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Posts posted by Dimus

  1. Is there a way to play 2 home computers with each other? A lan kinda thing? Issue may be OS this on w7 and other on windows Vista....

    It would be fun to fly with/against them when they do the weekend here.

    No big deal just to create pilots for them and play on this machine. I unhooked the pedals for them, they sit on my lap, and use a CH pro-throttle and a Logitech twisty stick.

    Since it can be done over the internet, although with problems, it can surely be done over a LAN connection. It would also eradicate all the lag issues OFF/CFS3 has online. OS difference is not an issue.


    I just don't remember the specifics of connecting OFF on line. It's been too long.

  2. I really hope it will be Hellshade! That would be great!


    I do not hold my hopes too high though. The feature was there from the beginning and several times we tried to use it. The problem was that the way CFS3 works in multiplayer, It causes severe lag issues and you get phenomena like ghost planes and AI jerking around the air that make the situation unplayable. It would be great if these issues were addressed. We will certainly try MP in WOFF once it comes out.

  3. In our online squad we use it extensively because it works great online. We know its faults in terms of realism but we can create our coop scenarios and enjoy flying WWI planes together. Some of the newer maps and objects are quite good and the planes keep evolving. After all it is all a product of modders working for free on a more than 10 year old sim.


    Just a few days ago we were discussing how great it would be if we could use OFF. We tried it several times but could not overcome its CFS3 inherited online problems. Still looking forward to the release of WOFF for our personal offline use.

  4. Thanks Olham! Flaps are nice things that let you approach nose down and so you have a better view. It looks steep but it isn't. It is the attitude. WWI planes did not have those. You had to keep your nose up to reduce speed. The 172 needs less than a third of this runway to stop and even less to take off. If you see I exit the runway on the first of the three exits.


    Now I do have to apologize to elephant for hijacking his thread. For this I will say that I'll offer a free ride whenever any of you are in town, always depending on plane availability and weather.

  5. Thank you for this video Olham!


    The camo is the "Aggressor" camo worn by the opponent aircraft in "Top Gun". It was worn by the F-16Cs when they first came to this country and was adopted by the HAF for other planes as well, like the F-5As and the F-4Es. I think it works well over the sea, where most of these planes earn their living.


    I am going waaay off topic here but below is a much more peaceful video of a friend and me flying an old and battered Cessna 152 (SX-AMM) around the Athens bay. Shot by my friend and his Iphone. The plane did not have working headset jacks so we flew without them. Take off from Tatoi, over Athens, across the bay to Aigina, a touch 'n go at Megara and then back home to Tatoi:




    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.c...ed/zHY-k7A_5vw"?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


    I do fly nicer and cleaner/newer Cessna 172s with GPS and all like the one below (G-IMAD) earlier flight with another friend). None of those available that day, plus the 152 is charged for less and is much niftier to handle.



    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.c...ed/BaYZ96a37go" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


    PS, I can't embed these videos for some reason, just click the youtube links.

  6. That picture is brilliant Elephant, but it should be classified. You can see the whole base layout there. :biggrin: (Btw that is good info if I ever decide to make this one for FSX, thanks!)


    The F-4 is my favorite jet ever! Your friend was lucky to be flying it. My schoolmate who made it to the academy (I didn't :mad: ) was flying the Mirage 2000. After a lot of hectic years of interceptions over the Aegean, he is now flying the EMB-145 AEW. I consider myself lucky to after all these years of longing to fly I am able to fly Cessnas.


    I know the story about the Icon. It's great you got a chance to work on it. Do you ever go to Kefalonia now?

  7. Ha Ha, I know what you mean Olham, That is the Greek summer vacation stereotype, and it is true for most of the Aegean islands. It is appealing to a lot of people missing the sun. Not so much for me though. I like trees and their refreshing shadow in the summertime.


    Back on topic, I checked the Red's schedule and they will apparently leave the country now to go to France for their next show and then back to England. Until next time...


    Now, I need to start flying OFF a bit more again. It's been a while...

  8. Wow, that was nice to watch it from an inside view!

    What a nice job - training in Greece, flying over England and maybe on guest appearances elsewhere!


    Greece is much greener and juicier than I had thought - must be great to live there, elephant and Dimus.


    Looks like a HAF pilot was taken for a ride and recorded these views. I bet he enjoyed it!


    Olham, the western and northern parts of Greece are quite green as they get a lot of rain during the whole year. I know that as every year in Ithaki I have to make a lot of repairs on the house due to damages from water and moisture, most of my vacation is spent doing that. :mad: The Andravida area where this base is located is a fertile farmland as obvious from the video.

  9. I bought it but got bored of it very quickly for the reasons FastCargo mentions. Too lonely and with lack of atmosphere. The graphics and the lighting effects are nice and the FPS are high. IMHO the FM is not good in all planes. This was developed from an RC simulator and the planes still feel a bit RC. Not all airports are detailed but the ones that are look stunning.


    Perhaps it could be developed in to something better as there are good things about it. I believe that the key to longetivity of a sim is the open architecture and MS got it right with the FS and CFS series but unfortunately not with the "Flight" fiasco.

  10. Thank you Olham!


    As I've said several times, I envy this man. :shout:


    If you fly FSX, I've made a freeware scenery for the Fantasy of Flight site, with the good cooperation of the FoF people. You can find it at Avsim and SOH libraries. Search for Fantasy of Flight. It is a good place to fly vintage planes in FSX and be believable.


    I hope one day to be able to visit this place for real.

  11. I checked your post. You have done some excellent work. I agree, you should at least get credit if they did use it.


    Reading the post of the painter, Lucas, at SOH:

    "Personally, I love the Austro-Hungarian paint schemes on their aircrafts. The one you mentioned is perhaps the most spectacular. I was lucky to find black-white picture of this pattern which was a source for mine. It is very hypnotical and I think that it takes it's origin from the art of that times. I had lots of fun creating this one. Note for the repainters: I will prepare and publish the paintkit. The plane uses single 4096x pix texture for the external model so plently of detail can be applied."


    Can't really be sure if it is your fabric unless you compare the textures. If the paintkit is made publicly available and includes this texture perhaps that would be possible.

  12. The old lurker finds a good reason to post.bye.gif


    Well, I am proud to say I was there when P1 came out (bumped into it by chance on the internet) and stuck until HitR. Not enough time to fly it lately but I always remember that it was OFF which got me to know a lot of wonderful people and fly with the Boys of 60 (still doing that actually, and we do miss you Flyby).


    To Winder, Pol and the rest of the fine crew, good luck with P4, really looking forward to its release. Thank you for all you have done so far.Salute.gif

  13. Guys, I've not been posting for quite a while but been following up the developments and I must say I'm impressed and really looking forward to the next OFF incarnation.


    What is most impressive in my opinion regarding the graphics we see is the balance there is between the ground textures, the ground objects and the aeroplanes and cockpits. All of them create a very lifelike picture, especially if one thinks of the age of the base CFS3 engine. Now if you dial in all the native OFF virtues of the campaign engine and historical accuracy, you have another winner in the making.


    Now to be fair, I have to also mention the things that put me off, or at least used to in BHaH. The first one is the depiction of water and shorelines. I know it is a CFS3 thing but water surfaces are very poorly rendered, especially if one compares with how water looks in Il-2 for example, a similar age sim. Furthermore, shorelines, especially lake sides are very angular and unrealistic looking, or at least used to be. Is there something new on these issues in P4?


    The second one is the online performance which actually limits the sim to offline use only. The extremely laggy online performance is what stopped my fellow squadmates in the Boys of 60 squad to move entirely to Il-2 for our online adventures. I know that there is not much you can do on this issue so I really don't hold it against you. You actually did try to make it better in P3. I just wish we could enjoy the OFF wonderland online too without annoying issues.


    Please don't misunderstand my few negative comments above. I have been with OFF since P1 and will continue to support your fine work for the duration of this adventure. Thank you for all you do for us. Keep up the great work.

  14. I am using this tweak since P3 first appeared and I may confirm that it helps with stutters, even when you fly with or against Strutters.grin.gif


    Btw, I haven't posted for a while but still lurking the forums. OFF has not been my sim of choice lately due to lack of time (you need time to really enjoy OFF in career mode). Plus I finally got my PPL after Christmas and I try to build up my real flying hours while I still have access to my bank account in this country.


    Following up P4 evolution and really looking forward to it.

  15. I can very much relate to this OVS! I have a small sporting kite I bought in London back in my student years. I always flew it myself as it is controllable, two strings and it makes turns and loops with very delicate pulls on the strings. This year my daughter (who I believe is of similar age as yours if I remember well, 10) insisted that she took the controls. I was amazed by her control authority over the thing and I just sat on the beach watching her have fun with it until her shoulders got numb. A pilot in the making, and I was thrilled by it.


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