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Posts posted by Toryu

  1. Why not?

    The airplane is most-certainly a couple of hundred pounds lighter than war-examples (no armament or armor, more modern radios, etc.).


    Why would the controls freeze? Probably has more to do with him being stiff as a corpse, rather than grease-issues with control-linkages.

    Mach-numbers should not be much of a problem.



    Ta 152Hs have been at up to 50000ft. I think HF Spitfires have done so as well. Some american WW2 fighters probably have done the same.

    No biggie really.

  2. That's about as much as I'd have known. To take it a little bit further:

    Does "early production batches" mean "Su-27P", or did that include S-versions as well?


    I'd hazard a guess that it means the former.

  3. You're missing the point completely.


    The initial argument is that braggiing about "wanting to be seen" is BS and no fighter pilot in his right mind would say (well, maybe) or believe that.


    The argument you managed to bring up is that nobody has ever fought well in a MiG-21, because it was never flown in a way that would benefit it's ACM strenghts.

    When it was flown by Navy (or israeli) aircrew in different evaluation-programmes (for some reason, the Air Force's pilots seemed to be less willing to fly the aircraft aggressively), the aircraft performed extremely well. Somewhat like Luftwaffe MiG-29, when flown outside of training ROEs, where they're supposed to simulate bad guys and are bound by "you have to suck"-tactics.


    The average vietnamese pilot was underwhelmingly trained in ACM (much like the average Air Force pilot at that time). In contrast to US pilots, though, vietnamese pilots were not only hampered by their own strict ROEs, but they also had no leadership with air-battle experience. Russian advisers proved to be worthless (as shown in Israel), so the tactics taught by them were bound to suck as well. The Russians only began to think about ACM in the 80s, when they built up some aggressor-squadrons to train against. Unlike western aggressor-squadrons, they didn't have any idea about the western approach, but focussed on ACM and BFM only (hence their surprise that NATO would basicly shut-down and go into weekend-mode on friday 1pm).


    Part of the overwhelming success of Top Gun is that the other side completely lacked a training-programme that equalized the pilot-training factor. Writers like to forget that fact.

  4. There is no deeper agenda - it's the naivity of new-age left-wingers (champagne-socialists, social romantiscists, conformist-leftism, etc.), that has trickled up into government.

    This and practically one-side media (mostly left-winged, few centralist to conservative).


    There is never a conspicious hidden plan when things can easily be explained by stupidity.


    Remember George Carlin?

    "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."

    ...and they all vote!

    • Like 2



    Well, anybody can be replaced. That's just part of her communication : it's me or nothing. Bullshit.


    She doesn't communicate.


    She had anybody whose profile wasn't completely conformous kicked out of her party or resign.


    Today's politicians aren't about getting shit done any values anymore, they're all about getting in power. I don't see anybody with the right format at all. Everybody else is just a conformist ass-licker.


    That's because there isn't any real people's right-wing party anymore. The right-wingers are either crazy or fucked-up. Some are both. That has a lot to do with the media that shoots down common-sense and conservatism wherever possible.

    • Like 1


    It has been confirmed, the Ansbach bomber pledged allegiance to ISIS, damned sucker. Now even Germany is in the list of potential targets for ISIS. Europe is all but safe as of now.



    Germany has always been on the list. Until now, terrorists have been incomprehensively stupid, though. Well, luck was about to run out some time...

    Pledging allegiance to ISIS is an easy way to get 15 minutes of fame before vanishing into the wastebin of history.


    What is appaling about islamism is that you can live a non-islamic life, doing drugs, being a thug and with just one asshat-deed, redeeming yourself and going to "heaven" with those 72 grapes.

    Now, a moderate muslim will tell you that this is all wrong, but then again, a moderate catholic will tell you that molesting altar-boys isn't that christian either.






    Germany and the rest of Europe are now recolting what Germany and Merkel (and other irresponsible politicians since 40 years) seeded. Can't say I'm surprised.


    You naughty boy! Homework: Sing the Deutschlandlied 50 times. 


    The biggest problem with Merkel is: She can't even resign - there's nobody there to fill that role, after she made sure there'd be no replacement/ competitor. She's pretty clever at power-games, but apart from that, there's no cleverness in that person.


    After the elections next year, there'll most probably be a three-party coalition that will make sure not only to keep Merkel in power (as if we haven't already had enough of that witch), but also keep the status-qup for another election period.

    What that means: Giving in to Erdogan and his criminal islamist friends.

    • Like 1

  7. Seems like he was bullied and wanted revenge.

    Most of his victims are migrant teenagers.


    He supposedly had visited Winnenden (a town that had a pretty bad school-shooting a few years ago) and was a fan of Breivik - the date was exactly 5 years after Breivik went on his rampage.

    Seems like he has planned his for a long time.



    Some other guy just killed his wife and hurt two others with a machete in Reutlingen (close to Stuttgart) today.


    lol yeah I'm sure there is nothing to see here...just a crazy according to the German government...just like there is no rape epidemic...lol yeah this is what is called damage control.no way it was terror...lol no way the Germans would say anything to make it look like it's not connected to Islam.....no way never lol



    Aren't you living in a country with a mass-shooting every other week?

    I think it should be obvious that not every dickhead swings his gun in the name of religion. There are plenty of other mental sicknesses to choose from.

    • Like 1


    If the MiG-21 is so hard to beat, why did F-4s average 2:1 or better kill ratios against them while being heavy smokers with crappy missiles? In 1972, with better training and missiles, the Navy was getting 6:1 or better kill records with hard wing F-4Js against MiG-17s that turned better and were just as hard to spot as MiG-21s. Why would the Su-27 be built at all if small size were the key to air superiority? I love the MiG-21. In some ways, it was the forerunner of the F-16, at least for WVR dogfight performance. But pilots could not see out of the cockpit. They were very short range and meant to be pure interceptors. When used for dog fighting, they ran out of fuel.


    How much specific training in fighting F-4s did the MiG-drivers have? You know, like training against an actual F-4 that wouldn't actually shoot if you fucked up. Just like Have Donut and the other secret programs on the US-side. Had the other side benefitted from the same training, the exchange-ratio would not have looked good for the US. 


    The Su-27 was designed as an interceptor for the PVO, not as an air-superiority-fighter. The initial T-10 prototype sucked pretty bad.


    The F-104 was the fore-runner of the F-16. It was designed for air-superiority, based on experience from Korea. Just like the F-16 was after Vietnam.



    The guys at groom lake liked beating teen fighters, but could only win if:

    1) they were allowed to fly in a way that allowed them to get WVR undetected.

    2) they flew in a way to have enough fuel to fight.

    3) the opposition didn't have experience against the type, which affected their ability to spot the MiG-21 and exploit its weaknesses.


    Yeah. So pretty much everything that needs to come into place to make the initial quote count.





    Could the Soviets have built a single engine aircraft with the same range, performance and loadout of the Su-27? (The trade off was a larger visual and radar cross section).



    Pretty hard to say. The Su-27 isn't a wonder-bird at all, it's pretty even with the F-15 and F-14 (with F110 engines) and it's characteristics are down to how much internal fuel it has left.

    Carrying 9t of fuel is impressive, until somebody forces you into a fight with 7t of that fuel left. You can't throw some of it away to get more maneuverability, when you might need it.


    Given the times, few designs went for single-engine configurations - none actually, if you leave all tactical birds out.

    In a way, single-engine probably didn't make much sense for the mission: You needed a lot of reliability with all that taiga below you and simplicity wouldn't give you any benefit either, like it does in tactical birds.

  10. That's not the point.


    The MiG-21 was hailed in several evaluations for virtually being invisible (mind you: that was during the time, when engine-smoke was still politically correct), while larger american fighters would be at disadvantage, was they always stuck out. The F-15 is one large-a$$ bird (I could spot an airliner-sized 'target' at 40NM+ at high altitude* - an F-15 could be seen easily from 15NM, depending on the aspect and environmental conditions).


    You can substitute "MiG-21" for any other small-sized fighter of today.



    * Yes, the contrail gave it away, but you could distinctly see a discrete dot in front of that contrail.


    Unfortunately the terrorists are winning slowly. I refer to the repeated attacks against international passenger aircraft which the public views with horror and subsequently then decide not to use air travel as a means of transport to visit their desired holiday destination.


    If these attack continue, international air travel will continue to shrink and decline, and the security checks will become so lengthy and laborious that some will just not bother to fly anywhere anymore. 


    Frankly, I don't really know where this will all end. !!!!!!.


    Not really:


    In fact, bombings have dropped and completely been shifted to airports of origin with laughable security.

    And air travel is growing fast.


    Measured against flown passenger miles and compared to the 50s-80s, terrorism is neglectable today in air-travel.



    Islam - such as the other two of the "trinity" - is a tool. And as long as it is, nothing of such will happen ( 



    What are you talking about?

    Christainity has been reformed, so has been judaism.


    I don't see any reason why islam couldn't.

    The question is how and when.


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