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Rick Rawlings

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Posts posted by Rick Rawlings

  1. On 8/2/2023 at 12:21 PM, Polovski said:

    It was meant to be you leaning into the sight, some guns are not naturally bang in line with the pilot eye (different heights of people too of course).

    Just notch out with the [  ]  ?

    Otherwise you could edit the gunsight view wider in the Sqd aircraft XDP (Sqd for campaign or QC1 for QC).

    Thanks, Pol! The default [ doesn't go out as far as the non-sighted [. Maybe I'll give editing it a whirl...


    Here's #6, which means I am twice as lucky as we thought, TROOPER117!



    • Like 1

  2. Right??? Those darned Huns keep interrupting all the important stuff I am trying to talk about! 

    "So, when you are first in the air...wait, is that an enemy plane?"

    "OK, now that that's over with...wait, is that another enemy plane???"

    "There, now I can finally tell you...oh, for Pete's sake!!!"

    Hard to get any work done in the air!

  3. Man, I was so excited for the move over here and it's soooo quiet! Maybe the new news will help that. Anyway, stumbled on this and thought it was interesting, and in the Unreal engine to boot!



    I'll say, those Germans sure had some square shoulders back in the day!

  4. On 6/15/2022 at 4:52 AM, TROOPER117 said:



    10 hours ago, TROOPER117 said:

    Ok... been back to the specialists and they have given my peepers the all clear... HUZZAH!

    Now it's back to the opticians and get a new  prescription for some new glasses and I'll be good to go  :pilotfly:

    Outstanding news! Just remember to not get the glasses too perfect, or who will you blame for getting shot dow


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