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Posts posted by Spudknocker

  1. Hey all, I was playing around with different mods and I accidentally messed up my ground objects folder and so I started from scratch with my ground objects and this has led to a rash of very annoying crashes... I have downloaded the standard AAA, Tanks, SAMS, Transport and even Paskos desert objects pack but to no avail what do you guys recommend for a slew of ground objects to stop these constant crashes

  2. Hey CA!  Does anyone know how to adjust a nations pilot training level by terrain?  Specifically I was hoping to make the IRIAF and IqAF skill levels higher but specifically for the IR terrain to get more interesting dogfights past the merge, while keeping them a lower skill level for other terrains IE IR2003 and Desert Storm.  Ive looked around and the only thing I tried led to a single mission crash everytime... any ideas?

  3. Hey CA!  Does anyone know where the file callouts are for runway tiles in the terrain Ini files?  I have always had crashes with the Desert 3 and 4 maps and  I think I have traced it to the MASSIVE runway tile file sizes.  These files are bigger than the runway files of any other terrain I have, and when starting a flight in air there are no crashes... I'm wondering if changing these tiles to JPGs will fix this, or if someone has a non super high res version of the desert 4 runway tiles,  I have no need for hugely high quality runway tiles and desert 3/4 account for at least 90% of all my game crashes.  Any help would be great!!​

  4. Hey CA!  I recently upgraded to windows 10... however the new drivers that were installed makes everything go crazy at unlimited effects option on... everything seems fine when it comes to using SF2 with effects at high or lower.  So this makes me think its an issue with the FX files... Does anyone know where to get old drivers for Intel GPU's?  I specifically need intel hd 5500 version  I'm not that savvy when It comes to this stuff so any help would be appreciated!  Here is a screenshot of what it looks like on unlimited effects-


  5. Hello!  I have had the most annoying issues with the Desert 3 and 4 terrains they both by far have the most crashes for my installs and I for the life of me cannot figure out why this is... anyone have any ideas?  The crashes occur at 40, 60, and 80% usually.  Am I missing some ground object or something?  Also crashes seem to get more and more frequent the closer the objective is to the Paran/Dhimar border and its super vexing...

  6. Hello Combat ace!  I found and changed a very small thing.  I changed all of the Greentvfilter BMP's in the aircraft folders to JPG's.  This seems to have made huge difference in terms of framerates and game smoothness especially when trying to dive onto a target through lots of flack to drop an LGB.  So I would highly suggest that new aircraft in the future should have the tv filters in JPG format!

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  7. Hello!  I love stary's SARCASM clouds and stuff but what I get a little tired of is when I have the SARCASM environment system ini in the flight folder winter time is almost always dark.  Is there a way to make winter daylight cycles the same as the Summer?  it even effects the desert 3/4 maps where flying in December at 2 pm means total darkness.  I would love to be able to see all the pretty winter tiles people have made for Germany and Kamchatka etc!  Thanks!


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