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Rick Rawlings

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Posts posted by Rick Rawlings

  1. Did you try reinstalling? There are some specific steps to take to make sure you get a completely clean reinstall, I think the instructions are in the faq. As Robert mentioned on the other forum, you can use his backup program to save your pilots. Unfortunately, that's the best I got...

  2. Thank you! I am always ambivalent about the move to SPADs because I love diving in with Nieuports and "Planning ahead" and "Thinking things through" are not terms often associated with Rick Rawlings, but that is the kind of flying the SPAD seems to like! Also, the AI seems to suffer less from the Albatros lower wing weakness than a human would, so diving away isn't always as viable as it might otherwise be...

  3. Heh, that's why you are the trooper and I'm only Rick Rawlings! I have been hit at 95% several times and even though you have the losing blood message, I've never seen it go down. I think it represents a superficial wound. I take it as the pilot would recognize that while he just got his bell rung, he's not actually seriously wounded. You'll notice I didn't stick around to finish off Monsieur von Unschlagbar, however!

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