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Posts posted by ezlead

  1. Vietnam Era: 4 fighters ready to go(5 minute launch time) when flight ops were not going on.

    You need to remember:the Task Group has guided missile cruisers and destroyers with long range and strike radars to see everything out for several hundred miles.

    There also was an Attack class sub shadowing the task force all the time.

  2. It's about time the TRASH MEDIA and it's owner get the light shined on them. :heat:

    Notice,they run for cover like roaches. :yikes:

    Maybe some of the Media here will get the hint. :blink:


    One of my pet peeves:Trash Media

  3. They're saying an onboard fire right after take off.

    The pilot tried to return to airport,but fire got too big too fast.

    You get all that fuel and aluminum burning and it's hard to put out.

    It's a shame a beautiful old warbird has to crash. Fortunately all passengers and crew were OK. :good:

    Salvage what you can and build another one if possible.

  4. Badger: Check out this link. Get the CatPack extractor and packer and you can get all the nations.ini files you need.

    I unpacked all the .cat files just to see what was in them. You can delete the unpacked folders or files that you don't want or need.

    If you have installed the May2011 patch there is a new cat extractor in the download section.



  5. I got this in an E-mail from a friend that works at Grumman. It is WAY COOL!!!


    And this is only what they are telling us ...

    This is an electronic shield around an aircraft that alerts and protects... Right out of star wars.

    Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System (EO DAS) for the F-35


    Check out Electro-Optical Distributed Aperture System (EO DAS) for the F-35.


    A must see - absolutely amazing. Click on link below:




    It also shows more cool stuff for the F-35.

  6. The pilots an IDIOT!!!!!

    If he is military he should have wings pulled and be spending a few months in the brig prior to his bad conduct discharge.

    When you endanger spectators lives,it is not a show. It is a criminal act of negligence.

    That could easily have been a 500 kt 12000 lb napalm bomb.

  7. I'm doing a conversion for SF2 May2011.

    I'm running XP SP3 on older machine.

    The only real problem I'm having is I can't get the game engine to put enemy aircraft in single mission sweep or combat air patrol.

    If I fly enemy aircraft(Luftwaffe,Vichy France or WW2 Italy) I get all kinds of US,RAF,USN and Royal Navy aircraft against me.

    I prefer the random generated missions instead of making them myself.

    Any ideas?

  8. Mossies had 4 20mm Hispano's. Some also had 4 .303 Brownings plus the 20's.

    The top RAF nightfighter pilots got to fly the 'Widow' near wars end.

    They all preferred the 'Mossie'.

    One of the Pilots said "The best thing about the Mossie was the speed.

    If you got into a pinch,you just added power to those Merlins and out ran anything that 'Jerry had."


    Check this link:


  9. God does have a sense of humor. If you don't think so,tell him everything that you plan to do tomorrow and then see what happens. :yikes:

    The 22nd or 23rd would be cool,just to show the guy who is really in charge.

  10. Here is a quick and easy read about air combat.

    It's called "No Guts,No Glory"

    Its written after the Korean War time period,but it works even today.

    It's still required reading in some armed forces around the world.

    It is written by Maj.(Retired General)Frederick C.(Boots) Blesse.

    One of the best fighter pilots to come down the pipe.


  11. The for real Vietnam tactic was: close to less than a mile behind enemy ,be at lower altitude than enemy aircraft,1 to 2 g turn,get tone,make shot. Then:immediately get tone and fire another.

    Most Vietnam Fighter jocks would fire 2 missiles(Sidewinders or Sparrows)at the same target. If(big if) the first one hit,then the second would add to the flaming debris.


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