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Posts posted by Brit_Radar_Dude

  1. No clickable pit in Lockon....




    See above post for getting cockpit mouse viewing working again after patch v1.02


    I had probs with crashing when I was running Lockon on my W98 rig. Patching to v1.02 helped some, but pretty much cured once I moved to WinXP during a PC upgrade.


    You might get more help if you post over on the UBI help forum, include ya system specs (eg A7N8X mobo, AMD3000, 1GigDDR2700, 9800Pro, WinXP SP1, DirectX9.0c).

  2. Wierd, cos that works for me. It puts the screenies into folder ...../lockon/screenshots


    Maybe you can look to see what key the screenshot command is mapped to. From main menu, choose OPTIONS, then INPUT (on the dial top right).

    Then choose OTHER, look 75% down the list to see "Screen Shot" - what key is it mapped to? Try changing it to another key?

    On my UK keyboard, mine is mapped to KEY_SYSRQ (which I assume is the PRT SCR as this does work for me).

  3. Smart opinion around the various forums is that Skypat (the LoMan author) has left the Flight Sim arena so there is little chance of the next version of LoMan ever seeing the light of day.


    Real sad, LoMan must be the best community made Util I've ever come across. Heck - its had over 57,500 D/L's just from the CheckSix site!


    Not all doom and gloom, there is a patch that TekaTeka has done that helps with the probs regarding skins in FC1.1 (probably on several sites but I know LomacFiles certainly has it, it is mentioned in News section http://www.lomacfiles.com).....

  4. I have not done it for some time, but if I remember correctly, fly level about 400kph?, pull back on the stick, then press K.

    It is a scripted manouevre sequence, lasts about 2(?) seconds and ends with the nose level again and you have control of the aircraft again. If it does not work first time, change the speed a little, change how quick you pull the stick, etc.....


    Good luck


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