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Posts posted by johnrey

  1. Sounds can make you crap when a sound system is place on your throne!(comfort room) :blink:

    I think it was some kind of effect.......I cant remember what it is though...... :biggrin:

    But in Braniac they tried it and it worked!

  2. To proove that an aircraft with double delta configuration could work on amodern aircraft, I've photoshopped a F-22 into looking somewhat what a dual engined double delta aircraft might look like:


    As you can see, the aircraft is bigger, and has fewer angles than the regular F-22. Making this a somewhat better bomber/strike aircraft.

    Any thoughts?

    Try checking this out:




    The FB-22 is in the foreground.


    And this:


    180px-DoD_Lockheed_ATF_DF-ST-87-12789.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:DoD_Loc...ST-87-12789.jpgThe original Lockheed Advanced Tactical Fighter concept (1986)

    Just suggesting. :biggrin:

  3. I've got some wierd glitches with shadows on certain aircraft. I updated the ini's for the patch as recommended in another thread...







    ...And recently I just happened to go to external view when taking off in a Viper and noticed this. Did my plane grow stretchy invisible legs or something?






    It only happens when viewed from certain angles, and only on certain planes including the F-16's, F-111's, and MiG-25. Terrain type doesn't seem to matter.






    It's not a huge deal or anything, but I was wondering what might be causing it.


    Dude, Your plane is a ghost! :biggrin::blink:


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