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File Comments posted by alexis99

  1. SF2 - Menu (UI) Expansion

       109    5

    Is there any way of you being able to flip between the four variations of RDR and RWR whilst sat in the cockpit? I have tailored RDR and RWR pop-ups for different aircraft, but I have to remember to select the right one in the file system before I fly. It would be really neat to be able to press a key and cycle through the various version whilst flying, or from the opening menus.

  2. This is one of those things that you think is too good to be true. But it is true. It is astonishing.

    I copied the WOV that I had on an XP computer and pasted the whole folder onto a Win10 computer. It ran in XP compatible mode at 20 fps with medium graphics and no cockpit. 9.5 fps with cockpit.

    So I downloaded the file specified in this tutorial and just did part A. With everything in graphics turned up to maximum unlimited, mirrors and all, the fps was flashing at 58 because it couldn't show any higher figures.

    I'm waiting for something to go wrong.

    This is amazing.

  3. North Cape Terrain

       1215    6

    This terrain is absolutely breathtaking to fly. However, I have flown from at least one airbase that is in a forest and the runway is covered in trees. Would you like me to note the name of the airbase next time it happens, just in case you wish to update later?

  4. That darn Gunsight has two entries in the B-1B data, one of which wasn't there. It's hidden away where you don't think to look, so if it's missing, you're up that creek sans paddle.

    Anyway, I got that working, and I can now deliver bombs using CCIP and get good accuracy.

    Radar is fine. You have AA, which is warning only, since you have no AA weaps; and you have AG, which is pretty, but actually doesn't do anything really.


    I've been delivering bombs from 2000 ft. Mission profile is supposed to be 200, but until I get some damper figures (please bop1701), I am not going there.


    Big question: when I do a single mission, why are there 20 other B-1s flying with me? And how do I limit that?

    I'm used to flying Intruders: You know, alone, unarmed, and a teeny bit frightened. And I'd like to fly solo missions, or wingman only.


    Did I mention it's a gorgeous plane?

    You have to watch the bomb-bay doors open and reveal the payload; you have to watch the gear fold away; and you just have to love the way that radar screen folds out from the cockpit panel.

    Sheer genius. xx


    Anyway, love some advice.

  5. I'd like to know what figures you used for pitch and roll damping, because it does behave a little like a Cessna.

    But what a beautiful aircraft, and such a fantastic cockpit.

    I love it and intend to get to know it better.


    The lack of radar is down to the fact that it uses 70dll avionics, which are very different to the old 60dll avionics.

    For instance it doesn't recognise "Ground Mapping"; it now expects to see "GM".

    I tinkered about a bit today and got the radar working; and included a HUD which is to my taste but not everyone else's.

    The TV works for GBUs.

    I'm just in the throes of depression, because although the bomb fall line works, the bomb sight isn't showing, and I need to experiment with the bomb sight depression.

    That's as good as it's going to get today, folks.


    Most of the information on how to fix the avionics is in the knowledge base, but I feel that the knowledge base is a little long in the tooth now, and needs an update.

    And since everyone else seems to be on SF2, I don't expect that will happen.

    But we can try...


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