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Posts posted by ezlead

  1. I love to design different campaigns for EAW, SFP1. I am working on Battle of Britain, my own version. Didn't know someone else was doing same. In EAW you could fly Allied or Axis aircraft in same campaign. I can't seem to be able to do both in SFP1. Is it possible or am I missing something? The issue seems to be in the alignment, friendly or enemy.If possible, I would really appreciate guidance.

  2. Being a Vietnam Vet and a former USMC Naval Aviator. I'm really sorry to here about the America and the O'Boat. I carrier qualled on the Oriskany at Pensecola (the Lex was in for Refit) .I refueled on the America on Yankee Station in between Alpha Strikes.

    I was flying EA-6A Intruders (the old 2-seaters). Our callsign was Cottenpicker if anyone is familiar with it.

  3. HI,everyone i'm new to sfp1 and wov. I did a lot with EAW. Here's the problem. The Korean war era aircraft wont start on the carriers. One will ,The F2h2 Banshee.

    All of the others will spin a circle and drive off the flight deck. Any suggestions?

    I'm trying to make a carrier campaign for Korea. I'm running SFP1 with 3.1 installed.

    I did the carrier transfer like it said in SFP1 notes. I can get the carriers to EchoStation and DeltaStation(I made another carrier station). The aircraft work like their supposed to in desert sand. It seems like I'm missing something in Korea.


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