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Posts posted by Spudknocker

  1. Hey CA!  I am trying for the first time to make a standalone WW2 install away from the jets... I am having a rough go of it thou, 3/4 of the terrains Ive downloaded such as the Phillipeans and Formosa crash to desktop every single time at 80%  Im not totally sure what ive done wrong installing them is it possible Im missing ground objects?  I have the WW2 formations and nations INI's  I'm totally stumped...

    I Seem to have fixed the issue the name of the Water.bmp files were capitalized differently than the callout in the terrain.ini files in case anyone else is having the same issue...  I feel dumb now haha :blink:

  2. Oh i see Im just using it for personal Use is all... It would just be awesome of Stary's  green hell 3.5 tiles would work on your terrains that would make your amazing terrains that much better!  I just like all the awesome vivid colors in GH3.5 

    I dont mean to tell you how to do your work because I think its fantastic!  But making the terrain except other tilesets would make them that much better!  


  3. So this is a double post I already asked this in a previous threat but I figured it would be good to ask...The pilot head movement in the MiG-29 cockpits has always been super cool!  Is that effect copyable in other cockpits? I think that effect would be pretty cool in say a mirage or a tomcat.  Its a rather small thing but is very engrossing and makes the realism go up in my humble opinion.  Sorry for always asking so many questions CA I have tons of Ideas but absolutely no knowledge of how to implement them in the game...

  4. I recently got around to changing the stock Jetengine and JetBurner sound on almost all of my jets as I HATE the stock third Wire sound.  So this topic isnt really a question about how to do someting but more of a what are the CA community's favorite sounds to replace the stock thirdwire sounds?  (Theres no wrong Answers)  I would say mine is the J79 and J79Burner sounds released with most F-4 mods!

  5. Just a quick thing Napalm/Firebombs are usually dropped a lot lower than 5000 feet if that helps any... just watch any vietnam/Iran Iraq war documentary youll see A-4's/F-4's screaming just above the tree tops when they release napalm canisters.  This is partially due to close proximity to friendly troops needing a more accurate delivery and also because napalm canisters usually tumble and from high altitudes the tumbling effect makes them very inaccurate.  In game whenever I drop napes Im always on the deck dropping them fairly close to the enemy troops/trucks etc if you watch your wingman drop napalm they ususally do the same thing low flat approach to target!  Hope this helps!

  6. So I was playing around with the Iranian F-4's on their home turf the Iran/Iraq terrain... and I kept getting HUGE drops in framerates when selecting and or firing any PGM's (LGB's on the F-4D and AGM-65B's on F-4E's) I tried flying an american F-4 with the exact same result, Im surprised there wasnt as CTD.  I tried lots of variations of thing but keep getting the same result so i have narrowed the issue down to it being something in the IR terrain... I have never seen this happen on any other terrain i even tried redownloading the IR terrain to no avail... anyone have any ideas?

  7. Hey CA!  I have always liked the fictional Dhimar Paran conflicts... I have Desert 4 and LOVE IT!  I also have the campaigns for the terrain.... Does anyone know how to make dhimar flyable in campaigns?  I have the country in My nations ini and is flyable in singlemission just cant figure out how to make the campaign flyable.  Ive searched for an answer and came up empty :-(


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