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Posts posted by deep

  1. I agree 100% that what happened to AVSIM was a totally destructive event, and I feel personally angry about what happened, but I think we might step back and look at a bigger picture here.


    Malicious attacks, like viruses are a part of cyber life, and like human viruses we develop a system of resisting them so that we are not overcome. If this never happened, we would be wiped out by the first virus to come our way, so in a bigger picture, viruses are healthy as long as we have a system to cope with them. As Dave has pointed out many times, we have to BACKUP so WHEN this happens, we can reconstruct and move on. When the attacker realizes that we are more resilient and less perturbed by his attack, he will move elsewhere.

  2. I'm not sure if this means he had glider experience or not, but it would have certainly come in handy...


    Rated: Airline Transport Pilot; Airplane Single and Multi-Engine Land; Commercial Privileges Glider; A320, B737, DC-9/MD-80, Learjet. 19,000 hours.




    EDIT: he's a glider CFI and from the bio, sounds like was the perfect person in the right place at the right time!

  3. Hi Peter01,


    I just want to say a big THANK YOU for everything you have done for the FE flight models. Speaking personally, I feel totally out of my depth (!) in offering feedback on the individual aircraft models. Suffice is to say that they all feel different and I can only imagine the courage of the men who actually flew and put their life on the line in these "experiments".


    One thing is clear to me at least. I cannot fly without a joystick or TrackIR in any sim, and without rudder pedals in FE!


    Thanks again!



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