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Posts posted by johnrey

  1. Red Dawn:Super Hornet vs. MiG

    I have nothing else to do at home.So I made this!Patched to Oct 2008.

    This is fictional.Inspiration provided by Baltika because of his SoCal:Red Dawn campaign


    Required Add-ons:




    F-117A NightHawk


    FA-18F Super Hornet


    F-15C Eagle


    MiG-29A Fulcrum


    Su-27 Flanker





    Wrench's SoCal version 2.0


    SoCal v2.0 Hotfix:







  2. I put the New Fulcrums in my WOE "play around" install and flew a CAP in Soviet MiG-29C in 1989 that turned out to be a real Cold War type mission.


    Took off and was vectored to radar contacts, locked one up, but I noticed the target was moving slow as a snail. I closed in, and because I did this I avoided an international incident:




    I forgot I had them installed in this install.. I did the right thing and buzzed them and did not kill them.

    Gun 'em to bits!!!!!!!!


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