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Posts posted by SayethWhaaaa

  1. Come on modders, what're ya waitin' for?


    Guys -- if wishes were horses....


    It takes a looong time to model a *single* aircraft accurately. I wouldn't make a long list of suggestions without being prepared to do the lion's share of the modding work as well. Gathering information is the easy part; getting a team together to build your dream plane is another matter entirely.


    I totally understand how difficult it is to release a new build model from scratch, even augmenting an existing model can turn into a bastard when trying to complete it around work, schooling, love lives etc. But this is just discussion to see what has actually been created so we can search in the right direction (like finding out where to grab the Fiddler, sweet mod btw)

    There are many like me who, if not for time and skills etc, would actually make these models ourselves and release them but in the meantime, we do our best, despite being freeloaders ( :p) by helping however we can. Besides, it can't hurt to find out what people are looking for when it comes to addons. F-4s, F-14s, F-16, F-15s are good, don't get me wrong, but Russian aircraft don't quite have the exposure that the western types have had in flight sims. That being said, those russian models that have been released have been excellent! I was effing stoked to find a Romanian Mig 21 LanceR, had to call in a sicky just to test that mofo out! :D

  2. :clapping: Agreed! :clapping: No Flankers (although I know there's on in Dev.), no Fencers, no Frogfoot, not even a bear! Russian Aviation is pretty sweet and it's a shame they're under represented...


    Can't wait to see stuff like Gerald14's Berkut and Fencer finished! I thought it would be popular after having something like LOMAC out... I was surprised to see how popular 50's-60's US aviation is! I always thought that period post WW2 but pre Phantom was pretty mundane but that's just me I guess... :tomato:


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