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Posts posted by Cliff7600

  1. Spitfire Mk5 a/b/c (2021)

    --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce ---------------

    SF2 version 2021

    TurboSquid : original 3D model
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin and inis
    Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis.
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing.
    Thirdwire : textures and inis.

    These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file.
    It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way.

    The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else.
    Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model.

    - Spitfire Mk5a
    - Spitfire Mk5b (early)
    - Spitfire Mk5b
    - Spitfire Mk5c



    • Like 3
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  2. 3 hours ago, Gatling20 said:

    The flight models are rather enthusiastic, though

    Feel free to restore the correct values in your files.
    It was not done so in an enthusiastic mood. It was more constrained by the performance in flight and by the opponents from the downloads section (roaring in the skies of England like Me-262s).
    So yes every engine has its power multiplied by 1.63 or something close and It's not an error. The endurance has been checked also with the fuel consumption of these overpowered engines.

    Drag values have been checked from a study of the real aircraft. With the real engine power values you may have to lower them to reach the right top speed at the right altitude (in hard mode flying).

    • Like 1

  3. Spitfire Mk1 & Mk2 (2021)

    --------------- Spitfire for CombatAce ---------------

    SF2 version 2021

    TurboSquid : original 3D model
    Snapper21 : source file donated to CA
    Wrench : project development origin and inis
    Starfighter2 : original Spitfire Mk9 cockpit

    Logan4 : additionnal 3D parts and model editing to import into TW sims, textures editing, decals and inis.
    Cliff7600 : textures editing, decals and inis, cockpit editing.
    Thirdwire : textures and inis.

    These are the models made for CombatAce from the original TurboSquid 3D source file.
    It is made to be downloaded for free at CombatAce site only, and not to be used in any other way.

    The models have been designed for a SF2 / ThirdWire use and nothing else.
    Not to be merged with other files sharing the same original 3D model.

    - Spitfire Mk1 (early)
    - Spitfire Mk1a
    - Spitfire Mk1b
    - Spitfire Mk2a
    - Spitfire Mk2a Long Range
    - Spitfire Mk2b


    • Like 3
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  4. 3 hours ago, VonS said:

    as far as I've been able to see in FE2, there will be no cheating by the AI

    Come on, there is definitely cheating from the AI !
    When you fly with afterburner on and the wingman follow with military power, when you cannot take-off because you're overloaded and the wingman has no problem, etc...
    With the debug screen the game engine changes the weight for AI to take-off (I read somewhere in the forum lol )
    Maybe less in First Eagle, but definitely in Strike Fighter :biggrin:

    • Haha 3

  5. As far as I'm concerned, for the F-86A I would say :







    I can't tell for the F-86F, but the only thing I did was deleting the StallMoment / StallDrag / PostStallCma / StallHysteresis / StallLiftTable / StallDragTable / StallXacShiftTable entries and let the good FM do its thing (the KAW one ^^).
    For the test flight I did a vertical ressource and waited until it departed. It spinned.


    • Thanks 1

  6. 53 minutes ago, Dornil said:

    If I just copy [FlightControl] section (and everything under AI data) from F-86 to F-4's data, does this mean that AI Phantoms will fly exactly as AI Sabres?

    Not at all.
    All the parts count : Fuselage / Left & Right Wings / Left & Right Outer wings / VerticalTail / Left & Right Stab - engines - control surfaces - weapon stations - fuel tanks - landing gear
    Even "HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE" (Nose or Tail) part has a influence on the flight model when they have "massfraction" and "MinMaxExtents" values.
    (When they don't have massfraction entry at all, the weight is divided between parts that don't have massfraction entries. So "massfraction=0.0" is "not having a mass fraction value", and the lack of the entry gives a weight anyway.)

    If you want the F-4 to fly like F-86 you just copy/paste the F-86 data.ini and keep the F-4 structural parts (good luck with that...).
    It will be a total mess, won't work in game like you wanted at the start, and you'll had lost a huge amount of time doing so.
    You're welcome !

    53 minutes ago, Dornil said:

    some of the modded aircraft have spin and spin recovery modelled. How was this done? I mean, what sections of data.ini are responsible for spin behaviour?

    There's some special stall depart /spin lines "CheckStall=TRUE" and what is coming next. But the effect is very artificial. It triggers a stall spin, and several parts can have it (wings / outerwings / stabs)
    You can make an aircraft stall and the recovery impossible to do.
    You need at least one part of the lift surface in order to have the aircraft landing correctly (L/R wings and/or L/R outer wings) but the best spins that allow realistic recovery are made from a good flight model that don't call for these entries.
    Most of the time the less I use these stall entries the better is the stalling - spinning - recovering behaviour (as long as the FM is really working... take-off - flight - landing)

    I really don't like when I land and while rolling on the ground, as I slow down, these entries trigger a stall depart and the aircraft crashes on the runway AFTER the landing (ThirdWire Spitfire9 in hard mode)

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  7. Everything in the data.ini file.

    The AI aircrafts have their own mode for the flight model behaviour. It's never "hard mode" but some features apply though, that you don't have when flying "normal" as a player.
    And the game engine has something to do with the AI flights. You can use some entries in the data.ini file [AIData] but you'll never control them 100% with that part.
    There's some cheating as well (20 000 ft on way point 9 and on the glide slop in few seconds..., no collision point between wingmen on the runway, etc...)

    • Thanks 1

  8. Sorry for the off-topic but...

    as you can see a ThirdWire model with the LOD viewer,
    can you tell me the name of the mesh below from the TW P-51D ?


    Because I have every intention to shutting it down for good xD
    ...I mean, having it operating the right way.

    ---------------------------------------------------- Edit after Wilches' answer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  9. Hi

    Jeff, if you have no answer maybe you should ask to Flogger23 as he is the skinner of the project ?
    Don't know if the man would share his templates... :rofl:
    No seriously : everyone is involved in real life business and other projects, and there's something going on about the Mirage in which I'm out of hand... though I made the serial numbers ^^ (or I think so... not sure)

    So my answer is : if you need serial numbers, ask me :smile:


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