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Posts posted by Julhelm

  1. Game development is usually not very high-paid work. You are expected to put in massive hours in return for pay that is less than you would get at a programming job making commercial software. Even less pay if you are an artist. The only people who ever seem to get paid well are senior employees and the various leads and art/tech directors. Bottom line if you don't like it there's a thousand other young people passionate and dumb enough to work 80-hour weeks for peanuts. I cannot possibly imagine russian devs get paid better than we do.


    As for TK my guess is he just got tired of working on the same thing forever. At some point you got to move on.


    We'll see, if that works out in the end. Even with all those whistles and bells, it all comes down to simple physics at the bottom line, and brochures are often just that little bit shinier than the paper they're printed on...


    Actual testing has shown that to be the case, so I'm not sure where you get the idea it's from some sales brochure.

  3. That's funny since the F-16 was designed as a pure air superiority day fighter.


    But aside, the F-35 is the most advanced warplane ever built. It is an order of magnitude more capable than the F-22. A pilot flying an F-35 will be able to see every threat 360 degrees around his plane out to as long a range as there are other units to network. And with a full internal load of HAOB missiles and bombs it is still as maneuverable as a clean F-16. But it's just an expensive bombtruck that can't dogfight worth a damn.

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