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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. This video is exactly why the general public doesn't need to know everything that goes on.

    We dont build these multi-million dollar machines like the Apache because they look cool. They are killing machines and the crews trained to use them are trained to kill the enemy. War is a dirty business and the days of formations lining up on a field and blasting away until the last man standing are over. The enemy dictates how the war must be fought and if these terrorists want to line up in the desert and go at it with us one on one I'm positive the US military would love to do it that way, but as it is they want to fight dirty and put innocent lives in danger so you do what you have to do to save lives. If killing those combatants means the lives of american soldiers are saved then I say Bravo Zulu to the Apache crew. Good Kill! :angry:


    As far as the Gunner being excited, well I'm sure he had time to reflect on what happened later after the Adrenaline wore off and if you think these guys aren't sensitive to human life you have another thing comming, but they have a job to do and they know if they dont do it thier fellow soldiers could be in danger as a result.

  2. I never said the  15 was a bad choice, but I would have added, one, if not two other planes, the 18, being one of our prime strike aircraft, in adition to then being able to launch a naval strike, and having a fighter. Or either the F-22 or 16/14. You can argue the game is not slanted till your blue in the face, but they have the russians top 3 fighters yes? Do they have our top 3? no, they have a GREAT strike plane, and an ok fighter.

    Is the A10 considered a strike aircraft?? I always thought it was a CAS platform. When I think of strike I think of aircraft like the F15E or FA18C/E.

  3. Well I agree. As stupid as I think Stern and others are you have to let the people decide what they want and not let those decisions come from a select few in our Government. If it means taking more power away from the Government and giving it to the people then I'm all for it, just like our money. ;)

  4. Thank Janet Jackson's tit for that one Fates.lol Personally I cant stand stern or bubba, but the FCC is taking out thier fustrations on these guys IMO. Look at the flak Mel Gibson is getting for the violence in his movie when watching movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre is ok.LOL go figure.

    Everyone has thier own agenda, everyone.

  5. Hey Seawolf


    Yep, I am concerned about 2008 too.  My wife and I have been looking at other places to live, should the "unthinkable" actually happen.  I have a feeling that a lot of folks will consider moving from the US if Hillary is (God forbid) elected as President. 

    This country would be ruined.


    Navy Chief

    I remember reading a story on her back when Clinton was in office and it had something to do with her requesting that the Marines stationed there at the White House not wear thier uniforms and instead she wanted them to dress in suits because she thought the uniforms might be offensive to guests. What a slap in the face for the USMC. I can't think of any worse of an insult than to tell a US Marine his uniform is offensive. Luckily some General told her to piss off, but the fact that she would even request such a thing shows what kind of American she is.


    BTW Chief, wasn't there a few Hollywood types that were supposed to move out of the country if Bush got elected? hmmm, funny they are still here, I guess it isn't so bad here afterall is it.

  6. Yeah Chief He cracks me up sometimes. I don't agree with everything he says and he can be a bully sometimes, but it's entertaining.

    I'm not worried too much about this election, but 2008 bothers me. 1 word: Hillary. It's gonna be ugly.

  7. I have a few pics I'd like to share.  My uncle (Paul Stratton Jr.) was an MP at the embassy when it was attacked and evacuated.  These are original photos that he had taken during the attack.  A lot of my views are formed by his experience in the war and his thoughts on it.  He later moved up within the State Department and became Deputy Undersecretary of State (number 5 under the Secretary of State) before retiring.


    This UNILATERAL BS got started because the 41 countries that YOU include in THIS coalition BARELY have any military prescence to support it!  Do the national troop numbers dude!  The main force is US (130,000), secondary British(5,000), third Italian and Polish(3,000), the rest are less than a thousand.


    You call that a 41 Nation Multilateral force?


    Chaingun, are you stating that your Father's medals were earned and Kerry's were for just as you said "kissing butt"?


    In terms of Vietnam I just want to make one point clear!


    60,000 US Soldiers lost their lives, countless others forever changed.

    2 million VC lost their lives, countless others forever changed.





    Don't want to start a fight here either, just expressing the facts and my feelings.


    No Flame intended,


    If your not trying to start a flame war then why are you still going on with it?? Personally I read everything you had to say and had an open mind and still it hasn't changed my decision to vote for Bush in November.

  8. If he is guilty then he should be hung because his information could lead to the loss of American lives. He offered information on weaknesses of Humvees,etc and thats exactly what these scumbags in Iraq are going after with thier suicide bombers.


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