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Posts posted by Spudknocker

  1. Hello all!  I have noticed in some of the F-15's when using dumb bombs the CCIP always makes the bombs fall way short, while I can correct for this I was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this... I personally cannot find anything in the INI's anything about the F-15E's CCIP anyone know how to fix this?  other jets like F-16's and F/A-18's don't have this issue in my install

  2. Hello!  I am trying to figure out the soundlist ini and sounds in the game generally.  Ive noticed I have a flaresout.wav in my sound file ive tried adding the sound to the soundlist ini but doesn't seem to work.  Im also having trouble adding windloop/radio loop sounds to a strike eagle's sound section when it wasn't there before, anyone have any advice? I couldn't find an answer in the knowledge base.  I figured adding some wind/radio to the F-15E would be pretty cool and a flaresout sound would be awesome!

  3. Hello!  So I had an earlier post about weirdness happening usually at around 80% where sounds and the mission starts while the loading screen is still up.  I traced this back to issues with ground object and terrain files.  Ive also noticed that this issue comes up after my Norton antivirus software does a scan.  Has anyone else had any trouble with antivirus software destroying Strike Fighters 2 files? Any ideas on how to stop this from happening?

  4. Hello all!  I've been working on a Saudi F-15SA to share with everyone but something keeps bugging me.  No matter what I do the nationality of the F-15S is always -None- in the single mission screen.  I have Saudi Arabia in my nations.ini and other F-15's with Saudi skins or my Saudi F-15C_RSAF never have this strange issue anyone have any suggestions?  Also I have fixed the double cockpit issue with the Singaporean F-15SG if anyone wants me to upload that fixed Data.ini just let me know. 

  5. Hello!  I have had a weird issue as of late where the mission will load up to 80% and then get stuck there and the mission's sounds start, engine, radio calls, clearance for take off etc its like the mission has started but the screen is stuck on loading.  This usually occurs during single missions on maps like Germany CE or IR2003 I have a full merged install with a Intel i7 12 gb of ram and an intel 5500 graphics card.

    I kinda figured it was either a graphics or a terrain issue, has anyone had this happen? or have a fix?  thanks!


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