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Posts posted by Brit_Radar_Dude

  1. ...and here's my standard cut and paste about MODMAN itself for anyone reading this thread who isnt familiar with using it.




    MODMAN stands for MODification MANager.


    In the simplest terms it allows you to add or remove Mods, aircraft and vehicle skins, etc.


    Some Mods will modify a large number of Lockon files in different folders. To manually install or remove such a Mod is a real pain in the *** and very time consuming - you have to save the old versions of files somewhere, copy in the new files, write down what you have done so you can undo it at some future time when you remove the Mod.


    Imagine if you manually installed a couple of Mods six months ago and you now want to remove them. Can you remember what you did to add them? Can you figure out how to remove them? I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday, so a Utility like MODMAN is a lifesaver.


    MODMAN allows a one-click add or remove of Mods. It keeps the old versions of files in its backup area and it "knows" which files belong in which folders.


    If the Mod or Skin maker has made their Mod or skin as a MODMAN compatable pack then MODMAN will recognise it as such. The pack will contain a file with an extension of .lma or .lma3 or similar that contains the info that MODMAN needs to enable it to add or remove a Mod.


    The vast majority of Mods and skins available on Lockon Community sites are MODMAN compatable these days.


    MODMAN has other features too - you can alter graphics settings with its user friendly interface, etc. Of course it includes an addon maker to allow you to package up your own Mods and skins into MODMAN compatable packs for distribution to the Community.


    All you have to do when you download a MODMAN compatable Mod or skin is leave it as a .zip or .rar file (MODMAN expects them to be zipped, it unzips them for you). Put the pack into MODMAN's ADDON folder, fire up MODMAN and go to the addon manager where it will show you the status of all your addon packs, either installed or not installed, addon name, author, what type of addon it is - skin, cockpit, landscape, sounds, etc. It shows you the readme file and .jpg of the Mod (if the author included such things).

  2. Here is my standard cut and paste about skins, hope it helps.....


    Lockon has a fixed number of slots for each aircraft type, some aircraft types have more skin slots than others. In the ME (Mission Editor), in the PAYLOAD section for an aircraft you can set the skin you want. Note that you can change the skins for flyable aircraft and also for the AI aircraft. When you install a new skin with MODMAN (or manually), then that new skin will replace one of the default skins. Which default skin depends on which one the designer of the new skin chose to replace, ie which slot number he chose.


    Sometimes a readme file with the skin will tell you which slot number, mostly skin designers dont bother and more usually you have to look at each skin to find your new one. When you open up a mission in the Mission Editor and select an aircraft then choose the PAYLOAD screen, you see a picture of the aircraft and you can see what weapon loadout it has, what skin it is wearing, etc. If you look lower left, you see a pulldown menu called COLOUR SCHEME. It tells you the name of the current skin, click on the pulldown and you see the whole selection and you can deduce which slot number the skin is. When you load new skins, it does not necessarily change the name shown in this pulldown menu yet it DOES change the skin. It means you have to look at each skin in turn to find the one you want. Slightly annoying but only takes a few seconds to find the one you want. I'm sure I recall occasionally that new skins I've loaded in the past did change the names in that menu or maybe I just imagined it.... When you finished changing to the skin you want, then don't forget to SAVE the mission (top left save icon).


    This is the most common problem folks have with D/L'ed skins, they have successfully used MODMAN to add them into Lockon but fail in the final step to actually select the skin "in game". This explains why folks get confused when they fly a mission and the new skin doesn't appear.



    The new skin replaces default skin number 3 for the A-10.

    You fly the A-10 quick fly mission straight from the main page.

    Unless that mission coincidentally used skin number 3, then you would see no change.



    The new skin replaces default skin number 3 for the A-10.

    You fly an A-10 campaign you have downloaded from the Community.

    Unless the missions within that campaign coincidentally used skin number 3, then you would see no change.



    This time you make your own mission using the ME and choose skin number 3 in the PAYLOAD screen.

    Now you see the new skin.


    Hope that makes it a bit clearer.


    For skins, modes, tweaks and other downloads, the premier English language site is


    You'll need to register, but well worth it. It's forums are more lively than CombatACE lockon forum is, so you can get quicker help over there. I'm a bit biased as I'm one of the Forum Mods over there....


    My foreign language skills are appalling but I can manage to get round other language websites, you can too.


    So check out the German site jabog32 (but almost all of it is in English too). Epecially good is their selection of Lockon movies.



    Not forgetting our chums over at Check Six, the premier French site


    then click on the sidebar menu Lockon-FC, then skins or whatever you want.

  3. Many of the files on IronHands flanker training site are movies, so you play them using a Media Player and not Lockon.


    To save space they are zipped. When you unzip them and then use a Media Player to play them, it is indeed possible (as SGCSG1 said above) that you are missing the correct codec to play them so you only hear the audio.


    Try the Media Player VLC ( http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ ) it is a freeware media player originally developed as a student project at a French University and now acknowledged as one of the best media players around (over 41 million folks cant be wrong!!). I've struggled to find a movie it wont play! Makes M$ Media Player look like a piece of %$£*.


    Some of the much older stuff on flanker training is in a track format and you do play those back in Lockon, but you need to ensure you have the exact version of Lockon that the track was made with, tracks are very temperamental about that. If you play them back in a different patch verison of Lockon to that verison of Lockon used to make the track, they often do not play back correctly, aircaft will crash instead of flying correctly.


    This is the reason that IronHand went to the movie format so it was independent of Lockon versions. The downside is that they take up more space on his site and take longer to Download.

  4. Hi there, I was wondering if someone could help me out here. I'd like to know how to use that huge air to ground missle which can be equipped on an Su-33. I got Lo-mac, the 1.0 version (for some reason the patch f***ed up with my missle launching). What I already tried to do was to press 7 for air to ground mode and turn on the radar, but nothing happens really. I'm not able to lock onto anything, nor can I fire the missle. mby the missle wasn't built for that kind of mission?

    can someone help?


    First of all you really should install patch v1.02, as actually it did not mess up your missile launching. It changes the weapon release (on US jets only) to be more like the real world.

    You press the ENTER key (or whatever you have that mapped to on your joystick) to fire missiles, rockets bombs. The Spacebar will always fire the cannon on US jets. Russian jets are unaffected by this change, it is US jets only!!


    Look in ...Lockon\Doc\keycommands.doc and you should see the changed key commands highlighted in red. you will find other changes too, eg A-10 CCRP bombing mode added in v1.02, press O for CCRP.



    OK, now to your question about the Su-33 and the Kh-41 missile. I'll start by saying that whilst the Russian Navy planned to equip the Su-33 with this missile, it never happened in ral life - the demise of the Soviet Union and lack of cash at the time meant the project was cancelled. Many websites wrongly persist in crediting the Su-33 with this capability. So it being in Lockon is just a bit of fun.

    1) It is an air to ship missile. you cant fire it at anything other than ships.

    2) the target must be pre-designated in the Mission Editor. So you have to set an ATTACK waypoint and then use the TARGET button to designate your enemy ship as a target.

    3) Once airborne, press 7 for ground attack. If you have other weapons loaded on your aircraft besides the Kh-41, then you may need to press D to select your Kh-41 missile. Press I to switch on your radar. Once you are in range of the target you will see LA (launch authorise) in the HUD. From memory you get this maybe 100km from the target?


    Hope this helps.


    You might want to try visiting www.lockonfiles.com as their forums are still quite active, whereas CombatAce is rather quiet for Lockon these days.

  5. Thanks for the replies



    I finally decide to install LOFC. But I think there are many changes in the gameplay I don't know why but I can't fire a missile with F-15C and A-10 Aircafts. When I press fire the cannon start firing, with the russian aircrafts I play just fine.


    Any ideas?


    Actually the vanilla Lockon patch level v1.02 introduced this change originally. Flaming Cliffs is later than v1.02 so you will see it there too. On US aircraft only, spacebar will always fire the cannon, Enter key will handle missiles, rockets, bombs.


    Why was it done ? To better simulate the real world situation in US aircraft which have seperate cannon and other weapon firing.

  6. Incidentally, this forum is kinda quiet these days for Lockon stuff.


    You may get quicker answers over at the forum at http://www.lockonfiles.com You'll need to register, but it is the primary English language Lockon Community site (for Aircraft Skins, Missions, Mods, tweaks, utilities, etc so likely you will want to go there anyway.....


    or the developers (Eagle Dynamics) forum:-


  7. Which airstrips have ILS? Which airstrips are USA/coalition? :ok: TonyM






    All airstrips have ILS, but you won't see it unless you are in the (approx) right place. This nice picture (credit to Teka-Teka who made it) is helpful. Dual-strip airbases (eg. Sochi-Adler) will only land you on one of the strips and only have ILS on that strip.

    Note that wind (dependent on direction and strength) set up in the mission can make the landing direction swap to the other end of the runway and the ILS swaps accordingly, so check that before you fly.


    As for whether airbases are friendly or enemy, they are all "neutral" until you put aircraft on them. So if you were to set up a simple single player mission with (for example) your Ukrainian player aircraft taking off from Kerch and enemy Russian AI taking off from Krasnodar. You have your dogfight somewhere in between the two bases. Lockon would see Kerch as Ukrainian and Krasnodar as Russian and all other bases as neutral. AI aircraft when they run low on fuel will land at the nearest friendly or neutral airbase. That could mean that your Ukrainian AI wingmen could land at Anapa (which is not very realistic since it is in Russia).


    A way to prevent the AI from landing where you don't want them to is to place an enemy aircraft on the unused airbases, setting their takeoff time to be a couple of days in the future (so it never appears and never interferes with the balance of your mission).

  8. Hello guys I have Lock On Modern Air Combat in V1.01 I have searched over the google for a mod to unlock.......


    There is no Mod to do this for Lockon v1.00 or v1.01 or v1.02, all you can do is use some of the Community made Mods that do what kirbykern said above, ie they overlay an aircraft with the look of another. Great for movies or screenshots, but you still have the flight model and cockpit of the original aircraft.


    If you buy the payware add-on Lockon:Flaming Cliffs (LOFC) then it has additional code that allows a Mod to work that lets you to fly all the AI aircraft.

    HOWEVER, this code was added primarily for movie makers. The AI aircraft will have a mish-mash of the basic Su-27 flight model and the flight model of whatever AI you are flying. All of them will have the default Su-27 cockpit. Some weapons may or may not work. Small aircraft like the F-5 will go like a rocket (small jet with Su-27 engines), large aircraft like the B-52 will fly like brick (big jet but with only Su-27 engines), in fact you will have to start it in the air as you will not have enough power to even get it off the runway.

    So be warned, don't pay for LOFC just to be able to download this Mod. This Mod was designed for movie makers, so they could more easily make the AI do what they want for the perfect movie shot (rather than trying to make the AI do what they want by using the Mission editor).


    Incidentally, you should think about at least upgrading to patch level v1.02, it fixes a few more things and is regarded as more stable than v1.01, but be warned that v1.02 does change a few key assignments and joystick button assignments eg firing the weapons on US aircraft.

  9. I seem to recall that a way that is often used to make an airfield belong to red or blue (instead of being neutral) is to place an aircraft from that coalition to take off from that airfield. But since you do not want that aircraft to interfere with the mission (or affect your FPS by flying around) then set its takeoff time to be hours or days into the future.


    Just place the aircraft on the airfield, set it to takeoff, then set its time / date to the future (bottom left you will see ETA, its layout is hours : minutes : seconds days). Most folks just set it to take off a couple of days into the future.

  10. Crimea Tour (new)

    Crimea tour by Brit_Radar_Dude.


    This tour and the companion Caucasus Tour are based on the original Mark (Shepski) Shepeard Crimea/Caucasus tour.

    Some extra points of interest have been added that warranted the split into two separate tours.

    For LoBrief users, the download includes a .BRF file.


  11. Caucasus Tour (new)

    Caucasus tour by Brit_Radar_Dude.


    This tour and the (soon to be released) companion Crimea Tour are based on the original Mark (Shepski) Shepeard Crimea/Caucasus tour.

    Some extra points of interest have been added that warranted the split into two separate tours.

    For LoBrief users, the download includes a .BRF file.


  12. A-10 Smerch Hunt

    A-10 Smerch Hunt by Brit_Radar_Dude.


    A Smerch battery is hiding in the vicinity of Krasnodar and rocket attacks continue to trouble Allied forces. Intel reports that an abandoned Smerch has been repaired and is being escorted South by road along the Western lakeshore to rejoin its parent unit. Locate and follow this Smerch,its final destination may give us the method by which the enemy are hiding these units from us.


  13. http://media.putfile.com/F14-Tomcat-retirement-tribute


    watch this video... im not sure if its lomac or what game it is but i must have it!!!! where can i get my hands on this????? please ! lol


    No not LOMAC. I read on another forum it is MSFS with an addon.


    If you want to see a LOMAC one, look for Glowing_Amraam's F-14 tribute, link below...



  14. Welcome Vertical_Luke to Lockon. As Lockon has been out for over 18 months now, you might find many forums (eg. this one) a bit quiet these days, better to go over maybe to the UBI general forum ( http://forums.ubi.com/eve/ubb.x?a=cfrm&s=400102&f=13610606 ) or ED's English language forum ( http://forum.lockon.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=33 ). Spend an hour or two browsing recent postings in the help and bug area of both of these and I am sure a bunch of ya questions (and some you haven't thought of yet) will be answered. Dont worry about asking dumb questions though, Lockon forums are some of the most helpful / friendly I have come across.


    Your system should work very nicely - just dont expect the world - the system that can run Lockon totally maxed out has yet to be built :grin:

    Yes - patch it to v1.02 (or go buy FC) - 1.02 fixed many problems. One recent problem you may need to know is that the recently released 71.89 drivers for the 6800 cards are bugged with respect to Lockon and can cause crashes - most folks use (I think) 76.44 - Ive a 9800Pro so not a problem for me :cool: , but I've read a few posts on the subject.....



    Try these sites out for useful info/mods/tweaks/skins/missions/campaigns/tracks. One or two you may need to register to d/load.


    Ironhand site (for extra Lockon training tracks, you are guaranteed to learn something useful from all of them)






    Chappies site



    Lock on skins



    Lucas's site



    ZoomBoy's mission advice (scroll to end to see links to missions and his very useful beginners guides)



    CombatAce (site previously known as BioHaz)



    Konnkussions site for Lockon setup hints and tips



    Lockon checklists and maps



    Evil Joe's site



    Check-six (French site)

    http://www.checksix-fr.com (side menu click on Lockon)


    Alas Rojas (Spanish site)



    JaBoG32 (German site)





    To learn your way around the Lockon map, try these tours......


    Crimea Tour



    Caucasus Tour



    Hope this helps......

  15. You could try editing it and adding lots (a dozen?) of enemy surface ships elsewhere on the map and marking them as TARGET's for the Admiral K's SSM's so it has none left for the ships you are to kill. If it is the Moscow causing the trouble with its SAM's, delete it from your fleet, or replace it with a less capable ship.

    If campaign is password protected, bypass by setting your own password using keystrokes instead of pulldown menu........


    Press "ctrl + left shift + C" then type in a password e.g. 1234.


    Now press "ctrl + left shift + D" and enter your password e.g. 1234

  16. Misty, with a reasonable PC it runs great when patched to v1.02 and with graphics settings set accordingly (plus there are various FPS improvement mods available from the community).

    My average system - A7N8X Mobo, Athlon3000, 1024Mb, 9800Pro 128Mb and I am well happy with v1.02 performance.....


    And of course now you can probably find it for a bargain bin price if you look around.

    There is the Flaming Cliffs add-on (a.k.a. v1.1) which adds many improvements for existing aircraft plus a new aircraft Su-25T with an advanced flight model that folks are simply raving about as the best ever seen in a Sim. In the US, NaturalPoint are selling a CD version, in Europe I think Rcsimulations have it. Or you pay to D/L it straight from EagleDynamics in Russia (big D/L though, nearly 400meg)

  17. That was real old advertising for the game. Due to UBI pressure to get the game released, ED had to drop the MiG-29K and the Su-39 Frogfoot (much of the code for them is still in Lockon, but disabled).


    A mod to enable the code and make them flyable was written by JJalpha and friends (279KIAP), get it here:-




    But for a real later Frogfoot with more realistic flight physics, get the Flaming Cliffs add-on, by all accounts it is excellent.

  18. You say you have latest drivers for graphics card. There have been problems noted with 71.89 drivers causing crashes. Have a look at this UBI forum thread




    There were also posts in the past about SP2 causing folks problems although havent seen posts about that for a while now, so maybe it was a red herring. Still SP1 myself so can't comment from experience.....


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