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Platinum Rogue

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Posts posted by Platinum Rogue

  1. I'm not sure if anyone else here has mentioned it, but some of you might be interested in Flightgear, a free open-source flight simulator. It certainly looks the part, using high-quality models, clickable 3D cockpits, SRTM terrain data and imagery. There's even a working carrier to use, including the elevators :rolleyes:


    Flightgear Home Page

  2. There's a major patch to version 4.08 available which you will need to play it online, and also a beta 4.09 was released yesterday. In terms of mods, IL-2 isn't as open as the TW series, new content only gets added by the developers; Anything else is considered a hack and will get you kicked out of MP games and even some community sites. Except for aircraft skins, there are thousands of skins available.

  3. oh realism...I frakkin love it when dudes whine about realism...how about you plan for literally hours, get briefed, fill out more paperwork than tax forms for like twenty years...more briefings...the frakkin weather guy did not show up again, so you have to find him...then maintenance tells you that 1607 has a leak that they cant find (how can you not find a leak...by definition it...never mind)


    then you finally taxi out (keep in mind you have not even begun to fly yet) and then #2 calls in with an FCR fail and Ops says they can not turn another tail before you loose your range time and weather is moving in anyway...rules say you cant leave him but he cant shoot. so you just lost 25% of your combat power before take off...but you are an A-type (actually you do not want to have to stand in the DO's office and explain why you turned around without even launching) and go anyway with him and his broke jet...but tower cant clear you because some jackass in a Cessna has wandered near the field and is not answering his damn radio...so you wait...finally, green light and you tap the IFF squawk because when you pass 5K it will already be too late and you need to keep looking for that damn Cessna anyway...two...three...damn...four had to abort with hot brakes...how did he even use the damn brakes? oh...he didnt...it was the leak that maintenance could not find...damn...so he switches to another tail and will be 7 minutes late...wait Ops said they could not turn another tail in time...oh they found one...where was it?...damn what does Center want now? What do you mean the other Squadron canceled? damn...the DO is already pissed...I feel it in the "Force"...there goes my OPR...well, I hear Finance is hiring anyway...wait...Moseley cut them to pay for the damn F-22...bet those guys dont get hot brakes...or FCR failures


    Four's off and gaining...now only four minutes late...look at that cloud...bigger than Kansas and not nearly as white...Hmmm...better tap that gauge again...nope...well...there it goes...wait...back again...two says the FCR cleared...then failed...whatever, maybe I should tell him that the other squadron CNX...naw, he will figure it out when they dont show up on radar...damn it! darkstar again...I HATE those guys...always get the guy that sounds like he is 12 and eating a sandwich...bet the Army doesnt put up with this...should be playing golf and drinking at the club like they always say we...what the hell is wrong now?


    Well at least there will be plenty of paperwork to do post RTB...

    That really puts problems with my joystick profile into perspective :wink:

  4. Steerpoint times, heading, altitude and distance are all listed on the waypoints page of the knee-board. So no need to keep switching the DED mode unless you need to know how far ahead/behind schedule you are. It's always a good idea to go home if you're out of missiles, unless you can find some transport aircraft to harrass with your cannon. I usually complete the sweep waypoints, engaging anything I find, then query AWACS for the nearest threat; If there's nothing within 50 miles, I go home.

  5. Got it! You're never going to believe this... It simply needed to reboot. Surprise! First time I've seen that with a game program. Anyway, it's running! :yes:


    So off to the downloads section, see what else I can find... :crazy:


    I was going to suggest that, but expected you would have needed to reboot anyway, after updating DX. Glad you got it working! :good:


    I hope you have a good-sized hard disk for all those downloads and parallel installs :biggrin:

  6. Autopilot isn't very refined in this series. If you engage it at 2000' AGL but your waypoint altitude is 10000', the aircraft will do a max power climb to get to that altitude as quickly as possible, with no regard for fuel or energy management. It will then overtake that altitude, and have to descend again, start accelerating, so the speedbrake will open. This will continue until the AP is able to capture the altitude a couple of hundred feet either way, then the oscillating will gradually smooth itself out. Personally I don't use it, I prefer the wing leveler instead. I fly manually to the waypoint course, then pick my own altitude and engage it once I get up there.

  7. So if you fail to shoot down a mig-21 or whatever threat, it is possible that he may shoot down a buddy later on in the campaign?


    Not directly - The campaign isn't really affected by individual AI aircraft being present or not. F4 campaigns are statistical wars where your own ability to complete missions successfully, reduces the enemy's ability to hold on to ground. If you fail too many missions, or lose too many aircraft, the enemy has higher morale and increased supply, making winning the campaign easier for them.

  8. Out of respect for all past, present and future SF modders, I've read this thread from start to finish. It took 45 minutes. In that 45 minutes I could have taken a Strike Eagle or Tornado up for a gig over the Suez Canal. I found the thread educational, but I can't help thinking I would have enjoyed flying the mission more. Mods are great, and the very essence of what the SF series 'is'.


    Some years ago I made some skins for EECH, I hosted them myself for a while and they were mirrored on a couple of other community sites. I got generally good responses to them from 20 or so guys on SimHQ, and over 1500 downloads from my FTP. My interest in EECH eventually faded and I let the skins become a memory. Quite recently I fired EECH up again and downloaded the 'newest mods', only to find my skins were still being used, albeit enhanced with a cool new weathered effect. Did I feel cheated? Did I feel my rights had been violated? Heck no, I felt quite proud of the fact that the majority of EECH modders thought my stuff good enough to use as a base for something even better, even 5 or 6 years later. That for me was a better pay-off than 2000 posts/emails telling me how great my stuff was (which I didn't get :lol: )


    It's a pity some members of this community have a different agenda.

  9. To the left of the HUD there is a display with a O with a ^ above and a v below. It lights up in response to your AOA. That's the AOA bracket.


    Not quite. Those are the AoA indexer. The bracket is the HUD symbol that appears just left of the centre of the pitch ladder when the gear is lowered.


    Conehead, download this LANDING TUTORIAL, it's all you should need to read to achieve consistently good and safe landings.

  10. Great work, Kodiak. Florian, you were on the right track, it looks like you just needed to crunch the numbers some more.


    I have a couple more issues with the handling of this plane though, un-commanded left roll and what I consider to be excessive pitch-up authority compared with other planes I have in the game. It stalls in a heartbeat with only the gentlest of pulls on the stick. Any chance you could look at some more parts of the data.ini for a clue?


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