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Posts posted by Seawolf

  1. Yeah the Vatican showed displeasure at how he was displayed. They said he was displayed like a cow at a zoo. Um excuse me guys, but he didmurder thousands of innocent people and held a nation hostage for 20+years.

    The pacifist never cease to amaze me. Of all people the Vatican doesnt need to preach about humane treatment. <_<


    Hussain got better treatment than I get at my dentist.

  2. Well I never said anything remotely close to that, so I'm confused.  What are you trying to say?


    Never mind snapple, all I was trying to say is Hussain can still and will be tried for crimes against humanity. It makes no difference if he murdered those people last week or 20 years ago.

  3. Clark has my vote, and I dont even know what he stands for.


    A Dem who actually served his country... am I dreaming :D


    I know I said he should die, but he probably wont, the case for us going to Iraq was the WMD's, and if we dont find them, then he may get off on lack of evidence... despite his previous record.  He wasnt arrested for being a bad guy, he was arrested for breaking a U.N. resolution/demand on/against him.


    I dont know what kind of sentence he could be looking at, but its not all that improbable that he walk out of jail in a few years.


    I just dont want him being tried by Americans.  He is not a terrorist, he is the former leader of a country and has been diposed.  We cannot try him for war crimes now, because he did not commit any crimes during this past war.  This is the way law works.  If the International community wanted to try him for gassing and such, then they wouldve had to have done it soon after it happened.  Back to not being tried in America by Americans.  If we do this, then we just give the finger to the rest of the world again, and we cant afford that.  I'd rather see him walk and be powerless, and under constant watch, than see him shot or hanged and have America suffer the reprecussions.


    Ya I know it differs from my 1st post, but this is the rational pre-law student side of me.





    So Snapple, does that make Hitler not such a bad guy and just misunderstood?LMAO :lol:

  4. I had a big problem in the navy, I really liked midrats.lol Something about going to the galley around midnight after flight ops and getting a slider and some bug juice that just made it worth the trip. I was there so much (almost nightly) that one of the pilots I flew with saw me in the galley and started calling me "snacky". I guess it was supposed to sound like one of the little rascals or something.lol

    From that point on I was snacky and I had no say in the matter.lol

    Once I started flying online I originally was going to use "snacky" and in some cases I will use it, but online is different than real world where you want something that sounds cool online, not dorky like "snacky".

    After thinking about it for a while I chose Seawolf and although a lot of folks always ask me if I am a bubblehead (submarine guy) and that does have something to do with it, the real reason is because my old squadron VS27 Seawolves was decommisioned shortly after I left the Navy so I figured it was a cool name to use in honor of my old squadron. Ever since the days of Fighters Anthology and later on to Janes Combat net I have used Seawolf and its stuck.

  5. Yes, but you must be carefull zagnut. You dont want to accuse the real deal of fraud either. ;)

    Most decorated vets that I have spoken too dont go running around gloating about it. They are more than happy most of the time to tell thier story, but they dont go in search of attention.

    I would believe some scruffy old guy in the corner drinking coffee before I believed some dude in a suit with ribbons on his jacket. ;)

  6. Dutchy, I personally dont think finding a mass collection of WMD would make a difference at this point. Yes it is a reason why the war occured, but there are other reasons as well. One of which was to root out Saddam and his mob. I'm sure the CIA and British Intelligence have Saddam in a nice cozy room right now explaining to him how important it is that he tell them where all this stuff is. Based on seeing tanks and aircraft burried in the sand there is no telling where he has stuff burried.


    It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few days.

  7. We had a kid in our squadron who went out and bought a couple of new ribbons for his summer whites because everyone else had some ribbons and he didnt (straight out of boot) Problem is the kid goes out and buys a Viet Nam service ribbon and a good conduct ribbon(4 years).LMAO nobody really noticed it except one guy- Yup, the Master Chief.LOL

    I thought for sure the kid was going to wet himself, the MC just tore into his ars something fierce. The kid was just being stupid, but thats a serious thing in the military when you pretend to be something your not. He was lucky he didnt get Captain's Mast out of it, but it might have hurt less at Captain's Mast than have the Master Chief punk you like a little girl right there in front of the whole shop.lol

  8. If it helps, I sold my Cougar in order to purchase a CH fighterstick and Pro Throttle. Best decision I ever made.

    CH has a much lighter feel to the stick and I dont have to muscle the stick around like I did with the cougar. The spring design of the cougar with the dips between the axes really hurt me when it came to precision flying.

    no more than 6 months after getting the cougar the stick developed play in the center and got so bad I had to shelf the cougar and use my saitek for a few months.

    The cougar has serious design flaws internally and the only way to really get the cougar where it should be is to spend another $400 for a mod.

    The CH stuff just works right out of the box. No mods, no quick fixes, no center play, no jerky axes, no pot spiking, no sticking buttons,etc. It just works!

  9. I dont like the fact that its a home game for miami, but redemption would be sweet.

    I hate the BCS system, always have. College football needs a playoff system, plain and simple. then there would be no argument over who is #1.

    These bowls are worried about losing money if it goes to a playoff system, but they could easily turn the bowl games into a playoff system. Top 5 bowls play to see who the final two teams are and then play one more game a week later (which could rotate from year to year to be fair to all the bowls) for the national championship. Simple

    College football could easily go one more week and add one more game to find a true champion.

    You can still keep the smaller bowls like the Gator bowl, outback bowl,etc for all the ones who didnt make the final 4.

    OU lost and should not be going to the Sugar bowl. It should be USCvsLSU, but we wont know who the true #1 is this year. Crappy, greedy BCS system.lol

  10. I think what we will see is a good payware addon FA18C and then once the bugs are squashed and everyone is content with LockOn for the time being we will see ED start working on a sequal (hopefully) which would include some of the UK stuff like the Mirage, and maybe even the Harrier. Who really knows to be honest because that is way down the road. Of course nothing will ever happen if ED doesnt get our full support and the sales numbers for LockOn dont get where UbiSoft wants them.

    Im not saying we shouldnt make ED aware of bugs and issues, but the constant flood of "this game sux" from those who are clueless really hurt in the scheme of things.

    I would like to see LockOn take the same type of path that IL2 has with constant support and a sequal being released. Its all up to us though.

  11. There has been a bunch of threads about the F15 radar and the AIM120. The AIM120 currently has a bug and the Radar has a bug in how it displays elevation on the TWS.


    Keep in mind real world radar is not simply turn it on and everything shows up to be locked. In the real world you have to be aggressive when using radar to search for contacts. Try being more aggressive with your seach and change altitude and heading every so often.


    Check at SimHQ and the Lomac forums at Ubi for some threads on this subject. Matt wrote a big write up on the radar BTW at the Lomac forums. www.lo-mac.com


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