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Panama Red

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Posts posted by Panama Red

  1. The Campaign's Data consists of two files, (example: the first is the FlandersFront01.ini and the second is the FlanderFront01_data.ini) and they are already extracted and in the appropriate folders. Since ojcar broke out each month, you have to add all the required information to each of the necessary month folders to have the above planes show up.


    P.S. have your ever read the SF1/SF2 Knowledge Bases yet ??? All this is explained in great detail on how to add objects and planes to campaigns.

  2. 33LIMA:

    The trouble with what people want, versus what TK has said is completely different.


    TK has stated several times "that it will most likely break existing mods if he updated the game", so there is no question that if he patches it that this will happen. Like I have said over and over, TK has said that HE WILL BREAK THE GAME if he patches it, so why do people want him to break it ???


    He is not going to just "patch" the things we want, he will patch it the way he wants, and I do not think he can get much clearer than that when he has said "that it will most likely break existing mods if he updated the game", and that is his quote, not mine.

  3. "Well, TK can or cannot make the patch an we can or cannot install the patch...."



    1. As you know when TK patches a game, he only sells the new patched game, so only the people who have the current game do not have to worry about any new problems that will be introduced, all new buyers are shafted.


    2. If you are following SF2, you can see where all the new WW2 Plane_data.ini's are not compatible with the original SF1 WW2 planes (just ask Wrench about that).


    3. With that in mind (and TK does the same thing to FE2 as he did to SF2, and he has already implied that will happen with his "broken mod" statement), which game are you going to make your new Plane_data.ini's for, FE1, current FE2 or the updated FE2 ???


    4. If as implied by TK that the old will not work with the new, are you going to go back and make a whole new set of FMs just for the new people who do not have access to the current FE2 version ???



    It is problems like this that happen when you open the FE2 update "can of worms" that has already happened in SF2 and there is no guessing if this will happen, because it has already happened in SF2.

  4. My concern is there are people over at TW that are asking TK to update FE2 and he has said at least twice "that it will most likely will break existing mods".


    Now if TK has already warned everybody what will probably happen, why are some people still speculating that this will not happen ??? He is the developer and he should know what will probably happen since FE2 is based off SF2 and it did break existing mods when he updated SF2 over the years.


    As a result, what some people are betting on is that something may not happen, when the person is charge tells you that it most likely will happen !!!

  5. I have no dispute on what you are saying quack74 and I would love to see these things too, but unfortunately that is not the way TK works.


    When TK makes a patch for FE2, he will go the way of SF2 and if you own SF2, you can see the results. It is a constant battle of one step forward and one step back as he fixes several things and breaks several more things, all the while "locking down" more and more items that you used to be able to mod. It is not particularly the "fixing and breaking" things that bother me the most, it is the "locking down" items that bothers me since the main strength of FE/FE2 versus the other two major WW1 flight games is the ability to mod what you want compared to what you can not mod in those games.

  6. ataribaby:

    You do not understand, once TK decides to do a patch, he will change everything HE WANTS to change, not what we want to change as evident by the sad state of SF2. So when he patches FE2, he will bring it in line with the SF2 series and that means all the problems associated with SF2 now will be in FE2.


    With TK, it will be ALL or NOTHING patch, and I prefer to have none of the problems with SF2. By the way, did you even try the random Campaign Weather mod ???

  7. For those advocating a new patch for FE2, have you considered all the ramifications if TK does update FE2 ??? He has said several times over on TW when asked, that it will most likely break existing mods if he updated the game!!!


    Currently FE2:


    1. Plays very smoothly.


    2. Has no major bugs that break the game.


    3. Allows you to almost fly the entire map.


    4. Is “unlocked” and allows you to mod almost anything in the game.


    5. Clouds at correct height.



    If FE2 is patched like the currently SF2 series:


    1. Will not play smoothly (I know because I have both the Jan11 and Jul12 games and where the heavily modded SF2 Jan11 games are as smooth as glass at 60 FPS, the stock SF2 Jul12 games continuously stutter at the same 60 FPS. Both versions are on the same PC, Win7 x64, Intel i7 975, ATI 6970, 12 GB Ram, so it’s not the PC).


    2. TK is always “fixing” new bugs for each of his new SF2 patches, and when he does, he always introduces new bugs that have to be “fixed” in the next patch.


    3. Has reduced the area that you can fly on the SF2 maps, i.e. the “walls” are further from the edge and you cannot fly to places at the edge of the map like earlier patches, so targets, airfields, etc. are no longer accessible on older maps.


    4. Has locked various portions of the SF2 games so you can no longer mod as much as the older SF2 games.


    5. Increased the SF2 clouds to double the realistic height, which will definately effect how the game is played. In case you never noticed, FE2 actually blocks the AI and your sight through the clouds (unlike some other flight games) so you can hide in or behind the clouds like in reality.




    This just proves the old saying that “newer is not always better, just newer”. So my question to all these people who keep asking TK to update the game, why do you want the game updated if it will create more problems than we currently have ???


    A. I have seen people ask for an updated naval portion of the game on TW, and I agree that it would be nice. But remember, WW1 air to sea combat was few and far between, so is it worth it to break the rest of the game for something that really did not happen often ???


    B. I have also seen where people have asked for the campaign weather to be fixed, I created a mod that would accomplish that without patching the game and it is in the FE2 download section, so again I ask if breaking the game is worth something that already has a work around ???


    C. Who is going to go through and update all these “broken mods” that TK says will probably be broke if he updates FE2 ??? There has been thousands of hours put into these mods and some of the original modders are not even active in FE/FE2 anymore, so that just means the rest of us must stop moving forward on new mods to fix old mods, if they can even be "fixed" in the new patch.




    In closing, I again ask, why do you want to break something that works (FE2) for a couple of items that are not central to a WW1 flight game, even if they would be nice to have ??? Remember one of the greatest strengths of the TW series (SF2/FE2) was the ability to almost mod the game to what ever you wanted, but that has been severally reduced in the currentl SF2 series and I would hate to see that happen for FE2 too.

  8. The only guns that can be "unjammed" is a gun that you can fix during flight. The plane's only guns that qualify for that are guns positioned directly in front of the pilot like most WW1 planes. Even WW1 planes that had their guns buried in the fuselage could not be "unjammed" in flight. As a result, you can not "unjam" a gun on a jet since the pilot can not reach it to fix it in flight.





    This does work in FE/FE2, but only because the guns are normally within the pilot's reach in flight and the default button for that is "U".

  9. Padraig:

    Make sure you do not confuse a rotary engine with a radial engine. They are two completely different engines, but look similar from a distance.


    On a rotary engine, the whole engine rotates and the prop is bolted to the engine. On a radial engine, the engine is stationary and the prop rotates on the shaft.


    There are no modern rotary engines (unless made for old WW1 planes); post WW1 planes used the radial engine because it does not have the huge torque problem that the rotary engine has.


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