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Posts posted by deep

  1. Quack, I have to agree with you here. FE seems to be the most affected of all the TW sims after a patch, as the prop-based flight model was relatively new.


    I have 138 Aircraft folders, and I'm guessing the vast majority of them (the mods) would be affected by any change in flight model, so I can only imagine Peter01's dismay with any changes after SO much hard work. It's a real tribute to him that he came through with flying colors last time. There are probably very few who would have done the same.


    I'm 100% behind supporting TK with anything he produces, but it seems like a double-edged sword with FE patches.

  2. I'm also running XP and spent an hour trying all the INI settings. I think my video card (Nvidia 9500GT 512) may be too light for this. I could never get rid of the blurry clouds, and I got no FPS improvement even if all settings were turned off.


    One good thing - it made me appreciate how good the graphics were in the first place!


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