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Posts posted by Coot

  1. Thanks CA_Stary. I've always been an nvidia guy so I guess I'm safe then. This pc I'm on doesn't have an extra slot for a card. This pc wasn't made for games. I gave my sister my last good computer two years ago for her schooling and for the last two years I've been wrestling old computers that we still had and this one. I'm antsy to be able to really play my sims again. Any new computer at this point will be a breath of fresh air. I've done Dells in the past but I'm ready to try something new and more affordable. I'm going to try IBUYPOWER for my next pc. I'tll save me over 1000 dollars compared to the past Dells that I've bought.

  2. Thanks for the patience. Where do I find the VietnamSEA.ini? I have copied from my backup a VietnamSEA cat and VietnamSEAconfig. So now I have presently in my VietnamSEA folder a CAT, config, and data.ini.



    Never mind on that. I reread your post Wrench as to where the VietnamSEA.ini is. I'm confused. Is the VietnamSEA.ini the same thing as the VietnamSEA config that I see in the folder?

  3. I think I must have deleted those as I deleted the contents the whole folder. :unsure:


    I did make a copy of my modded WOV before I started messing with it too much. So I'll go there and retrieve the copies I need.


    I only have the misc. files and a VietnamSEAdata.ini in my terrain/VietnamSEA folder. So I need to also have the VietnamSEA Cat, Vietnamconfig.ini and Vietnam.ini?

  4. Thanks CA_Stary. I've added to my troubles though. I suppose I shouldn't have, but before restarting the install procedure, I deleted all of the VietnamSEA contents. I reinstalled only the Brain32 VietnamSEA tile and the GH2. Then I installed the .tod files from the medium folder into the VietnamSEA folder. Now the Vietnam isn't in the drop down list. I think I'm missing a Vietnam Config. Did I mess myself up or can that be retrieved with the Cat extractor?

  5. Thanks Dave and CA_Stary for the tips. I'll give them a try. I've been placing all of the .tod files that came with the Brain32 repaint, GH2, and Rescale mod directly into the VietnamSEA folder(no sub folders/ individual .tod files directly into VietnamSEA folder). Before all of this, I was using Deuce's enhanced Vietnam terrain. But the main mods come with their own VietnamSEAData.ini files so nothing leftover from that would cause it would it? The rescale mod comes with a new viewlist.ini. Could that be something? I'll try reinstalling everthing except the Rescale mod and install tree .tod files very last like Dave said and see what happens.


    Thanks for the help sirs. I've been modding this WOV install fairly successfully but I probably boogered up something somewhere. I'm also using Lexx Luthor's Siberian sky mod.

  6. Hey there. My attempt was to install Brain32's Vietnam SEA repaint, then the GreenHell2 mod, then the Rescaled GH2 mod. As far as I can tell I followed the readmes but I'm not getting any trees showing up.


    -Vietnam repaint shows up fine. Although that too came with trees which I placed into my VietnamSEA terrain folder. But I did not first check to see if those trees that it came with showed up or not. I went right to installing GH2.


    -I installed GH2 and placed the files in the "medium" trees folder into the VietnamSEA terrain folder.


    -I then installed the Rescaled GH2 mod. The only confusing thing to me here is that this mod says it requires Brain32's Germany repaint. I did not install this as I'm using all of these for WOV. Was this my problem? I installed the Rescaled mod minus the Germany repaint and when everything is said and done, I have no trees whatsoever.


    I even tried reinstalling the original Green Hell and just trying that out but still not trees.


    What am I missing here? Thanks for any guidance.

  7. Hey there. I've been changing various menu music in WOE/ODS but am having trouble getting the "RecordScreen" music to play. I first realised that my music for this was in mp3 format so I converted it to wave format which is the format that WOE's music is in. However the music still won't play when I go ingame to the Pilot selection screen. What am I missing here?


    I also recall that in the TopGun music mod for download here, the author had "Great Balls of Fire" playing while you look at your planning map. How was he able to get separate music to play for the planning map? The reason I ask is because from what I can tell, the "HangarRadio1" sound file seems to play for all of the various hangar screens including loadout, planning map, flight roster sections.



  8. I found something new at least to me. I started a Navy campaign flying the F-18. I flew in real time to my target having to avoid quite a few sam launches. I made a gun run on the airfield and was in afterburner. As I came off, I banked pretty hard. I went to flyby view to watch myselft and right in front of me I watched as my wing shatered and fly apart sending me into a mess. Wow! It may not be new but I believe this is the first time in the TW series that I've had structural damage due to aircraft stress. I even checked debriefing to make sure some stray AAA didn't get me and sure enough it mentioned only that I had gone down.


    I also saw my flight drop their own tanks and I assume go and deal with some threat as they did this on their own. At first I though he was hit by a sam but it was him dropping three tanks.


    Now MIA I need to go start another campaign.

  9. I havn't been able to really start it yet but when I popped in just for a look, I was excited to see the F-117! Thank you! I also like the menu buttons and look from FA. I also ctrl-F12 to look around and found a flag that was rippling in the wind. Don't know if that's new but its new to me. Can't wait to start a campaign later today. Thanks again everyone for the major effort expended by you to create this mod. :moil:

  10. taken from a living room in Chiliwack, B.C, Canada, a couple hours from where I live.




    so far I've got "Lazerpuma Want In" and "I seez you".



    Third Echelon's new experimental program to provide field agents with highly trained animal assistants to compliment their weapons kit.

  11. False. But I have tried eel sauce for dipping Tai food in. I havn't quite figured out yet if I like it or not. :umnik2:


    The person below me once made a paper airplane that stayed airborne for more than 30 seconds.

  12. Thank you serverandenforce for your service. Thank you to all our service men and women for their hard work and for everything that they do on our behalf to keep our nation safe and strong.


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