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Panama Red

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Files posted by Panama Red

  1. Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles 2

    For those who enjoyed my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, this is an update for the newer First Eagles 2 game.
    First Eagles 2 uses some particular EnvironmentSystem.ini parameters that are unique to FE2 versus FE1, SF1 or SF2, so it cannot simply be dropped into one of these other games.
    This First Eagles 2 Sky Mod has the following corrections to the stock TW FE2 sky:
    1. Realistic fluffy clouds
    2. Eliminated the Overhead cloud triangles (when you fly above Overcast or Inclement clouds)
    3. Minimized the low horizon band during dawn and dusk patrols
    4. Realistic dark night
    I have included the original Horizoncloud.tga’s from the first Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles, but this FE2 version works perfectly well with the stock TW FE2 Horizonclouds if you prefer a different horizon look.
    I have tried to make this FE2 Sky Mod as “widesky” as possible, the down side is an occasional “popping” cloud in the distance. If I made the sky any further “widesky”, the clouds would constantly be “popping” in and out, so I stopped at the distance that I have in the mod, which is twice the stock TW distance.
    The easiest way to install this mod (other than using the great JoneSoftGenericModEnabler tool (http://www.users.on....ucts-jsgme.html ), is to copy your “Flight” folder and rename it “Flight1”, then unzip all the included files into your original “Flight” folder.
    The same credits for the Cloud.tga's and Horizoncloud.tga's still apply as in my original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles (see original Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles readme).
    Panama Red


       (4 reviews)



  2. Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles

    Realistic Sky Mod First Eagles
    The reason that I got started modding the First Eagles Environemntalsystem.ini file was to:
    1. Eliminate/reduce the lower horizon purple band in Clear weather,
    2. Eliminate/reduce the lower horizon band in Overcast weather and
    3. Eliminate/reduce the lower horizon band and overhead triangles in Inclement weather.
    Modifying the clouds to make them more realistic was a byproduct of all the time spent "fixing" the first three items. I have tried to make the clouds as realistic looking as possible and at the proper altitude for each type.
    In modifying the first Eagles Environmentalsystem.ini file, I used the same theme as TK used for the horizonclouds and broke out all 5 overhead clouds (versus the default Cloud1 for all weathers) into:
    1. Cloud1 = Clear
    2. Cloud2 = Scattered
    3. Cloud3 = Broken
    4. Cloud4 = Overcast
    5. Cloud5 = Inclement
    First Eagles default horizon clouds use the same method as the included horizonclouds included in this mod:
    1. Horizonclouds 11-18 = Clear
    2. Horizonclouds 21-28 = Scattered
    3. Horizonclouds 31-38 = Broker
    4. Horizonclouds 41-48 = Overcast
    5. Horizonclouds 51-58 = Inclement
    This way people can mix and match their particular horizon & overhead clouds (that other people have made) to their hearts desire and still have the original 3 fixes I did for the Clear, Overcast & Inclement weather.
    Unfortunately due to internal FE game engine restrictions, I am not able to completely eliminate the Clear lower horizon band and can only transfer the lower horizon bands for Overcast and Inclement weather to above the clouds where you can still see the triangles above the Inclement clouds if you chose to fly above these clouds. From what I have read, without an artificial horizon in WW1 planes, not many pilots flew into/above thick Overcast or Inclement clouds because they could lose their orientation very quickly and did not want to subject their wood and canvas planes to all the turbulence within these clouds either.
    I would like to give Marcel "Cellinsky" Aerni the biggest credit for starting me on this path of modding the sky, I have always admired all his great work in his “Widesky” mods. I have also included his Clear, Scattered, Overcast and Inclement Horizonclouds since they are very realistic and blend well with the FE’s horizon fog, as well as give credit to Polak for his Broken Horizonclouds; they really look like a front is coming through. I also give credit to Cellinsky and ShrikeHawk for their Cloud.tgas, they definitely improved the overhead clouds look.
    The easiest way to install this mod (other than using the great JoneSoftGenericModEnabler tool http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/...ucts-jsgme.html ), is to copy your “Flight” folder and rename it “Flight1”, then unzip all the included files into your original “Flight” folder.
    Inclement weather will rain 100% of the time with the standard “particlesystem.ini”, but I can give no guarantees if you are using a modified “particlesystem.ini” file.
    Panama Red


       (3 reviews)



  3. Nieuport 24 Lewis

    Nieport 24 Lewis v1.0 with 1 overhead Lewis and cockpit
    Original N24 3D Model and clean skins by EmlD
    FM by peter01
    Ini file modification to N24_Lewis by Panama Red
    29th Sqn. Skins and Decals by quack74
    LeRhone9jb Sound by Nix
    Testing by ojcar
    This N24_Lewis was created so ojcar could use it in his FE2 Campaign Series.
    The real RFC Nieuport 24 Lewis had a very short career on the Western Front before transfering to the Middle Eastern Front. Basicaly only one RFC squadron used it for any length of time on the Western Front, and that was the 29th Squadron from Nov 1917 to Feb 1918.
    As a result, quack74 created this set of unique decals for all three flights of the RFC 29th Squadron. Included are two sets of skins, the default "dirty" set, and an alternate "clean" set for those who want a difference.
    To install this package, do the following:
    Install the N24_Lewis folder to your
    .../Aircrafts directory
    Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory
    Install Gunsite01 into WeaponData.Dat
    Install the N24_Lewis folder to your
    .../Aircrafts directory
    Install N24_Lewis decals folder to your
    .../Decals directory
    Install LeRhone9jb.wav to Sounds directory
    Install Gunsite01 folder into Weapons directory


       (1 review)



  4. FE2 Realistic Campaign Weather Mod

    If you have ever noticed, First Eagles 2 has a problem with the Campaign Weather never changing after the first mission in any particular campaign game. Since TK will not apparently be updating First Eagles 2 with a patch to correct this bug, I have created a mod to circumvent this problem. This mod will allow you to manually change the weather in your campaigns missions so you do not have to fly the same weather over and over again.
    For this mod to really work well, you need three items (all of which are included in this package):
    Modified weather files
    JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME)
    Random Number Generator

    What this mod does is convert any Clear, Scattered or Broken weather into one of the five types of weather I have provided. Unfortunately I cannot convert the stock FE2 Overcast or Inclement weather because there is a setting inside the FirstEagles2.exe that mandates the cloud layer between the ground and the clear sky above and I have not figured out at this point how to circumvent that internal setting. Also rain can only appear in the stock inclement weather because of the same internal FirstEagles2.exe settings.

    What I can do is allow you to change any Campaign Clear, Scattered or Broken weather to 1. Clear; 2. Scattered Less (clouds); 3. Scattered More (clouds); 4. Broken or 5. Overcast. Each of the five Campaign Weather folders has three different weather looks to them and if you start with Clear in your Campaign, you have a forth automatic option (no horizon clouds), which is another FirstEagles2.exe internal setting.

    Tally Ho;
    Panama Red

    A long readme is included in mod folder on how to set up the FE2 Realistic Campaign Weather Mod.


       (4 reviews)




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