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Posts posted by ArgonV

  1. These ground units were built and textured by Mossie! I converted them into the OpenPlane format, scaled and did the OpenPlaneStudio coding. These all will be in the upcoming FS-WWI Plane Pack 5 Patch.


    Renault Armored Car





    Renault Covered Truck





    French 75mm Ammo Carrier





    Benz Truck





    Benz AA Truck




    Horse-pulled ambulance





    German Horse-Pulled Artillery Limber




    British Horse-Pulled Artillery Limber










    Balloon Winch





    Ford Model T Car





    Renault Flatbed Truck





    Ford Model T Truck





    British Mk.IV Tank Male





    Staff Car




    And even more!!!!


    Leyland Tanker





    Leyland Truck





    Ford Truck AA





    Thornycroft Truck Covered





    Thornycroft Truck





    Thornycroft Truck AA



  2. From the Mad Otter Games website:


    "We are pleased to be partnered with GOG.com in bringing back the Red Baron series. With three of the otters being part of the original project, Red Baron is very near and dear to our hearts, and we hope you enjoy playing this timeless classic. Get Red Baron I, Red Baron: Mission Builder, and Red Baron 3D all for $9.99; DRM-free and XP/Vista compatible."



  3. Yeah an R.E.8 would be great! I do not currently have the time to try and tackle this model build by myself... I'm more of a fixer-upper and 3d model tweaker. :)


    I forgot to mention about your campaign, you can set the order the missions appear in via the date of the mission. That way you don't have to do it by title/Mission name. Will you be ready with the campaign in the next month? If so I can hold off releasing the Patch until your campaign is ready so I can include it in the Patch

  4. Ok, this was quick! But not dirty. ;) Please, if you do not wish to mess up your on-line standard install DO NOT INSTALL THIS PATCH. This is only for those beta testers out there, or brave souls that don't care about on-line compatability.


    List of included fixes/updates:


    -Added a U.S. Spad 7 using Gypsy9's American/British Spad 7 512x512 skin.


    -AEC ground vehicle shadow removed.


    -S.S. D.III compass texture file added.


    -The Breguet 14 is supposed to have twin Lewis guns in the rear gunner seat. The Lewis ring mount also was not operating correctly. This has been fixed.


    -Added rocket loadouts to the Spad 13 and U.S. Spad 13 and updated the Balloon Busting! missions that go with both of them.


    -Added rocket loadout to the Spad V.II. It is historical in that it is only a 6 rocket loadout as opposed to the normal 8 rockets.


    -New Sopwith Pup fuselage 3d model and cockpit padding. Also fixed inner support strut placement and corrected damaged rudder 3d model.


    -Tweaked Aviatik's fuselage LOD switchin value.


    -Corrected Bleriot's joystick clipping through the cockpit side walls.


    -Corrected Rumpler's roll rate and turning radius.


    -Adjusted waypoints for AI in Ilya A Floatplane shore operations mission.


    -Adjusted waypoints for AI in Gotha G.I Floatplane shore operations mission.


    -Removed AI 504 Floatplane in shore operations mission.


    -Adjusted Albatros Floatplane cockpit padding and gunsite.


    -Optimized Irish's Dodge Ball mission for better frame rate.


    -Corrected spelling errors of Tales of the Lafayette campaign missions.


    -Correctly mapped USS Langley and Jupiter's lower wooden deck and improved the hull 3d mesh.


    -Corrected many Scramble missions.


    -New Lewis gun sound for all aircraft.


    Download from here: (10.70mb) FS-WWI Plane Pack 5 Patch v1.0 BETA


    Report any bugs here, thanks all!

  5. Just got to reading all of this post. While the debate is very heated, I don't see any personal threats being thrown here. People have opinions, and choose to express them in many different ways and in many different areas. If someone thinks a certain sim is flawed, well that is what they think. If someone thinks that person is wrong, well that is their opinion also. Again, I don't see any personal attacks.

  6. Same problem happened to me, only it was a Nieuport 17 that lost control after I put a few rounds in him! He did some dive and roll and his weakened wing came right off... I think it has to be a certain percentage/number of hits that then registers a kill...

  7. Hello!


    Sorry I was out of town... I'm glad to hear you got it to work! When you named the controllers, did you do that in the sdemons.ini file or elsewhere?


    As for the rudder being backwards, you should be able to make a profile using CH Control Manager that inverses the rudder input? At least, that is how I understand it. I have a HOTAS Cougar.

  8. Hello! Sorry I was out of town. ;)


    The AI does make errors sometimes. This was at one point a WW2 simulation, so every now and then they want to try and fly these fragile kites like WW2 aircraft. It makes for some interesting fights! But it gives it a feel of realism in my opinion because flying accidents and structural failures happened frequently.


    Also, the way the damage code is set up, it is possible to weaken the wing (And other parts) by shooting them a few times.

  9. Wow a great piece of history there! Your wife's grandfather was not wrong. I've read many accounts of how there were hours of boredom followed by minutes of terror. You should make sure that history is written down somewhere so it does not get lost with the passing of time. Thanks for sharing! :)


    You can upload the mission here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/fighter-squadron-world-war-one


    Or e-mail me at ArgonV at AOL dot com and I can host them as well directly at www.fsww1.com

  10. Hello! Glad you are enjoying the sim. :) Indeed it was a labor of love for the WWI era and the SDOE physics engine. To address your questions:


    Most early aircraft glided very poorly... Reason being was very high drag from wheels, exposed struts, flat engine cowl area and wires. This is why engine failure was a large cause of fatal accidents and a thing to take very seriously when it happened. If your engine does die, point the nose 15 degrees downward and try to restart or try to get the prop to spin in the wind. Early wooden props could not be featherd so it is better to have the prop rotating to cause less drag.


    The SDOE core game does not have time compression. :( Therefore, FS-WWI does not. It is something that is hard-coded into the game and cannot be changed. Very sorry. Many of the missions because of this are set up to get you into the action quickly. Some are not however, this was done to offer a good range of style to cater to the different tastes.


    For a campaign set up, what exactly are you meaning? There are linear campaigns under Missions that are designed to be played from the different sides (Pick your side in the Pilot menu). As for adding a dynamic campaign, the original game code does not allow for a dynamic campaign mode and is hard-coded. So we cannot change this and have to make due with what was given us to work with.

  11. The hat switch should be the default method for panning. I have a HOTAS Cougar and my hat switch worked without any need to change the keyboard.inp file. What joystick do you have?


    Open up the keyboard.inp file and look for: inpViewPOV = JoystickPov. If it is not there, add it. :)


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