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Posts posted by Skyviper

  1. I didn't know we had a lot of authors here at CombatACE @EricJ @Gepard best wishes with your writing careers and to anyone here at CA who likes to tell a story.

    I just released a new book myself and I had too much fun writing it. Short version: It's about four friends who execute a revenge scheme that lands them on the radar for a sinister agency.

    I've redacted information in the story (don't ask what prompted this lol). I also use vague names to mask most people's identities.

    If you're using a screen reader, you'll hear [Redacted Agency] or ~~~redacted~~~ where the black highlighters are.


    You'll also see [Redacted Agency] etc if you use a black screen on your electronic device.


    You can get this book at Amazon


    And now, for the Free Gift ...



    A Few Seconds More is about a warehouse worker who gets drafted to fight in a war to save humanity from alien invaders. It's told from the point of view of Aden Jackson as he recalls the battles he fought.

    You can get a free copy at either of these places.
    Barnes and Noble

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 2

  2. On 7/2/2023 at 4:44 PM, EricJ said:

    I'm self-published unlike Gepard

    that makes two of us!

    I'm sorry I'm just now seeing this. You have some awesome cover art for your books! They look great, and so does your website!

  3. I'm interested in learning more about support roles. Additionally, I'm also curious about what people experience in these fields during a combat situation. Ages ago, I met someone that was a cargo master. He had some video of C-130s doing supply drops in combat zones. He'd point out the firefights taking place on the ground while they were delivering ammo, food, and anything else that was needed. For some reason, as of late, I've started to have a bigger interest in support missions and would like to learn more about them. Especially in a wartime situation. Is there constant fear or attack or is everything just another day on the job?


    • Like 1

  4. On 12/8/2022 at 1:36 AM, Wrench said:

    150 -200 tabs open!!! no wonder it slows down!!! :lol: I think the most I've ever had is like 5. Just me of course!!!!

    so, the consesus seem to be Firefox. Is it thought controlled, too??? (grin)


    Firefox has it moments too; however, you should be good to go. Honestly I don't know why a browser would be snippy about what version OS you're using. Isn't that point of website using JavaScript ... a language that's 25 years old? ... Then again I don't know what languages a browser is made in.

  5. I love this forum, and appreciate the work the mod developers have done over the years to keep a humble sim going. I remember buying Wings Over Europe at a Big Lots store and then, a few months later, buying Wings Over Vietnam. My memory is a little foggy but I remember mods from Fast Cargo, Wrench, a slew of others, and then I think Fifth Column? Can't remember. They released the NATO series (I think). I've always had fun with this sim. 

    Until recently. Got busy and the HOTAS started collected dust. So, here's how my last few missions went down.

    The mission was for a flight of A-7s to provide close air support - no problem there. 

    My wingman was ready to go and so was I! So, I pushed my throttle forward.


    Everything was plugged in right ...

    That's right! It's the other throttle,

    Nope, not that one either ... Are these things even being detected by the game at all?

    I pull the trigger and blow up some stuff on the deck.... oops

    Okay that mission didn't happen ... nope. We'll just uh, check the settings and try again.


    New Mission - the first mission. Close Air Support ... no problem.

    My wingman was ready and so was I. Pushed the throttles forward and get off the deck.

    I raise the landing gear ... the tail hook drops.

    I raise the flaps ... the air brake deploys

    I retract the air brake ... I'm told that the wheel brake can't be set while in the air.

    I turn on the radar .... and my wingman goes down.

    Okay that mission didn't happen either.


    New Mission - the first mission. Close Air Support ... no problem.

    My wingman was ready and so was I. I pushed the throttles forward and get off the deck.

    I raise the landing gear and the flaps.

    I got the radar on.

    No one is dead yet. ... Progress

    It's going to be a long flight and I need to skip the time ... no problem.

    ... it's CTRL and something ...

    no it's SHIFT and something ...

    ... no it's ALT and something ...

    ... or it just a button ... yeah it's just a button.

    Guns set to caged mode ...

    Map Screen opens up ... I'm off course

    Flares got dropped

    Chaff got dropped

    Flares got dropped

    Radar range increased

    Radar mode changed

    Flares got dropped

    Map mode activated I'm headed toward a new country all together.

    ... ALT + N ... riiiight

    So, know we're over the action! My squadron destroys the enemy forces with ease ... I helped till the soil in certain places ... but I got some kills too.

    All right time land on the carrier!
    Hook down, wheels down, flaps, ... the carrier decided to make a left turn ... and I bounced off it like a basketball.

    Y'all I was laughing so hard myself. I hope that little anecdote at least gave you a chuckle.


    • Like 1

  6. Hello all,

    Some years ago, Erik allowed me to work me work on the CombatACE news team. My job was simple - just ask people for an interview and then send them a list of questions. Erik's support and the support from you the community, was very motivating for me.  I got to do things that I didn't think was possible. I got the chance to interview cool people such as Leslie Shook, Kim Crow, and CEOs of large game development companies. Doing that job helped me build the confidence to keep pushing myself in order to meet new challenges - such as writing a book :).

    I published my first E-Book called Anthony Knight: Oath of Service.

    It's a science fiction - action/adventure tale about a young fella that grew up on Earth but then follows in parents his footsteps when he joins the military force of the Ademar Empire - a human civilization that controls a third of the Milky Way Galaxy. As Anthony learns to adjust to his new life in the Imperial Starfleet, he also learns about a sinister plot involving Earth.

    If you're an Amazon Prime member or Kindle Unlimited Subscriber, you can read the story for free. Otherwise, it's $3.99.

    If you're interested in checking it out, here's the link: Anthony Knight: Oath of Service

    Here's the full synopsis to the story if you're interested.


    Twenty years ago, the Ademar Empire discovered the civilization living on Earth. Imperial leaders and scientist were curious to learn more about their distant human relatives, and dispatched the ISV Ranger to investigate. The ship never got a chance to complete its mission because it was attacked by a group of unknown hostiles.

    Six months later, Anthony Knight was born on that stranded ship and the crew decided to violate protocols and live on Earth. Fortunately, after enduring a harsh life for twenty years, the crew was able to return home.

    But what about Anthony? He never considered Earth to be his home. He decided to follow in his parent’s footsteps by joining the Imperial military and taking the Oath of Service. As he learns more about the life he was meant to live, he also learns about a sinister plot involving Earth.

    I hope you all enjoy reading the story when you get the chance.

    Paperback is not available yet. I'll update this post once it is.


    Quick Update: I'm doing a free promotion Oct 1 - 2. Everyone will be able to download and read my story for free! I hope you all enjoy the read. If there's any issues, let me know and I'll fix it.


    • Like 14

  7. Quote

    Well, late one afternoon, the Air Force folks out at Area 51 were very surprised to see a Cessna landing at their "secret" base.

    They immediately impounded the aircraft and hauled the pilot into an interrogation room.

    The pilot's story was that he took off from Vegas, got lost, and spotted the Base just as he was about to run out of fuel.

    The Air Force started a full FBI background check on the pilot and held him overnight during the investigation. By the next day, they were finally convinced that the pilot really was lost and wasn't a spy. They gassed up his airplane, gave him a terrifying "you-did-not-see-a-base" briefing, complete with threats of spending the rest of his life in prison, told him Vegas was that-a-way on such-and-such a heading and sent him on his way.

    The day after that though, to the total disbelief of the Air Force, the same Cessna showed up again.

    Once again, the MP's surrounded the plane...

    Only this time there were two people on the plane.

    The same pilot jumped out and said,

    "Do anything you want to me, but my wife is on the plane and you have to tell her where I was last night!"


    • Like 1
    • Haha 15

  8. On 2/9/2022 at 1:15 PM, Typhoid said:

    The wholesale leaking of stuff is astonishing

    My thoughts exactly.

    The enemy doesn't need an intelligence agency. Just use Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, MSNBC, Fox, CBS, ABC, and CNN because they'll certainly let you know what's up.

    But I digress from the point of this thread.

    On 2/9/2022 at 1:15 PM, Typhoid said:

    On the accident.  Left of line up on roll out, settled in close, power/burner added too late.  The LSO's call for power.  On the first leaked video you can hear the engines spooling up but almost at the ramp.  

    Ward Carroll (highly recommended!) and his two pilot and former fighter CO's does an outstanding job of analyzing it.  A lot of technical stuff way better than when I was riding along in the back

    I thank you for breaking this down with what's being seen in the videos. I remember from your interview that you've made hundreds of carrier landings in the E-2C Hawkeye.


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