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Posts posted by Vex

  1. I saw the pit from the back-story on the sim so I knew that it was the tmp but it didn't matter, the shake from the turbulance combined with the ground speed really sold it. I saw the harrier at the end and I notice your fly-bys are more cinematic then most ;) . There was a small camera roll at the end that was a nice touch.

    The Harrier will probably be the star of the sim but I'm really looking forward for the A-4 and its variants. Ok, I just looked at the site again, I'll be looking forward to all of it! :)




  2. Outstanding! I watched the quick movie of the flight model/ grfx engine and its one of the best I've seen. I know that there is a long way to go and the performance will vary as more and more objects come into play, but the look and feel is great! the sense of speed is really there. Will be keeping my eye out for this one.




  3. I don't know about what kind of mobo or ram, (I think a fast 1 gig of ram should be enough), but as for the graphics cards its up to your taste and budget. I just went for the latest ATI just because of the final product is the look and I think that Ati's colors and AA are much better. For pure speed the nvidia stuff will just edge it out a bit but the look is not as good. Again thats just me. 128 vs the 256 models is a money+res that you want use. The more mem on the card = highier res that you can play at.





    (Am putting together a P4 3 ghz with 2 gig's of ram and a Intel motherboard.)

  4. Hey guys, been keeping quite for awhile and checking in every once in awhile to keep up on the news. (PATCH!) I've been using trackIR for over a year now and I'll swear by it. I never have used padlock in IL-2 since I got it. In SF1 I have been using it both off and online. It seems that the CTD had nothing to do with the TrackIR on my system because I have tried it both ways before. I stopped going online with SF1 waiting for the fix. (and I do mean fix! junkie style). I can make a small movie of trackIr and SF1 if you want to see it but I still have to use padlock with it because it seems that the LOD of the planes is alot different then IL-2 i.e. very very small even at closer distances. Both in Il-2 and SF1 its alittle qwerky in that it just uses the mouse pan and not a direct control (plugin) like FS2002. This means that you will have to update and reset center of the mouse+trackIr while you use it. I have it setup as a joystick mapping so I don't even know that I'm doing this while playing.





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