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File Comments posted by paulopanz


    Yes, that is a thing relationed with mods working with NA engine. Decals are not acepted as like in Europe, Vietnam, Israel.

    With NA the nation code must be included in the link of the decal.


    For example:


    USAF. With Europe, Vietnam, Israel, or others is enough to write for the decal national insignia: Insignia


    NA dont accept any more that and need the code of the nation. For see the correct insignia must be:
    002 is the code of the USAF
    Other codes:
    005: Soviet Union
    006: RAF
    008: BundesLuftwaffe
    009: Armée de l'Air
    010: Marine Nationale
    011: Aeronautica Italiana
    012: RCAF
    013: Greece
    014: Turkey
    015: Belgique
    016: Poland
    017: DDR 
    018: Tchecoslovaquia
    019: Roumania
    020: Yugoslavia 
    021: Sweden
    022: Finland
    023: PLAAF
    024: Taiwan
    025: Japan
    026: North Vietnam
    027: South Vietnam
    028: South Korea
    029: North Korea
    etc, etc, etc
    If the code is no there you find F-86 flying with Scopion insignia, MiGs as canadian, Zeros as Swedish, etc, etc, etc   



    That's not true.

    It works perfectly.

    Maybe DecalLevel=2 ?

    ... or your install (mod) has other issues.


  2. SF2 Dornier AlphaJet-A

       2327    12

    Florian! You saved my "hard day's night" with this brand new toy.

    I second Eole request.

    As for your superb Transall it'ld be great to have French and why not other nations planes ...

    Anyway bravo!

  3. Hunter F.6

       445    7

    The name tells you:
    1) Hunter F6  - plane with stock (bmp) skins upgraded;
    2) Custom (jpg) Skins;
    [i' could not make only one pack, it's so heavy ...]

    • Like 1
  4. Gloster Meteor T.75

       253    3

    You need to make a very easy and fast correction to the DATA.ini in the sound section, please check.


    It was an issue - I think - of original one, I fixed in T.7

    The fixed data.ini is in download

    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  5. Gloster Meteor T.7

       190    4

    Any plans to do the long nosed NF version as well ?


    I have Meteor F.8 & T.75 repaint in being.

    Something could de done with old Veltro2k NF.14 too.


    I'm sorry but most neded Meteor NF.11/13 don't exist yet.


    Maybe exist ... :biggrin:

    • Like 1

  6. Charlie's Problem skin is missing one texture file.  Can any of the other skin textures be used in it's place?  If so, which one?


    Thanks for report. V. 2.1 fixed. Missing texture was SR71-t with marks one.

    Charlie's Problem wasn't so hard indeed ....


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