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Everything posted by Olham

  1. FIFA World Cup

    Sir Francis Widowmaker has spoken!
  2. OT Way to go Lucas

    He looks so healthy again now - it can drive tears in your eyes. Of course - some Newkie Bron would have been even nicer, but in that situation you can't be choosy, can ya?
  3. The Bordeaux-Red Baron says: Good hit percentage iss only necessary for zose who can only hav a singel gunn vizz 500 roundz. Fly der "Dark Side" - get two Spandaus - feel free to vaste some ammunishonn! You vill still shredder plenty off der enemies! Mmuahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!!
  4. Counting Kills

    You either did not bring any of the craft down, as Winston explains, or you have made a mistake, like - forgot to fill in the wingmen names above - chose the wrong aircraft type - filled in only one or two wingman and wrote a name wrong
  5. FIFA World Cup

    I'm here, British_eh! Good tip - I wouldn't disagree. Did you see, how hard the Brasilians found it to get into gear today? Those little Koreans didn't seel their skin easily - man, did they work hard.
  6. 57 Meter - god, now I have a hangover!!!
  7. Crapp! My joystick is very good so far, but the hat switch is only recognised as one command. So if I want to add "zoom out", he says "Coolie hat" again.
  8. Great idea, Hellshade! Will set it up like that. Thanks for posting it, Rabu.
  9. Some looked familiar somehow! Mmuahahahahahahaaaaa!!!
  10. What happened here?

    Aaaahhhh!!! I have my OFF Colour Profile back - now it looks at it used to! Thank you, Erik!
  11. Wow - never seen the pilot so close, Rickity! There is even ammo visible in the belt. Perhaps we shouldn't shoot each other down all the time, but walk over for a chat and a beer to be able to admire the details on each crate.
  12. THE VINTAGE AVIATOR AIRSHOW ............Hood Aerodrome New Zealand 24 April 2010........... The "Vintage Aviator Airshow" Part 1 - 3 can be watched in HD - do so and enjoy close looks at beautiful craft. Part 1] BE2c & BE2f; Avro 504; Nieuport 11; Pfalz D.IIIa; Fokker D.VII-111; Sopwith F.1 Camel
  13. Would have put all into one post, but it didn't work. Seems we can only have one video link in one post?
  14. FIFA World Cup

    Yep - that's the main danger. And the Championship is still a way to go.
  15. God, the way you fly, I always hold my breath, expecting your victims to crash into you!
  16. FIFA World Cup

    Guys, I can only say: Germany presented a new football here today. They had announced it in their team play during the European Cup 2 years ago; then some were a bit depressed after not winning that, but they were and still are a young team, and today they showed, that the old way of playing (you lead, so you lean back and close your penalty area) belongs to the past for them. If they can keep up such an energy through 90 minutes for the coming plays, they are a team the others can only fear, I'd say. I had expected through the last decades, that German football would become more and more boring "safety play" - but this team has blown my dark clouds away!
  17. FIFA World Cup

    Not sure about 4 - 0; the Germans rarely play out such high differences; they keep their energy for the next match after a lead of two goals, I'm afraid. My tip was 2:1 for Germany - we will see.
  18. If you have ever tried steep dives in an Albatros, you may have lost a wing or at least a wingtip doing so. Especially pulling out of a dive hard will almost inevitably break your wings. This problem may also be familiar with the Nieuport 17, which I never fly, but which also has fragile lower wings. Now, if you still want to follow an enemy plane down fast, you can do this: bank your craft fully to one side, and give rudder the opposite direction. I'm not sure if this could still be called a "side slip", but this maneuver will make your craft "fall down sidewards", without putting much strain on wings and wires. I have shot down many a Pup or Camel after doing so - they may have been surprised, that I still was behind them.
  19. FIFA World Cup

    I see, you guys are having fun! Soon will be the match Germany - Australia. Now, the Australians are clearly outsiders here - but we know from OFF, that the Aussies can fight! So I can only hope, our boys won't take it too easy.
  20. Well, next time you press "print", then you open the program "Paint" , "Photoshop" or any other picture program, click on "new file" in the pic program (it will automatically creat a file with the size of your desktop), and then you click "insert". That should work.
  21. Credit to UK_Widowmaker for his great SE5a paint job! (I should have asked permission first, bud. I hope you don't mind) He'll be pleased - actually, his head won't fit through the door this eve! Christ, Hellshade - do you ram those Pfalz out of the sky, if you don't hit them??? Very entertaining, good idea with the text lines - your vids cause the fever for action to rise!
  22. That was not "Turkey Shooting"? It was a Campaign mission???? OMG - then it must be REALLY tough for a German pilot to make it to the end of the war...
  23. What happened here?

    Winston, read the thread above the stickies. It may all settle well - give them time.
  24. THE VINTAGE AVIATOR AIRSHOW ............Hood Aerodrome New Zealand 24 April 2010........... The "Vintage Aviator Airshow" Part 1 - 3 can be watched in HD - do so and enjoy close looks at beautiful craft. Part 3] Camels and S.E.5 dogfighting Dr.1; Bristol Fighter escorted by Sopwith Triplane (with WW1 tank; Fokker-Staffel, Triplane, Brisfit and S.E.5 landing)

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