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Posts posted by sixstrings

  1. Very much into the WWII era. Have 9 installs of CFS3,2 for IL-2 '46 along with a few others-(modern jets)and a few WWI sims. Hear that the same team that brought us WOFF is working on a WWII release soon to come out maybe this summer. Looking forward to the DCS designed WWII sim. My favorite era to fight in bar none.Great news ! Have Flaming Cliffs, Falcon 4.0 BMS and Free Falcon 6 for my modern jet fix too.

  2. Have many combat flight sims but WW II is my favorite era. Have 9 installs of CFS3 and 2 installs of Il-2 '46. Both together have a awesome amount of content. BoB is my favorite subject and have 3 installs of BoB CFS3. One is payware by Just Flight and is no longer available the other is free and will be updated later (i'm testing the new version now) all you need is the original CFS3. You can find it here.      http://cfs3bob.wix.com/battle-of-britain#!   The last one is in CFS3 ETO version 1.50 .More info can be found here   http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/forum.php              Hope this helps.

  3. Wish i got RoF sooner .Now it looks like i'm a late commer. O well , will purchase as much content i can. A great sim that is a break from WWII ,Korea,modern jets/helicopters. A real challenge to fight in these early birds. What ! no parachute !  Runs fine on my pc that isn't the latest greatest. Sims like WOFF need a high end rig to get much out of it. Building a new rig that can handle anything out there now or in the future for years to come. Not into playing on line and like simple missions for times sake . Thanks 777 for all your work.

  4. Been away from OFF for several years (CFS3-9 installs,Il-2 '46-2 installs,Flaming Cliffs2,Falcon 4.0 modded . Have OFF-BHaH. Installed to version  1.9e with hot fix. Are there any other updates available for BHaH ? Thanks and good to be back.Looking to get the latest version of WOFF when i build my own new gaming rig.

  5. Currently running version 1.9e for BHAH. Are there any updates newer ? WOFF looks cool but a bit much for my temporary pc. Will surely get the latest WOFF package when i finish saving up for a self-built gaming pc that kicks tail and is a whole lot cheeper than the factory ones out there.OFF BHAH is still a lot of fun and my pc can handle it pretty good. Running Win 7 64 bit OS.Just expanding my era's to cover WWI,WWII,Korea, Vietnam and modern. This at least completes it all.Huge fan of CFS3- (9 installs) and Il-2 '46. OFF BHAH is still kick butt !! Really enjoy it !! Thanks to all those who made this possible .Looking forward to the latest greatest WOFF after my build is done.

  6. Have 8 separate installs of CFS3 . ETO,MAW,PTO-(Solomon islands,rising sun),2 different BoB,Fire Power.......  CFS3 has come a long way and barely resemble the original sim. Many aircraft,scenery,effects, missions and so much more. Check this site out to learn more and download tons of add ons    http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/content.php also http://regshanger.net/   http://cfs3bob.wix.com/battle-of-britain   and many more sites for CFS3 also. CFS 3 , Il-2 '46(highly modded) and Lock On are my go to combat sims. Will get all of the latest Third Wire combat flight sims too. Learning GMax 3D program now to make more aircraft for CFS3 that i want (Russian , Luft '46). CFS3 is not dead by a long shot.    Regards,Scott

  7. Awesome 33Lima !! The graphics look amazing . Do the German aircraft have correct "markings" on the updated version of CLoD ?  Have the whole update from Team Fusion . Is that all i need ? Do i need any 1C factory updates before i install the TF's mods ? Thanks for any help .         Regards,Scott               p.s. been in the hospital for quite a long time...just got out a short while ago and just now being able to function .

  8. Interested in all things BoB. I have BoB II WoV (fully patched) and like it for what it is. Also a die hard CFS3 nut,(9 installs).  Have Pats' BoB for CFS3,(a new version coming soon), and Just Flights' BoB for CFS3 and love them ( no bugs ever). About to reinstall CLoD. Hope the updates corrects the terrible bugs in the sim. When i first installed CLoD it was garbage .Will try again...Thanks to Team Fusion and their hard work. Excellent video. got me all excited !!

  9. After playing CFS3 and all its expansions and Il-2 '46 (heavily modded).I wanted to branch out. So i dusted off Lock On and with the latest patch started to enjoy the modern jets. Now that i've gotten the bug , i want Flaming Cliffs 3 and the whole Strike Fighter series. Falcon 4.0 BMS is another must have according to all the research i've done. Now to memorize  all those key strokes !!

  10. Stay away from AMD and stick with Intel and Nvidia . The new GTX1080 FE is one bad*** video card !! DDR4 memory and 1TB or greater SSD's are dropping in price for what you get. Hopefully will have mine built by this fall. Does anyone have a spare $1000 just laying around ? Please send to me.  :crazy:

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  11. As a devoted CFS3 fan i never strayed too far from all the expansions(have 10 separate installs). Will soon be getting WOFF when the new version comes out soon and just getting back into Il-2 '46. How does FE2 compare to WOFF ? I see there many aircraft and mods available for FE2. How is the game play and realism? The price is right but i just don't know enough about it.Is it a lite version of WOFF or RoF ? Have a good computer so it should handle it with ease. I get excellent fps with all my other combat flight sims. Planing to get the whole SF2 series also. So many cfs's out there and so little time!!  Regards,Scott

  12. The best bang for the buck has to be building one yourself. Don't be intimidated by the process , it's very easy and strait forward . I researched numerous websites and one of the best i've found is  http://www.build-gaming-computers.com/      is the most detailed and helpful. You can then spend your money saved on better hardware. Just save the amount to be spent and purchase all hardware at the same time. This way you have factory warranties for any part found defective during or after build.

  13. Just too cool !!! and true too !! A friend of mine's son was a F-16 pilot and he loved that aircraft. He also crashed one due to engine failure. Other than that he said it was the best fighter he'd ever flown.

  14. The update for CFS3-BoB will be delayed till sometime in October due to the guy preparing it house was flooded (all files are ok though). A lot of issues have been addressed in the update. BoB II is the only other that gets my attention  after researching. Don't want to play on-line or have anything to do with Steam . That rules out CLoD....

  15. Glad i'm here in the USA .Even though we have a massive illegal alien problem , the dollar is worth nothing,Washington isn't listening and more ,but soon there's going to be a presidential election and hopefully things will start to change. At least there is hope. Don't want to say more on the web,but let me say i'm ready and stocked up and prepared for the worst...can live off the grid , plenty of food,water , guns and ammo.....bring it on.......

  16. I'm sold on BoB II WoV !! Will order the sim on Amazon , as it's pretty cheap there. CFS3-BoB has improved ai along with many other advances covered with the update coming soon. I'm testing it right now and it's amazing . Have Just Flight's BoB for CFS3 and its good but dated and a good pc is required -(it's official too!!). Sometimes you get caught up in a certain sim/series and it's hard to break away ie- keyboard commands , game play....and more. All the sims i own have their up and down sides. It's all what you can live with or not.


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