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Posts posted by Coot

  1. Weapon Editor and MISC desktop Icons

    Hello. Here are a bunch of Weapon Editor and misc desktop icons for the Thirdwire Series. Once again these were made from 48X48 bitmap images. There are no text on these this time so that helps with the clutter. They look just fine especially if you're running at a standard desktop resolution such as 1024X768. I don't know how these look on a Vista desktop as I don't have vista. But if Vista makes your icons bigger you'll be just fine. If you run your desktop at a really high resolution then you may have to make some adjustments somewhere. As a result, included also are the 48X48 bitmap images so folks can tweak them to there needs if necessary. Some of the icons include actual images from the TW series. Some of them also came from pictures I found and clip art.


    Thank you to cksinfo.com for the free weapons clip art. http://www.cksinfo.com/index2.html


    Thanks everybody and I hope you all can get some use out of these.


  2. Hey Lexx sorry about the text. That's why I put that notice there. When I use IconX all of the icons are big and clear and the text is just fine. But on standard XP it makes them 32X32 which makes the text hard to read. That's why I was using IconX to make everything almost Vista-like.


    I'll try to make a second pack that will have no text in them. Just an image so that it can be labeled to the user's needs. Also......


    I'd be grateful for any suggestions on how to make the icons look like they belong to a Cold War theme. That was part of my reason for attempting to put text in there so as to be somewhat specific, but if there are any suggestions on the type of image to use that would be good for insinuating the Cold War without having to use text I would be grateful. I think I accomplished that with the missile launch version of the icon but I need more ideas.


    As I side note I was pretty tickled with the outcome of the icon with the aircraft silhouette and reflections.

  3. That's not quite what I meant Storm however what you said does interest me. What I meant was could I physically resize the gauges bmps manually as opposed to lowering the cockpit details in the main menu. I tried doing this with the F-102 but the gauge quality was just too poor and blurry. I think it might have even been worse than just selecting a lower quality cockpit through the main settings.


    I was wondering, can whatever files make up the aircraft's gun sights cause fps slow downs? I ask because when I did try resizing the F-102 gauges, when I looked down at the gauges it was smoother but as soon as I looked straight ahead towards the gun sight the fps seemed to drop some. Then of course when I look away outside the pit things smoothed up.

  4. Hello. Is there a way to gain better cockpit performance without having to select lower qualities through the options menu? It may be a silly question, but can you resize the cockpit similar to the way you can resize skins to get better performance? Or would doing that just booger stuff up?


    (Please keep in mind here I'm not on a very good computer)


    I don't know why, but for some reason my F-100D pit has excellent fps and smoothness compared to even other stock aircraft. And most understandably, many addon aircraft have pits that are too intensive for the pc that I'm on. I've just always found it interesting that the Super Sabre has always had a fps friendly pit. Even with the high-rez pit upgrade it still performs well. But is there a way to obtain some better cockpit performance? Lowering the quality through the menu options starts to degrade the readability of the gauges that's why I'm looking for other ways.



  5. Thanks again everyone for the help. Thanks 331Killerbee for all the pointers and your time. That weapons pack you linked me to did do the trick. I've got all sorts of weapons now to choose from. If you are still willing, could we still work out a test scenario on adding a specific weapon just so that I can learn how to do it? I wouldn't even know what kind of example to create as this weapon packs seems to do it all. But if we could do one just the same that would be great. And I'll definitely be making a copy of this thread for my Misc important Strike Fighters notes for future reference.

  6. Okay 331Killerbee here's what I got: I searched for all of those weapons in my WEAPONDATAini but it could not find any of the weapons. If it helps, I believe I installed the SFP1_WOV_WOE_Weapon_Pack_01_02_08 weapons pack.




    Hmmm. I just went back to double check on those weapons and I can't even get the search to find "Weapons Type" in my WEAPONDATA.ini


    Is the text search trustworthy? Sometimes I find that its seems to be a little finicky.

  7. Thanks everybody for the responses. It happens to me all the time with different aircraft. 331Killerbee, thanks for the help. Let me use the F-102 for my example as I do need weapons to show up for it. Here is the F-102's Loadout.ini


    // Station 1 = Genie Bay

    // Station 2 = Left Front Missile Station

    // Station 3 = Right Front Missile Station

    // Station 4 = Left Rear Missile Station

    // Station 5 = Right Rear Missile Station

    // Station 6 = Left Wing Station

    // Station 7 = Right Wing Station

    // Station 8 = rockets






































    As far as what weapons I'd to show up, this is where I suppose I'm confused, I just need any weapon to show up and to be selectable.

    Thanks again.

  8. Thanks for the reply but I'm still not quite understanding. I'm trying to make weapons available for planes in my game that have no weapons showing up. Those addons that I mentioned above were just my example. Addons like these that come with their own weapons and provided WEAPONDATA info for me to add using the weapon editor I seem to be okay on. Its with aircraft that I install that do not come with such information that I do not know where to begin when they don't have weapons showing up in the loadout menu.

  9. Hey there. I have looked in the Knowledge Base and have read the adding weapons section. I'm starting to get a better handle on understanding the weapons editor. However I'm still confused about something. Where do I actually get the weapon data ini values from? For example some aircraft addons that you download will come with their own weapons and/or tanks. Included in the addon's instructions is usually weapons data text that you have to copy and add to your own WEAPONDATA.ini making sure to change the number to follow the order of what weapons you already have. Then you proceed to open up your WEAPONDATA using the weapons editor and going through the usual "click and save" procedure. I've done this successfully twice now adding tanks to the F-80 Shooting Star and F-104C-10 Starfighter. But these addons came with their own weapons files and WEAPONDATA.ini info for me to add using the weapons editor.


    With this being said my issue right now is that I have no weapons selectable for the new F-102 save for the center-line station I believe. How do I go about making weapons available to this aircraft? I also have other misc aircraft/stations that have no weapons available. I have one of the latest MF weapons packs installed.


    Thanks for your patience and any help. I'm trying to get this down so that I'll understand it once and for all.

  10. Cold War desktop icons

    Here are some Cold War themed desktop icons for use with the Third Wire series. Some have text while others do not. I tried to be creative with these and there are a variety to choose from.




    The icons in this package were created from 48X48 bitmap images. Converting them into a windows desktop icon takes them down to 32X32. Some of these I have found to be not very clear when using them in a default Windows XP setup. Some look just fine at this size but some do not.(Some text is hard to see) I just started using a shareware version of something called IconX that essentially makes my Windows XP icons look more like Vista icons. This program allows me to basically enlarge the icons to any level while at the same time scaling them appropriately so that they do not loose any visual quality. So with this program for example, all of the icons are large and clear for me. I don't use Windows Vista so I do not know how these icons will scale for you folks. I assume you all won't have issues with them as Vista icons seem to have been designed much larger and with more versatility than XP.(Please forgive my ignorance here I just don't know much about it and I'm still learning)


    As a result there are two packs in one here. A zip with the icons and a zip with the original 48X48 bitmaps. That way if someone has a specific need or adjustment they must make to get the most out of these icons, the original bitmaps are available to them to tweak as needed.


    The download zip is called "Cold War Icons and Bitmaps". Inside this are the "Cold War Icons" zip and the "Cold War 48X48 Bitmaps" zip.

    Just extract these zips to a temporary place and have a look and see what you can use. Also have at the provided bitmaps if you would like.


    Thanks again,




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