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Posts posted by ezlead

  1. I didn't see any team WIN a chance to go to the Super Bowl.

    What I saw was 2 teams lose their chance to go.

    The Pats and the Giants didn't really WIN.

    The Ravens and the 49ers LOST from last minute mistakes. BIG DIFFERENCE!!!

    Now I can go to RedBox and get a good movie to watch on that day.

  2. Go Niners! Go Ravens! The Harbaugh brothers in the Super Bowl. :clapping:


    It's a shame that Green Bay had its worst game all year. I was hoping for a shoot out: Eli versus Aaron.

  3. OOOHHHRRRAAAHHH!!! Ordy. Glad to hear your doing better. :clapping:

    Kids and grandkids have a way of making us do what we're supposed to,instead of what we want to do.

    I'm trying to lose 25 lbs(VA Doc(Army Lt/Col) has a way of making me feel fat)

    He calls me "Marine and a half". :lol:

    My problem is 'grazing' all night while watching TV.

  4. Looks like CGI from Jane's WW2 Fighters game.

    However,it is a great tribute to a bunch of highly criticized WW2 "HEROES".

    Yes,these guys were all "HEROES".

    There are a lot of bomber crews that made it home because of these guys.

    The Group CO(Col. Benjamin O Davis) would have any pilots A$$ that took off chasing enemy aircraft to get 'kills'. These guys were ordered to chase off the enemy aircraft and then get back to the bombers immediately.

    They also did fighter sweeps and ground attack missions as well.

    They painted the entire tails and spinners of their aircraft bright red so that everyone would know who was doing the escorting,sweeping and bombing.

    As it was,most American service people did not know that these guys even existed until many years after the war.

    Even if the combat is 'cheezy',I'm curious to see if the story line tells the true story or the 'Hollywood' version.

    • Like 1

  5. There is a LOT of oil that goes through the Straits. Not just Irans.

    If Iran tries to block the Straits,the Saudi's and all the other oil producing nations in that area would loudly sound off about it.

    I'm sure that these nations would ask for help from us or anyone else in the area to rectify the situation and open the Straits.

    Those Iranian big-wigs have to shoot off their mouths to make themselves look good.

    I don't think they realize the firepower in a Carrier Battle Group. The Carrier by itself is AWESOME. Then come the support ships(DDG's,CLG's,tankers and always a Nuke powered Attack Sub.

    As for not having enough carriers,there are 11 Nimitz class supercarriers in operation today.

    DO NOT ever underestimate Israel. The entire Arab world has done so several times and got their A$$es kicked every time.


    My 2 cents!!

    • Like 1

  6. You gotta be SH@#$%IN' me! I wouldn't walk across the street for some.

    Does Michael or Nike need the money that bad? :dntknw:

    Maybe Michael's "bacon neck" Haines commercial is not doing that well. :rofl:


    Now,we'll start hearing about kids getting beat up and shot just for their DAMN shoes.



    I'm with you,Dave. IDIOTS!!!

  7. You must remember,this was designed as a 'light' sim. It does a pretty good job of simulating the flight characteristics of most aircraft. With a little 'tweaking' of the FM's it gets pretty close.

    That's why I fly it. I've tried almost everything out there and this comes the closest. I don't count rivets. I: kick the tire,light the fire,brief on guard and first one in the air is lead.(An old Naval Aviator saying)

    A sim that simulates all aircraft perfectly would be very cost prohibitive.


    Plus:With what TK has done and all the terrific modders out there contributing to the sim it becomes tremendous.

    Where can you get a sim that lets you fly almost every aircraft from the Wright brothers to the F-22 or F-35. It even lets you fly missions and campaigns.

    IMHO it is the BEST!!! :good:

  8. Upon touchdown,you would leave the speedbrakes out,throttles to idle,deploy the chute(if needed),then you would raise the nose wheel off the runway and hold it until it fell back on its own,then below 100 kts you would start using the aircraft brakes.

    We only used the chute if we were on a short runway(8000 ft or less) or if we landed heavy. It made the 'turnaround time' for the maintenance crews a lot less.

    Holding the nose wheel off was called 'aerodynamic braking'. You would make the wings create lift thus inducing more drag,helping the aircraft to bleed off speed.

    Once you were at taxi speed you would retract the flaps and speedbrakes.

    Coming aboard a carrier,as soon as the wheels hit the deck,you would retract the speedbrakes and go to full power. If the hook missed a wire or you missed a wire(called a 'bolter') you would be ready for a go-around. This procedure is used on ALL Navy aircraft.

    If the hook catches a wire you WILL stop,no matter how much power you have on.

    The wires are 'tensioned' for the particular aircraft coming aboard,according to its landing weight. There is a big difference between an A-4 'Scooter' and a RA-5 Vigilante or a C-2 Hawkeye.


    DWCAce: The F-4 had so much power in burner that you could not keep it on the ground much above 150 kts. It REALLY wanted to go fly.

    You would not light the burners until you released the brakes and started rolling.

    If you lit the burners sitting with the brakes on,the airplane WOULD start moving, sliding the locked wheels and probably blowing a main mount tire.


    ezlead:A phormer phantum phlyur and still a huge phantum phan. :good:

    • Like 1

  9. Storm:

    Use catpack to unpack the appropriate airfields(German_Airbase1,etc.)

    Or,use whatever Airbase mods you are using.

    Then copy this or whichever airbase is appropriate from Desert_AirfieldX:











    TakeOff[01]= -7,-1200

    TakeOff[02]= 7,-1215

    TakeOff[03]= -7,-1220

    TakeOff[04]= 7,-1235

    TakeOff[05]= -7,-1240

    TakeOff[06]= 7,-1255

    TakeOff[07]= -7,-1260

    TakeOff[08]= 7,-1275


    Then paste it in the appropriate airbase file overwriting this:












    If you only overwrite this all the other Airbase info should remain the same.(Taxi positions,Parking,Lighting,etc.)

    Then put the new modded Airbase file in the game Terrains folder.


    That should keep all the Airbase mods intact with a staggered take-off added.


    Any questions,PM me here at CombatAce.

  10. mytai01:

    You need to add some power to the engines and burners. AN F-4 with 8 missiles and 2 full drop tanks would be airborne in about 1200-2000 ft of take off roll. That would be about 150-200 kts. With full AB at the end of a 10,000+ ft runway if you leveled off at about 10 feet you should be indicating about 350+ kts with gear and flaps retracted(A high performance take off). That F-4 would really haul a$$! :yikes:

  11. More Trivia:

    I knew several Naval Aviators(Navy or Marine) that flipped the gear handle up after they pulled the cat ahead to tighten up the bridle. The F-4 had a scissors switch on the main mount that would not let the gear retract until the main mount shock fully extended. With the bridle tight and the holdback cable attached the shock would not extend. It would extend about 3/4 through the cat shot. This happened so fast that the gear wouldn't start to retract until they left the deck. However;Somewhere someone has a photo of an F-4 at the very end of the cat stroke with the gear retracting while it is still hooked up to the cat bridle.

    Gear speed on most jet aircraft is 250 kts or greater. Not for the gear,but for the gear doors. You could drop the gear at 450 kts if needed,but you would lose the gear doors.

    Not using AB on cat launch was probably for some of the older carriers.

    Sorry,I hijacked the thread,but I'm full of F-4 info lately.


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