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Posts posted by GodsLt

  1. Hey guys, so I was messing around with the F-4E Kurnass' .INI and found a way to add Active Radar Homing missiles on the sidewinder stations. However, I was hoping there would be a way to add the double launcher rails of IRM or AHM to the outer Wing pylon. I already have it to accept IRM's and AHM's, but I would really like to have them in multiple launchers. Any clues?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Nevermind, I think we all overthought it. Wrench is right. It is the weight of 640 rounds of 20mm amunition. If you take a look at the .INI file, you'll find that the ammo weight is 169.2...which is in kilo's. Times that by 2.2 and voila! you get 370 (approx) You can devide 370 by 640 to get the mass of 1 20mm round, not the weight! Weight is different :P


    P.S: Remember weight is measured in Newtons! :D

    LOL sorry, just out of my IGCSE's examinations lol

  3. Hey guys, after playing around with Killerbee's Ordenance shop II, I came across one little problem. I select the AGM-65K Maverick's as triple launchers, but in the air, the missiles themselves don't show. They do launch and strike things, attributing a kill, but they don't show up. Now, i read an old topic about them, but there's no clear indicator on how to get the Maverick's working for me. keep in mind, I started into the modding hobby about...23 hours ago :) LOL I just recently UNDERSTOOD how to install mods, and with Killerbee's Ordenance shop....boy was I overwhelmed...Anyways thanks in advance for your help!

  4. I'm updated all the way May then june2011. works fine for me.


    Ok thanks for your replies guys! I appreciate your help!

    One last thing, and its the same question I asked in another thread.


    How can I relase a paveway at a primary target with a red square around it? my bombs simply don't relase from my plane, thus I have to use a spike everytime i'm on a bombing mission...

  5. Wow you guys are helpful! No sarcasm! lol Nothing like the CombatArms forums....ANYWAYS...lol

    I did change the guidance system for the bombs, so i'll test them in about 20minutes, to see how that works out.

    I'll definately download the weapon packs, but I do have one question.

    I have all four strike fighters 2 games, with NO patches that I know off installed.

    should I update first, and if so, which patch? Thanks guys! sorry for my constant questions!


    Thanks again!

  6. Thanks for the replies guys! So far, I've had much success thanks to all your tips, with some-times bombs acting stupid...lol like missing a tank by 6-7 feet...but anyways.

    Thanks again for your help guys!


    However I do have one last question, and I apologize for all the trouble lol!

    How do I relase paveways on a primary target WITHOUT a laser designator pod on-board?

    Thank you!

  7. Thanks for the replies guys! The thing is, I cannot equip a spike or pave penny designator on my A-10!! the A-10(78) version...

    And...furthermore, how do I lock on to primary targets without a designator? Thanks in advance again! :)


    Oh, I think I forgot to add, I play missions in "Quick missions" the ones you can chose your aircraft, type of missions, etc. When I choose the A-10, I get the option for the triple maverick launchers, and i do take them, but nowhere in the options do i get a laser designator pod :(

  8. Hey guys! Its me again! LOL

    With one iny-miny problem....How am I supposed to release GBU-10B/C's and -12's without a designator?! I really have no idea! I figured the whole launching thing and manage to hit targets now, but with the A-10, most of my arsenal cannot be used because the A-10 lacks a spike...any help?

    Thanks in advance guys!

  9. Thanks for your helps guys! I just finished some further testing, and it is apparent, that if you're going to slow, the bomb won't follow...so right now, i'm trying to launch at over 350kn just incase lol. I launched at 280kn and nothing happened, but launched at 400 and the bomb followed the plan perfectly. It even overtook me when I relased the airbrake and cut the throttle. It was a wonderful sight! lol

  10. Umm...I think I just found out my mistake....I was launching too close near the ground, 1 or 2,000 feet AGL....and right now I tried going up to about 6,000 feet, slowing down and diving at a 25-35 angle...to keep the target in my sights. I managed to hit one tank and near-miss another, probably due to random accuracy variation in-game lol. The near miss was like 6 feet away from the tank....no idea why the blast didn't get it...but oh well.

  11. yeah, maybe I should try that as well! I just came back from a mission with some A-7E's...with Walleye's...and guess...they fell like dumb-bombs! :( lol

    There's even a crosshair on the HUD which tracks the target, but the bombs do not, for the love of christ, follow them!blink.gif


    BTW: Thanks for your advice man! Let me try and see if it works

  12. Hey guys! Firstly I just want to announce I'm new here and I'm not all that experienced with this game at this point lol!


    Secondly...Whenever I want to use the unpowered "Walleye's" and "Paveways" and "Hobo's", the screen displays the target and the reticle on it, but when I release the bombs, they just fall to the ground...

    I've tried releasing from different altitudes and distances...but to no avail. For the paveway, I do have the Pave spike equipped...so I have no clue!


    Thirdly...Somewhere in the manual i read that you can fire the paveway without a pavespike at primary targets ONLY, but how do I lock on to these?! When i release the bomb, it wont...you know...release! Is there something i'm doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance guys!


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