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Posts posted by ArgonV

  1. "Never before in the flight simulator modding community have so few worked on so much for so little at such a cost."


    -ArgonV after pulling all of his hair out over the last 4 years


    At last we in the FS-WWI developers group bring you FS-WWI Plane Pack 5. This free add-on to the flight simulator Fighter Squadron: Screamin’ Demons Over Europe is a total conversion mod to convert Fighter Squadron (Or SDOE as we in the community like to call it) into a World War 1 flight simulator. The area of conflict takes place mainly in the Somme region of France circa 1914-1918.


    With 52 flyable aircraft, two flyable balloons, one flyable Zeppelin, 8 drivable ground vehicles, over 430 Training missions and 185 Campaign Missions to choose from FS-WWI has a lot of content to offer!


    The following is a list of instructions to get this mod installed properly. You must have the original game installed fresh before you can get started. In the near future, an All-In-One installer will be released in which you do not need the original game.


    (From a fresh install of Fighter Squadron: Screamin' Demons Over Europe)

    Please remove the game CD from the drive before continuing on to these next steps


    1. (665kb) Install the 1.5 Patch to your Fighter Squadron folder and run the game once to be safe.


    2. (29.3mb) Install the Latest FS-WWI Themed Patch for a WWI-only game.


    3. (6.24mb) Install the FS-WWI Nations v3.0 Pack


    Install any other terrains you might want BEFORE proceeding to the next step.


    4. (119mb) Install the Somme and Snowy Somme v3.0 Pack


    5. (555mb) Install the FS-WWI Plane Pack 5


    Note: If the install seems to hang just give it time, it has to uncompress a very large file. At the end there is an option to install the FS-WWI Parfile Update. This should go into the Media folder of where ever you installed Fighter Squadron to.


    6. For on-line play, please download the latest version of Hyperlobby


    Settings and Tweaks:


    I have put together a document which will help you tweak FS-WWI for your system. You can find it here: Getting the Best


    Von has put together a nice FS-WWI keyboard commands file here.


    We hope you enjoy flying FS-WWI using Inertia's OpenPlane game engine. In our opinion, OpenPlane is THE engine for WWI flight!


    In regards to system requirements:


    FS-WWI works on a pretty decent range of systems. The better the system the better you can scale up in the graphics and texture size department. I have an AMD X2 4200+ Dual Core CPU with 2GB of DDR400 memory and a 256mb GeForce 7800GS OC AGP graphics card on WinXP Pro. I run FS-WWI at 1280x1024 with 4x FSAA and 4x Anisotropic filtering with 1024x1024 texture size enabled. I rarely get FPS below 60 and most of the time it's in the 100s to 150s with vsync enabled. The whole game installed takes up about 1.30 GB of disk space, and with the texture cache that collects about twice that over time. The older and slower the system the more you will have to scale back on resolution and texture size. The amount of system memory you have makes quite a bit of difference in game performance.

  2. Hello!


    I think I know why. Per the Patch Readme:


    There are three new keywords to use in the sdemons.ini file: Joystick, Joystick1 and Joystick2

    These have to be given the exact name of the game adapter you want to use as it appears in the control panel or in the FSSDOEJoystick utility (included in this package too)


    Joystick=Logitech WingMan Force 3D USB

    Joystick1=CH F-16 CombatStick - Rev 2


    These being defined, you can now use JoystickAxisX, JoystickAxisY, etc.. in the keyboard.inp file in order to refer to the game adapter defined by the "Joystick" entry and Joystick1AxisX, Joystick1Button5, etc... Of course, same applies for Joystick2.


    If you do not define any Joystick entry in sdemons.ini, Joystick will be assigned the first game adapter, Joystick1 the second, and so on..


    Side effect: even if you plan to use a single game adapter in SDOE but that you have more than one linked to your PC, there is no need for it to be the first one any more.


    Force Feedback will be limited to the "Joystick" entry.


    So it looks like you need to add your


    Joystick=CH Fighterstick USB

    joystick1=CH Pro Throttle USB

    Joystick2=CH Pro Pedals USB


    to the sdemons.ini file.

  3. I am of course referring to the Plane Pack 5 release candidate. At least that is what was told to me by a close friend and Beta tester.


    Now with AI that can take off and gain altitude along with a terrain that has many new ground objects, targets, populated towns and things to shoot at/run into plus newly reworked airfields; Plane Pack 5 may well put FS-WWI back on the WWI sim map.


    I am working very hard with terrain Beta testers to finish up Somme as well as working on getting things wrapped up for a Plane Pack 5 release soon after the New Year. With 52 flyable aircraft, two flyable balloons, one flyable Zeppelin, three drivable ground vehicles, 430 Training missions and 185 Campaign Missions to choose from FS-WWI has a lot of content to offer!!! :biggrin:

  4. Lots of things happening on this front! Tons of bugs are being squashed and the Somme terrain is still undergoing vast improvements. Recon3 is actively retexturing the towns and areas around the factories. An effort has also been made to flatten out the terrain (The old Somme had mountians and plateaus which was totally unrealistic) and add many new tree objects and forests as well as to fix the old ones.


    A pic:




    At the front lines inbetween the German and Allied battlefields smoke has been added to a couple of the craters. This spreads up and down the front lines and makes spotting the battlefields from a distance a bit easier as well as adds a touch of realism.





  5. In expectation of FS-WWI Plane Pack 5, and to further the completion of the FS-WWI mod for SDOE I have decided to further enhance the Somme terrain in light of Recon3's texture improvements. The list of improvements I have already completed or wish to complete are as follows:


    -Fixed many shading oddities. Some still remain around the airfields and towns however. I'm still looking for a fix for these...


    -Add blown-out buildings and rubble near the front lines (In Progress)


    -Create more forests (In Progress)


    -Add more buildings to all of the existing towns (In Progress)


    -Add "fields of battle" to front lines area (Done)


    -Remove "invisible ground" that aircraft crashed into or ground objects got placed ontop of (Done)


    -Add a permanent Zeppelin Shed to the terrain (Done)


    -Make the two bridges able to be driven or landed upon (Done)


    -Correct shading on many of the tents, hangars and buildings (Done)


    -Airfield building and hangars are now mostly hi-res (Done - Recon3)


    -Airfield tiles are hi-res (Done - Recon3)


    -Add hi-res support to the terrain (Done)


    -Fix "floating" windmills and lighting issues of the windmill object (Done)


    -Correct the error that the windmills all were either Axis or Allied in the Mission Editor. Now each of the three windmill targets can be set to either/or (Done)


    -Correct all Training Takoff and Landing missions so the Allied aircraft take off on the Allied side of the front and the Axis aircraft take off on the Axis side of the front (Done)


    -Correct all of the airfield AI take off coords and positions. They are now not so randomly placed on the airfields (Done)


    -Create a new Allied and Axis observation balloon object. The placeable object now has a squad or so of men to protect it, a few tents around and you can see the cable ran from the balloon to the ground. The men do fire on enemy aircraft, and they can also be killed or ran over (Done)


    -The above mentioned object has been modified to have a flak gun. These objects are permanent now on the terrain up and down the front lines on both sides. I would not venture to the front so half-hearted now!! (Done)


    -Add balloon bases to all airfields (Done)


    -Add more buildings, houses and trees to the town of Bertincourt (Done)


    -Add a stationary train object to the railroad station (Done)


    Not all of these are 100% completed, but I am getting close. I'm also looking to add more objects on the terrain to shoot at and to liven up the atmosphere a little. I expect this terrain project to take me a couple of more months. When it's finished, I will attempt to transpose these modifications to Snowy Somme. Then, FS-WWI Plane Pack 5 will be completed and released.




    Some quick screenshots:
















    A new deflated and burning damage model for the balloons:





    After it reaches the ground:



    New tree textures







    Permanent Zepp hangar


  6. Found bug where the bridges in Somme could not be landed on or driven on.


    Found a bug where the Bleriot XI and Fokker E.III could not properly follow targets that were engaged. This would cause them to bank too sharp, and lose distance on their targets.


    There were many unoptimized sounds that the aircraft and other objects used. These were up to 1mb in size! This taxed the system greatly during a heavy battle.. These sounds have all been reduced to not use such a large memory footprint.


    Fixed a couple of bugs with the Bristol F.2b where damage to some parts would cause the game to slow way down and the view system distance settings to get corrupted.


    Fixed a bug in the Alb D.Va FM where it could not accel past 100 mph unless put into a shallow dive first. Also fixed the max speed from 129 mph to 116 mph.

  7. Hello!


    Sorry I have not seen this until now..


    To me it sounds like the file you downloaded has gotten corrupted. Have you tried redownloading the file by any chance?


    gwar, try changing the video resolution to 1024x768 and see if the black screen goes away. You might also want to change the API to something else. (OpenGL32 or D3d T&L)


    Hope that helps!

  8. Yup that's right! Mr. Jason Root is dawning the "ball and chain". ;) I will be getting hitched tomorrow evening and then going on my honeymoon for about a week and a half. That means no SDOE or FS-WWI for me! If you have any questions, comments, updates and so fourth please either PM me here or E-mail me at ArgonV at AOL dot com.


    Hope you guys are still here when I get back!

  9. Hello Stratos! Check your PM in a bit for another issue. :)


    Thanks for the kind words, I hope I can address your issues:


    There is no Time Compression in SDOE or FS-WWI. It simply wasn't built into the simulation and I cannot add it in. The terrains are fairly small however and we try to design missions where the enemy is not too far away.


    For the enemy to show on the map, go to Options and General. Then look for the 'Show enemy aircraft on map' option and make sure it is lit. Also, during flight you can press Alt V. This will give you an indicator icon for the enemy aircraft.


    When you take over a gunner position, the AI takes over the pilot position and flys the aircraft for you. If the pilot AI seems to not be flying there is probably no waypoints set up for the aircraft. (Like in Hangar missions)


    The Taube has a front co-pilot with a revolver. When you get close enough to an enemy aircraft he will target and shoot. If he does not, take control of his position (F7 until you reach his position and then F6) and press the T button. Then go back to the pilot's position (F7) and take it over (F6). The front gunner should now target and shoot when you are in range.




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