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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. On the MD80 series the front LAV is right under the access stairs to board the plane. It's always a treat when the hose breaks lose and crap gets dumped all over the tarmac right in front of people boarding the plane. You see, not all airports have jetways.LOL

  2. not sure what you mean seawolf you saying the aircraft is sturdy?, yes

    i agree on that , still a crash landing right rear gear busts off and some other parts,

    he nearly nails some of the flight crew on deck and just misses some  parked aircraft,

    very lucky pilot indeed.

    Archer, it was a Joke bud. Has to do with Naval aviators not landing but making controlled crashes on the flight deck. Was being sarcastic in saying that was a good landing. I guess I'm the only one who got it.LOL

  3. Why is everybody talking about a big tit and a brown nipple with a piercing?

    Is that so special or shocking for everybody? It is just a big stunt. And Janet gets what she want. That everybody talk about it. Here in the Netherlands, we don't understand why the Americans are so mad or shocked about.




    I would say 85% of us really could care less, but there are these bleeding heart types who like to complain about everything and make mountains out of molehills. I just personally don't like the Superbowl being turned into a Rock concert.

  4. Jeff you didnt miss anything man, hell she had a pasty on so it was all planned. You know how these hollywood types are, always trying to make a statement like the rest of us give a shiznit.LOL

    Other than that it was P Diddy trying to be a rapper and Nelly grabbing his nutz a few hundred times and Kid Rock, well being Kid Rock.


    Maybe now that MTV screwed up and lost the deal with the NFL we can get back to football instead of turning the Superbowl into a stupid MTV concert. The only thing these halftime shows accomplish making the rest of the game smokey and screwing up my HDTV picture.LOL

  5. that's awsome!! I wish I had a photo, but when I was a kid I saw a guy in a buick who cut a goodyear tire in half and mounted it to his trunk in an attempt to make his buick look like a cadillac. It was the funniest thing complete with crylon sprey paint and the goodyear still visible on the tire sticking on the trunk.LOL


    oh and btw, that's not a southern redneck, look at the plates. That's one of those yankee rednecks.lol

  6. "It's ok to Prick your finger, but don't finger your prick."


    "Friendly fire isn't"


    "If you are leading a flight and find yourself alone, your flight knows something you don't."


    "If it's leaking then it's good to go, that means it has something in it."


    "Propellers are only there to keep the pilot cool because when they stop spinning the pilot starts to sweat."

  7. Boy have we advanced, or maybe not.lol I don't remember needing an ID to buy Lawn Darts.

    All those times we threw those things up in the air and barely missed catching one in the cranium makes me giggle.LOL

    Today you cant buy sparklers on the 4th of July without a freakin permission slip.lol

  8. My most memorable? hmmm, well up until a couple of nights ago I would say it was in JF18 sitting on the flight deck with 7 other squadmates getting ready to launch on a SEAD strike. I had some AC/DC playing on the ol MP3 player and waiting my turn up to Cat2. It was one of the most immersive moments I've had, but a couple of nights ago I think I had a mission that might have topped that.

    Some of us from the 195th had the pleasure of flying with our own MrMudd the other night on a coop A10 mission in Lomac. The interesting thing about this mission was that it was nothing special. Just your standard strike package going in to take out some bad guys, but it was the events before arriving at the target area that made the mission special.

    Everyone fired up thier TF34s on the tarmac and after some system checks we peeled off one by one onto the taxiway. As if we were performing tryouts for the Thunderbirds the precision seemed to be flawless. One by One A10s were nuts to butts down the taxiway and pulling into a staggard position on the runway. Flaps set, Brakes set, Canopy down and locked, Seat armed its time to go. Our #1 calls out "Set brakes, run'm up" and in unison all 6 Hogs dipped thier nose and with a 3 count all 6 started to roll down the runway as if we had practiced this takeoff all week. With our airspeed reaching 130 we put a little back pressure on the stick and as the nose slowly lifted so did the rest of the aircraft. All 6 in unison, in formation lifted off of the runway and as soon as the gear came up we began manuvering into position off of the lead. The funny thing is we were all yapping on comms and telling jokes, but as soon as we got airborne something happened. Things got serious, maybe it was Mudd with his Pilot terminology and lingo, maybe it was the lead calling out speed and altitude, but things got serious. You could sense the concentration and it got silent. Everyone was so focused and concentrating on the plane in front of them that we were at a loss of words (if thats possible). It wasn't until we reached the target area that the chatter began to pick up again, but I would have to say that the 20-30 minutes of silence in formation the other night was probably my most memorable to date.

  9. If the scene where the Sailor is kissing his newborn at the end doesnt choke you up then your just not human. This video has been around for a while, but still one of the best made videos from the military I have seen.

  10. Not unless Rix transfers Snapple.LOL


    I look for FSU to come on strong in a couple of years actually. Next year is going to be tough since VT and Miami will both be in the ACC. I dare say the ACC will become as tough if not tougher than the SEC has been with Miami and VT in the mix.

  11. Rams over Panthers: Rams at home, Panthers dont have a chance.


    Colts over Chiefs: Tough game to call and could go either way, but I think Indy has the Defense to beat KC


    Pats over Titans: McNair is beat up and now so is George. Pats dominate with a weeks rest


    Eagles over Packers: as much as I want Favre to win another ring, it aint happinin this year. Eagles are at home and hungry.


    AFC- Colts vs Pats: Pats take it in a close one at home in the snow- again


    NFC- Eagles vs Rams: Eagles win by a touchdown in the cold in Philly


    SuperBowl- Pats vs Eagles: Close game with Eagles pulling out a win in the last 2 minutes.


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