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Everything posted by Olham

  1. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Update 03/22/10 21:55 Berlin wintertime (= GMT + 1) trebby, Austria, added. All the maps are in post 1 of this thread
  2. The Lone Wolf

    It can get really funny with such programs. I once had got a PC game with such a funny translation. It said about the sound card in German: die gesunde Karte (the healthy card) "sound" has two meanings, but they picked the wrong one obviously
  3. The Lone Wolf

    Makes sense to me, and feels right - changed it; thank you, Dej. Forgive a German, when he doesn't know the poem you mention. Could you post it here, perhaps?
  4. You must choose "Personal Skin" in "Workshop" (bottom, center, I think). You have to give up "Fuel management" for it - your decision. Trebby, please send me a PM with your town and country - I want to add you to the OFF Forum Pilots World maps. Thanks!
  5. The Lone Wolf

    Wellllllllll - ahemmmm - this may be the result, when you send it through an Asian translation software - not quite what I wanted to say. But if you did this from your school German lessons, I must say, you memorise quite a lot of vocabulary. Even though it is partly just used wrong. Especially in a poem, it seems quite tricky - who knows, how my poem is looking for you.
  6. Catch: Now Mahlo if I can just take your mind off the Albatros for one minute... Wow - never seen that one! Thanks for sharing, Catch. Do you have data about it (speed etc.)? Yeah, like in every army, there are often people how manage to sell their planes better than other guys, who may have the better planes. The early Bf 109 had a competitor, a Heinkel fighter design, which was the better pure fighter in Udet's oppinion. But the Luftwaffe took the other, cause it was more able to do multi-purpose stuff. Then, there were also wrong decisions about aircraft like the Me 262 jet fighter. A perfect bomber interceptor was used as a short range bomber - one of those decisions of the GroeFaZ.* (* Groesster Feldherr aller Zeiten = greatest field marshall of all times)
  7. Poor FPS...wondering why

    One thing that eats FPS can be "scenery details" (trees etc.), which also cast a shadow. I have a Dual Core E8300 and a HD4870 graphic card. I had to set "scenery detail" slider down to 3, and "Terrain detail" to 4, and now it works better. Also try "air activity" on "medium". Yes, it is demanding. This sim also simulates flights in your area, that are not on your route. So, if you fly a different course, you can meet them. Most other sims only generate aircraft in your direct area. But this is so much more immersive - here you know, there is really more going on around you. Wouldn't miss it. Watch a "review" after a mission - you may be quite asthonished, what else has happened in that hour in your area.
  8. No flying, heavy overcast

    I have seen cavallery some time ago. But carts pulled by horses - not yet.
  9. From time to time, I like to stroll throught the "Galleries" at "The Aerodrome" website. Today, I saw through the many color profiles of Ronny Bar again. Nice "stroll" with a mug of freshly brewed coffee. Here is an appetizer (and some links): http://www.theaerodr...ge.php?i=564&c= http://www.theaerodr...ge.php?i=520&c= http://www.theaerodr...ge.php?i=519&c= http://www.theaerodr...ge.php?i=502&c= http://www.theaerodr...ge.php?i=562&c= One is Manfred von Richthofen's "red Dreidecker", which wasn't overall red here. Nicely done: the red overpaint on the sides is partly worn off by castor oil fumes.
  10. OFF Forum Pilots Maps

    Update 03/21/10 22:33 Berlin wintertime (= GMT + 1) Toadvine, Washington, added. All the maps are in post 1 of this thread
  11. The Lone Wolf

    Hmmm - the line "Takes, in the blink of an eye" doesn't work - would be one silabel too many. It needs to have only six. Otherwise, the rhythm would be wrong. Could I say "once" for that "now" too ?
  12. No flying, heavy overcast

    Haha, good one, Winder! Does this mean, that it might be entertaining to ride around in that Model T, or even the bicycle? Would one find other things you put in there for fun? Maybe, I'll do a bike ride around late August, to see if I can find some boletus - they are my favourite mushrooms.
  13. ATI 10.3.a drivers out

    The Beta version works fine for me so far.
  14. Lothar's Story

    Vimy Ridge was actually the front line; and if he had disappeared behind it, that doesn't mean he was that far behind the lines. So it would have taken some time to climb to a descent altitude. (I didn't get, what aircraft he was flying; I suppose, an Albatros D III) It could be safer to remain low, than to climb to an altitude, that was still no advantage against enemy fighters, but made you more visible to high flyers. And I think, as long as they were never hit by ground fire bullets, they felt very superiour, very safe up there. An Albatros is a solid aircraft; you are surrounded by a wooden fuselage, and it may give a pilot the idea, he could not get seriously hurt by a bullet. Only after that hit, he would have never felt the same about it. But this is just my feeling about it.
  15. Aircraft Population

    Sub-Lieutenant Ritchie Teacrate Have been over there. Great amount and choice of craft. I had a similar "big day" some time ago, and it feels like the real life air battles. Imagine, what we might get with air activity set to "high" (never done that yet). The gunner in that two-seater seems to have a very good field of fire?
  16. The Lone Wolf

    Thank you, Herr Prop-Wasche and Creaghorn - yes, every (very rare) now and then, I create some own music, or write a little poem / song text. It only works, when I feel that sudden urge, and then I must write it down quickly. After second and third looks a bit later, it gets the shape to be content with. Still far from great poetry, rather in a line with other soldier's / pilot's poems. But that's okay for me.
  17. The Lone Wolf

    Nope - I mean "god". Since it is so impossible to give "god" a face or figure, I sometimes feel like facing god in looking into the sun - you just can't see the sun either, cause it's too bright; you must close your eyes - and then you may bathe your face in the sun - or in god, who is all creation.
  18. Lothar's Story

    Thanks for sharing, Duce - yes, that "hunting crave" is not yet MvR's "cool hunting".
  19. SE5a won't keep firing

    Toadvine, welcome Over Flander Fields! Try to change the "Smooth" slider in TrackIR to get rid of the jaggies. also check my "Graphic Settings" advice in another recent thread here: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/54198-graphic-settings-are-they-really-that-easy/page__view__findpost__p__396674 And please send me a PM with your town and country - I want to add you to our OFF Pilots Word maps. Thanks!
  20. No flying, heavy overcast

    You mean, this signpost was REALLY in the sim? No joke???
  21. The Lone Wolf

    Thank you, guys - I corrected the words above now.
  22. The Lone Wolf

    Thank you, guys. I don't have it in German yet; will give it a try. But English is so much shorter of silabels, and therefor easier to place more short words into a verse - like made for pop songs, I always say. Perhaps you can tell me the wrong bits, so I could correct them? But a German one will be sent tomorrow. Promised.
  23. OT Once upon a Time

    Hasse Wind, I'm afraid he wanted to make "Hun Widows", when he took that name.
  24. OT Once upon a Time

    I used to tell her to complain about the carbon oxide exhausted by the industry; and that my "by-product" was first class "Bio ware". Made her laugh.

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