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Status Replies posted by Gepard

  1. Hello Gepard... I saw you Vietnamese F-5's and was just curious. Who's F-5 if that? Again just curious.  Thanks, Pete 

    1. Gepard


      It's a F-5E from Centurion2014 package. It includes a lot of F-5E of diffrent Air Forces. Its worth to download.


  2. hey gepard. like the idea of us marines using the f-5e. hope ya can release as a standalone

    1. Gepard


      Why not. Good idea. Give me two weeks!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Hi Gepard,
    where did you get that Ye-8 from ?
    this is not your long-ago-model, no?

    1. Gepard


      IIRC it was a never finished plane made by Logan, the guy who made the Mirage4000.


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