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Posts posted by Top_Gun

  1. PC, there are a few ways to get the carriers.


    Flight Deck 3 from Abacus, the planes are really worth it but the nice Gmax carrier and official arrcab utility. www.abacuspub.com


    There is an updated carrier package for 2004 but you can't launch from them with out either FD3 or a 3rd party addon.



    RCBCO_11.zip package uses gauges for trapping and cat launch


    I sure wish MS would smarten up and do a modern military FS sim instead of their WWII crap.


    When people are dropping $30 for single military addons they are really missing the boat...

  2. New T-34 Mentor Set available in the USAF Section ! The famous little Beech trainer is recreated here in great detail. All

    three variants are included (A, B and C Turbo Mentor) and each variant has multiple hi-resolution texture schemes (7 in all).

    A detailed virtual cockpit with animated controls compliments the 2 photorealistic 2D panels (one for A/B, one for the C).

    The Turbo Mentor comes with a realistic turboprop soundset and a unique flight model. All variants have two realistic crew

    figures (the rear passenger in toggled on the spoiler key), as well as opening front and rear canopies, dynamic shine effect,

    reflective glass and 'chrome' and smoke effects on the i-key. A CFS2-specific version is also available with flight models

    specially optimised for that sim. Price $16.00. Screenshots : T-34A






    Some people who have it on Sim-Outhouse said it has a nice FM, one of those guys used to fly this plane. His only nitpick was the flaps would lower to quick ;)

  3. Okay guys, what type of online flights do people perfer?


    Pattern work, formation flying to and from?


    Are weeknights or weekends easier for people?


    I can make some flight plans and post them here. We just need to find what time we can get the most people to join.


    I'm in NH so East Coast time here. Weekend nights are easier for me but I can also do some week nights if needed?


    Please let me know what you guys like to do?


    Also, who has carriers that work either with FD2 or the other gauge set that works the same?


    Be cool to do some carrier ops, Oceana to the Carrier of the East Coast and Fentress.

  4. all I ask is for people to check the readme's with these files. Alot of designers specifically state that their files can't be uploaded to other sites than listed in the readme.


    Mostly FSPlanet is the site they are trying to stay out of. Maybe email the designer and see if he has any problems with his/her files uploaded here.

  5. aren't all his models free?


    if you don't like them then don't download them. I don't understand a 4 page thread to trash a guy who gives free product to the community?


    Especially with all the complaining how the FS community is going all payware, here's a prime example why people should stop making free stuff.


    No matter what, people will always piss and moan... :rolleyes:

  6. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\TtoolsV2.02


    Okay, this is where I have my ttools directory. First you need to decompile in order to get the 3 txt files.


    What I would highly recommend is created 3 new txt files.

    It will give you another traffic BGL but that's fine.






    you shouldn't be decompiling the airport.bgl but the traffic.bgl


    remember, AFCAD only adds parking spots while TTools creates the flight plans. Not enough parking spots and the traffic won't show.


    You could download one of my files just to use as a reference. They're at AVSIM under Dave O'Brien


    my email is on all the readme's, I could also help you via email once you get this first step restarted ;)

  7. Cliff, that's not the right CFG file,


    depends on your OS


    For Windows XP users the fs9.cfg file is now located in Drive_Letter:\Documents and Settings\User_Name\Application Data\Microsoft\FS9.


    This is a hidden folder by default so you need to modify the folder options via the control panel: go to the view tab and check the "Show hidden files and folders" option


    For Windows 9x users the fs9.cfg file is located in Drive_Letter:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\FS9


    If you access this file often, you may wish to run a shortcut to it on either your desktop, or in the main Flight Simulator 9 folder.

  8. We are working on a Helo AI project for the New England area. Chinooks, Hueys, Blackhawks and Scouts. The bad part is some of these are only payware like the scout for now.


    These pictures are some Helo's from THELZ and some are from the Hovercontrol. Of course you can always substitute with what you have or want. It will also come with real skinned units from each base.

    LZ Blackhawk



    3 ship taxiing for take off



    2 ship in flight



    turning ILS 34



    landing wingman



    Concord Army National Guard Tarmac



    We are still a good ways off, still need to do all the skinning and Michael has to rework all the FM's and CFG's to make the contact points sit properly and fly correctly.


    We'll keep you updated

  9. A GF3 is alttle lite for this game especially with a processor under 2 gig.

    Personally, I think that's bull. While upgrading never hurts (well, rarely), I have system worse than that, and I can still run it with pretty good details. I have to settle for about 15 fps, but that's perfectly flyable/playable. Here's my rig:


    P4 1.7 GHz

    384 Mb PC133 RAM

    Nvidia Vanta 16 Mb


    You'll have to sacrifice some details for fps, but with some tweaking, you'll be able to run the game fine. And it'll still look great. I wouldn't worry bout it much ;)

    well all I can say is the guy who does the skin work for our NEMAI package has a system similar to this and when he added this package it dropped him to single digits in Framerates.


    What are you sliders at, do you have Autogen and AI on?


    Those are the frame rate killers and I don't believe you can get the water effects from a GF3.




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