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Posts posted by Cliff7600

  1. Hi Lt.!


    Man, are you training to become an astronaut?

    When somebody will release the Space Shuttle, you'll be ready...


    Very impressive!

    When I was practising to low down my flight level, you were raising up your.

    I really want to try it, I think I'll be back soon in the MiG cockpit :)


    PACMAN, if you have new screenies and more action reports, don't hesitate.


    It's a real pleasure to read your posts guys, thanks!



  2. I've changed something about the weapons stations in the data.ini


    The "pontoons trick" does interfere with the loadout.




    StationID=1 -->StationID=5

    StationGroupID=1 -->StationGroupID=3






    And I've changed the "NGun1" entry to "NGun".


    Very pleasant to fly, I like it!

  3. Salut Higgins!


    Si ça t'embêtes pas trop, je me méle de ce qui ne me regarde pas et je fais une petite trado, même si je suis pas spécialement anglophone :)


    Higgins :


    "Good day,

    Very good model...

    I think that the gauge n°4 is a fuel gauge for the nourrice (main fuel tank).

    Sorry to reply in french, but I don't speak english enough to write it.

    Kind regards,



    Voilà :)


    Qu'est-ce qu'on f'rai pas pour un Etendard IV!

  4. Come on guys!


    I've been one of the 71 who read the post and didn't say "thank", why?


    I didn't think that such talented and inspired modders do their things to have thanks from me. Ok, I may be a tiny small part of this community but the way I feel is I am just not worthy to enjoy such beautifull and interesting mods.


    But the fact is, yes I do enjoy them!


    So, if you want to know what I feel about the modders community and if you want to know my very humble opinion :


    I cannot express the thanks you all modders deserve for the terrific work you make, because there ain't no word.

    THANK YOU! is a weak way to reward you for the fun you provide to all of us.


    And it's not just about video game or aircraft sim, sometimes it's just Art.


    If you think it's "something for nothing", let me tell you modders, you are the thing and we are nothing without you.


    Thank you very much to all



  5. Hey, if your OT brings such RF-4 picture from Soulfreak everytime, be my guest Spinners, go ahead and OT to the max! rofl.gif


    Yes those USMC RF-4B tails are quiet numerous and colourfull. I like the Fox from the VMFP-3 as much as Spook (Soulfreak pic).



    Thank you very much Mr Howes!


    Your RF-4B skin contains everything needed to make a good mod.

    My main regret is not being able to use all of your decals because of the "transparent thing" issue (more than 6 decals on the same mesh...)


    So here's the result, this skin is from eburger68 SF2V Air & Ground Expansion Pack drinks.gif


    Let's Recce!

  6. Hi guys!


    Well, I didn't resist to the temptation of trying this.


    This is the Mirage Factory RF-4C and I tried a stock ThirdWire F-4B skin on it.

    After few modifications, here she is!


    Now it needs some decals and I cannot do that.

    So, here's my request to the decals makers :


    I need the vertical tail squadron marking and the fuselage squadron number decals.

    Maybe few other numbers if you think it's necessary.


    Is there a decal maker that wants to do that?

    You choose the USMC recce squad you want, as long as it used that generic USMC grey skin.


    Thanks for reading :)



  7. Hi !


    I have some problems with the PBY Catalina.

    I'm running a WOE/V install level 06.


    There is no yaw control when I take off and fly while, when the plane is taxying, the yaw control works with the nose gear.


    The rudder doesn't move at all and there's no flaps moving either.

    Both rudder and flaps appear in the PBY_data.ini and I checked to fly within the 128 max speed limit control (knots?).

    Anyway the rudder doesn't move when grounded at 0 knt.


    Is there something not combatible with my install?



  8. Hi guys!


    I'm into the B-26K by Kesselbrut, it's an awesome bird, great fun but not that easy to handle.

    I try to modify the B-26K cockpit.ini in order for the fuel gauges to be more readable.


    The lovely tiny needles are moving the way they should but I am not satisfied with the result in flight.


    Do some of you know how many tanks fitted the B-26K Counter Invader, where they were located and how much fuel there were in it?


    I found some datas about it but it makes no sense with the data.ini : 6935 kg

    3028 kg in each wing and 439.5 kg in each wingtip tank.


    I found 400.26 gal in each wing (300.13 gal behind each engine and 100.13 gal in each inner wing) for a WWII A-26B.


    That doesn't match at all, even with the difference of the wingtip tanks...

    (Did I mention the conversions?)


    Well, if you know something, it would be kind from you to share your knowledge, 'cause I'm doubting seriously about what to do.



  9. Column5's VF-41 skin for F-4J

    This is the VF-41 skin by Column5 for the ThirdWire stock F-4J.


    It was for the F-4B (or F-4N) and 11th_AF_Taxman suggested to adapt it for the F-4J.


    Tested on WOE, it should work with any Thirdwire Strike Fighter 1 series install.


    Thanks to Column5 and 11th_AF_Taxman!


    Have some fun!


    You cannot use this file for any payware.


  10. Hi PACMAN!


    Tell me, do you carry a recon pod with your RAF Jaguar?

    If yes, please, which one? (can you post a picture?)


    As usual, I tried to complete a recce by your way (it's pretty clear explained and it's quiet always the same) but I didn't make it!

    You know... Parani what-if, nightflight, bad weather, enemies...


    I like : "When all else fails turn for home and accept that sometimes it's too tough to get through", wise man!


    I find it hard to act wisely when playing a sim. It could be a good training for RL yet :)


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