the MiG-21M i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files! The plane itself: ~~~~~~~~~~ Model and skin by TK The Cockpit ~~~~~~~~~ Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian The tactical numbers. ~~~~~~~~~ basing on the MiG-21F numbers by PauloPanz And finally my little share ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I edited the Data file to delete the periscope and the protection plates and made some othe minor changes. I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit. ********************************************** INSTALLATION ********************************************** 1. unzip into your aircraft folder The subfolder MiG-21M will be created Thats it! Enjoy flying. ************************************************ For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany Juni 2010
  7. Mein Sohn (9 Jahre) hat von seiner Oma gehört, daß sie irgendwo im Fernsehen gesehen hat, daß irgendjemand in seinem Keller einen "echten" Flugsimulator gebaut hat. Der sei so echt gewesen, daß sogar Berufspiloten kommen würden um darin zu üben. Natürlich ist Sohni total begeistert und will nun auch so ein Teil haben. Das übliche "Papa, mach mal!" Hat jemand von euch ne Ahnung wie man sich so ein Teil zusammenschraubt? Gibt es da Pläne oder Vorbilder?
  8. Simulator im Selberbau. Ist das möglich?

    Wenn jeder diese Rechner so lange zum starten braucht wie mein olles XP Teil, dann habe ich eine Anlaufzeit von 64 Minuten. Na mal schaun, was meine Finanzministerin zu dem Projekt sagt.
  9. Do you use Afghanistan terrain in WOI or in an other game? At the first view i would say, you miss an airfield file, which defines where the planes should take off, the taxi positions etc. The name of the file is soviet_airbase1.ini. It is a stock file in WOE and WOI.
  10. I prefer WinRAR, but use also WinZip and 7zip.
  11. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    As Linecker said it a long time ago: "Football is a game for 22 kickers and finally the germans win." Yeah it was a great game. A game of 3 double strikes. The first one for Germany 2:0. Then the english came back and shot two goals. (The referee must have had tomatoes on his eyes! not to see that it was a goal!!!) And then finally the second german double which broke der english spirit. I think it was the best game of the championship so far.
  12. Battle of Cambrai - Stock

    If possible all available pilots of your Jasta should start together with you. If the game says start with only 4, take the rest of the squadron with you. It the other pilots are exausted, then start alone, but avoid combat. Simply run away and if you see a chance to fight under equal conditions with the enemy then starts to hunt. The german word for fighter pilot is "Jäger" or "Jagdflieger", what means "Hunter" and explain the success of the german pilots in WW1. You must fight like a hunter, not in the english way of fighter. Only then you will be successfull.
  13. The F-16ADF Air Defence version was the only F-16A which was able to use the Sparrow in service.
  14. Deutsch-Sprachkurs

    Na gugge an! Der Fachmann staunt und der Laie wundert sich. Habe mir mal aus Gaudi die russische Version eingestellt. Lesen kann ichs noch, aber beim verstehen ist Ebbe. Da bleibe ich lieber beim guten alten Englisch.
  15. Die Fahne am Auto

    Folgende Mitteilung fand ich vor wenigen Minuten in meiner Mailbox: "INFORMATIONSAUSGABE - STRASSENVERKEHRSAMT - JUNI 2010 In Deutschland hat sich die Qualität der Pkw-und Lkw-Fahrer deutlich verschlechtert. Aus diesem Grund hat das Straßenverkehrsamt ein neues System eingeführt, um schlechte Fahrer zu identifizieren. Mit sofortiger Wirkung werden allen Fahrern, die sich im Straßenverkehr schlecht benehmen - unter anderem durch plötzliches Anhalten, zu dichtem Auffahren, Überholen an gefährlichen Stellen, Abbiegen ohne zu blinken, Drehen auf Hauptstraßen und rechts überholen - Fahnen ausgehändigt. Sie sind rot, mit einem schwarzen Streifen oben und einem gelben Streifen unten. Dadurch sind sie für andere Verkehrsteilnehmer als unfähige Autofahrer zu identifizieren. Diese Fahnen werden an der Autotür befestigt und müssen für alle anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer gut sichtbar sein. Die Fahrer, die eine besonders schwache Leistung gezeigt haben, müssen je eine Fahne auf beiden Seiten ihres Autos befestigen, um auf ihre fehlende Fahrkunst und ihren Mangel an Intelligenz aufmerksam zu machen. Bitte an andere Verkehrsteilnehmer weiterleiten, so dass alle die Bedeutung dieser Fahnen verstehen." :grin: Mit freundlichem Gruß
  16. Try this: http://combatace.com/files/file/5712-su-22m4-fitter-k-susi/
  17. The Pe-8 was a 5 engine plane. One was in the fuselage and used as turboloader for the 4 other engines. Nice bird.
  18. The greatest past combat FS ever

    EAW. Was my long time favorite sim. And still today i have this old but fascinating game on my PC.
  19. My First Combat Flght Simulator

    "MiG-29" for Amiga was my first sim, then came Falcon3.
  20. Version


    F-16A arab nations ___________________ It includes two skins. One for the EAF and one for the RJAF. The plane is set for using chinese weapons (US weapons are not accepted for the red side) and for use for the red side. Hope you enjoy it Michael Gepard +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Finally some words: The F-16A arab nations is my thank you for Team Viper who made the most job for this bird. I only gave them the colors of the egyptian and jordan air forces and tweaked it a little bit, so that they now flying for the red side. I also played a little bit with the cockpit data and made finaly a new loading screen. But without the great skills of Team Viper F-16A arab nations would never have born. And here the names of the guys who made the most of the job (99%): Original Model by Swede Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt Flight Model by Column5 Skins by Wpnssgt & USAFMTL F-16 Cockpit (BETA) by Wpnssgt
  21. In the game the nuclear weapons show not all effects real nukes have. A real nuke has a shock wave, the electro magnetic pulse and the heat effect. Only the shok wave is modelled.
  22. Starfighter Affäre!

    Zu meiner Zeit, d.h. vor 10 Jahren hieß das noch Diplom. Regelstudienzeit 9 Semester. Was für heutige Verhältnisse üppig ist. Aber mehrere Klausuren an einem Tag gabs auch bei uns schon. Nur mal nebenbei ne Frage zum Starfighter Radar. Was brachte es wirklich? Auf welche Entfernung konnte man ein 16 m2 Ziel (Bomber in der Größe Tu-16) erkennen und auf welche Entfernung einen Jäger mit 3 m2? Bei der MiG-21 mit RP-21 waren es 20km und 7-8 km.
  23. Mirage 2000EM



    Mirage2000EM Egypt ***************** version 1.1 In is version of the Mirage2000EM i have changed the flightmodel to fit in the October2008 patch. With the old flightmodel the Mirage had the tendency to overroll and by using the autopilot to overpitch while landing approach. With version v1.1 the Mirage200EM had become again a very good dogfighter with acceptable handling capabilities. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany January 2010 Readme of version 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------- I. This is a mod of Erwin_Hans Taiwanese Mirage2000-5. It represent the egyptian version of the Mirage-2000E. The Mirage-2000EM was ordered in 1981 and was delivered from 1986. It was intended to act as couterpart to the israeli F-16C. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II. Changes: - weaker engine to represent the M-53/5 - other Radar and weaker avionics - i use the F-15A cockpit which is the closest available to the Mirage2000E cockpit - new skin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ III. CREDITS: I want to say thank you to Erwin_Hans for the permission to mod his Mirage2000-5. The original 3D Model was made by aleks The flight Model was done by IAFmars and YEYEYE and Erwin_hans ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. INSTALLATION: -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder. -For the case that you have no weaponpack you will find all Mirage2000EM weapons in the included Weapons folder. To install follow the instructions in the readme there. ---------------------------------------------------------- V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- VI. The Mirage2000EM is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany November 2008
  24. Hind Sight 20/10

    And i thought the communist idea would be dead!
  25. On this day in 1815

    "I wish it would be night or the Prussians would come!" Wellington. And the Prussians came.

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