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Posts posted by Cliff7600

  1. Not relevant for a road map, but definitely not made yet.
    I mean, it's more "don't do that" but if you do then call me for the data.ini files.

    X-15 just for the fun of high speed / high altitude / gliding back to airfiled
    (-> the NF-104 and F-103 ThunderWarrior can already do it)

    F2Y Sea Dart
    and any seaboat

    SE 5000/5003 Baroudeur


    And on a more realistic note (operational aircraft with actual landing gear)

    F-94C Starfire
    ( -> the CF-100 Canuck and the F-86D Sabre can already provide the challenge of an only-A2A-rockets armed fighter)

    But anyway X-15 and F-94C are beautiful aircrafts !


    For the WW2 aircrafts

    Ju-188 and Do-217K/M with a cockpit, for the glass nose view.

    • Like 2

  2. IIRC Dohar is not TW's idea.
    It's from @whiteknight06604 . He made a MiG-19 skin in the SPF1 download section.

    Tell me if I'm wrong.

    I redone the decals for my own use : (Edit : I reload them because the Insignia decal was bleeding, sorry for that)

    Dohar Decals replicas.7z


    But you have to create the Dohar air force in the Nation.ini file.
    In my install it's "Insignia218" and "FinFlash218" but it depends on your nation.ini file content (the number of the nation).

    Sharnak is a British protectorate so the RAF and RN should rule their sky lol
    If you create a Sharnak air force, please share it !

    (and in my install Mercenary is an ally and flies for Dhimar)


    • Like 1

  3. It's better not to ask
    Sometime, things are not what they seem. More often than you think.
    The control tower has nothing, invisible scratches on the paint, no-one will notice.
    I could definitely explain. It's classified you know.
    You moved it since the last time I went, don't you ?
    Metal junk value has skyrocketed lately, we'll sure have a good deal.
    I'll pay for the cleaning. Send me the bill.
    Frankly, I don't remember.


    Shock absorbers tuning

    • Haha 7

  4. Hello

    To me it seems an easy fix, but I just can't find the "Stock TK Maxx Hawker Hunter F6" so I can't reproduce the issue and solve it.

    MaxRPM is 1.0
    Sometime you have a value over 1.0 but it's FullABRPM=, meaning the use of the afterburner increase the RPM.
    So if the max RPM is 3450 it's MaxRPM=1.00, or max RPM 8500 it's MaxRPM=1.00, or max RPM 10000 it's MaxRPM=1.00. It's the basis setting.
    The difference will be in the cockpit file.
    If you use the stock Hunter cockpit, the RPM gauge is set to max at 8000 RPM.
    To have 8500 as max RPM it should be edited in the cockpit ini file.

    The jump from 6500 to 8000 is because you changed the RPM value but not the Throttle values.

    What I would do is :
    use the original TW values for the engine part in the data.ini file, to avoid the RPM jump
    (Extract? and) edit the RPM gauge to set it to 8500 as the max value

    If not enough, rewrite the engine part with the values you want but every value should be checked (idle / cruise / military / max / FullAB when needed - Throttle / RPM /Nozzle)

  5. Seafire Mk3 (2021)

    --------------- Seafire for CombatAce ---------------

    SF2 version 2021

    TurboSquid : original 3D model
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin and inis
    Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit
    Ravenclaw_007 : rocket ini

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis. New rockets 3D models and new weapons system ini.
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing.
    Thirdwire : textures and inis.

    These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file.
    It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way.

    The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else.
    Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model.

    - Seafire Mk3
    - Seafire L Mk3 w PTO skins
    - Seafire Mk3 hybrid (Air Spotting Wing)
    - Seafire Mk3 Irish Air Corp
    - Seafire Mk3 French Navy


    • Thanks 1

  6. Alternative sound file by AvHistory and suggested by Wrench can be found here :

    Alternative cockpit by Stary and suggested by Coupi can be found here :

    But I recommend to use the cockpit already in the pack because it has been navalized : tail hook light and speed indicator in knots.
    Seafire Mk2 versions have the compass set to work with the waypoints.

  7. Seafire Mk1b & Mk2c (2021)

    --------------- Seafire for CombatAce ---------------

    SF2 version 2021

    TurboSquid : original 3D model
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin and inis
    Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis.
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing.
    Thirdwire : textures and inis.

    These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file.
    It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way.

    The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else.
    Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model.

    - Seafire Mk1b
    - Seafire Mk1b w Vokes filter
    - Seafire Mk2c
    - Seafire Mk2c w Vokes filter
    - Seafire LF Mk2c



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  8. I made another test, because one aileron doesn't change its size and position when giving a rolling input in the opposite direction.

    I used the left aileron as the left aileron and the right flap as the right aileron. So different position, size, volume, etc... (and flaps as "fake flaps" no 3D entry). Two meshes really asymmetricals.

    Indeed you're right : the plane flies perfectly straight without inputs.
    So "It tends to make the plane turn" is not correct.

    But when testing the rolling response I'm not sure that the rolling to the left was perfectly the same than the rolling to the right (ini entries 100% symmetrical left and right).
    I still think that "same mirrored replicas left and right" is the way to go for modeling 3D control surfaces for aircrafts in Strike Fighter.
    And I don't really care about defending my opinion when I'm not sure I'm right. It's better to learn something for good than keeping thinking wrong forever.

    So you taught me something : it flies straight. Thank you for that :good:
    ...but I will still going on asking perfectly symmetrical 3D models ^^

    I used FastCargo's F-86A.

  9. On 09/12/2021 at 4:17 PM, Dornil said:

    the 3D model somehow influence the flight model?

    Yes when the control surface meshes are not the exact same mirrored replicas left and right.
    [It tends to make the plane turn] ----> That is proved to be wrong further in the thread but I'm still thinking the same for what is written above.
    Most of the time it's the pylons for weapons that are not fully symmetrical and then the aircraft cannot go straight when the pylons are used in the weapon stations entries.
    It's a 3D flaw. It cannot be corrected by MinMaxExtent values (already tried...)


    EmptyMass is the weight of the aircraft.
    MassFraction values are the dispatching of this weight between the component. And the total of all MassFraction values is supposed to be equal to 1 (empty mass x 1).
    The way MassFraction values are used is all components have a value except the fuselage that takes the remaining fraction.
    You can give the fuselage a MassFraction value as well.
    But when components don't have MassFraction value the remaining weight fraction is divided. So the calculations must be correct with all the components lol

    example (F-4E) :



    So the nose component weights 14046.3 x 0.276 = 3878,7788 kg
    Is that the right value ? I don't know, but that's how it is.
    If you know what is the exact value you can adjust it.
    I know for sure that the nose section of a F-8E(FN) weights 4099 kg, but it's not easy to find the actual figures usually. And it needs to match the MinMaxExtent position values for "what is the nose section of the F-8E(FN)".


  10. Spitfire Mk5c Trop (2021)

    --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce ---------------

    SF2 version 2021

    TurboSquid : original 3D model
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin, inis and decals.
    Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis.
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing.
    Thirdwire : textures and inis.

    These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file.
    It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way.

    The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else.
    Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model.

    - Spitfire Mk5c Trop
    - Spitfire Mk5c Trop 4 cannons

    Note : Turkish and Egyptian decals folders are common to both Mk5bT and Mk5cT models.


    • Like 1

  11. Spitfire Mk5b Trop (2021)

    --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce ---------------

    SF2 version 2021

    TurboSquid : original 3D model
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin and inis
    Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis.
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing.
    Thirdwire : textures and inis.

    These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file.
    It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way.

    The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else.
    Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model.

    - Spitfire Mk5b Trop
    - Spitfire Mk5b Trop w Aboukir filter

    Note : Turkish and Egyptian decals folders are common to both Mk5bT and Mk5cT models.


    • Like 1

  12. Finnish post-WW2 Spitfire LF Mk5b (2021)

    --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce ---------------

    This is a What-if skin for the Spitfire LF Mk5b available in the "Spitfire LF Mk5 b/c (2021)" add-on aircraft pack :


    This model was made for the CombatAce site.
    It cannot be used anywhere else and cannot be part of any payware.
    Only to be released at CombatAce site, following the "Freeware Licensing" rules of agreement :



    Credits go to :

    TurboSquid : original 3D model template
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin and inis

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D work, textures editing
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis
    Thirdwire : texture


    This skin depict a "what-if" Spitfire LF Mk5b of the Finnish air force, in post WW2 service.


    • Like 2

  13. Spitfire LF Mk5 b/c (2021)

    --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce ---------------

    SF2 version 2021

    TurboSquid : original 3D model
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin and inis
    Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis.
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing.
    Thirdwire : textures and inis.

    These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file.
    It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way.

    The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else.
    Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model.

    - Spitfire LF Mk5b
    - Spitfire LF Mk5b Trop
    - Spitfire LF Mk5b Trop (Late French)
    - Spitfire LF Mk5c


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

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