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Posts posted by Julhelm

  1. The missiles the F-4 carried performed very well in trials which is why they were accepted into service to begin with. It's ludicrous to take a fighter like the F-4 that's designed to shoot down Soviet bombers with missiles suited for that task and then call it failed because missiles designed to shoot down bombers doesn't fare as well dogfighting against fighters. Anyone who says things like that just doesn't understand the purpose of the 1960's military which was 100% all-out nuclear war against the Soviet Union. They even had to carry surplus WW2 munitions in Vietnam because they had so little conventional munitions the supplies ran out.

  2. DAS is the gamechanger here. That russian radar is not going to do a lot of good against a VLO fighter that uses EO DAS + datalinked off-platform targeting data except light up the RWR on the F-35. Russians and the Chinese are where the US was 20 years ago with the YF-22.

  3. Anyone who gets all hung up on the phrase 'gun pod' is a retard. It's not like on the F-4 where the gunpod was an afterthought - it's not like the the F-35 one isn't specifically designed to plug into the weapons bay while maintaining VLO or is going to be just as accurate as the podded guns on the Harrier (that noone ever complains about). Seriously, in a world with high off-boresight missiles that can pull 60g turns guns ARE an afterthought. F-35 vs Su-35 and the F-35 is going to win everytime courtesy of being able to see the SU before the SU sees it.


    Besides, how can anyone possibly bring up the F-4 as an example of a lemon? It's one of the most successful fighters of all time.

  4. I think DCS is overrated. Sure it's fine for the hardcore folks but for those of us who don't care for clickable cockpits and ultra-sterile atmosphere it's not an alternative. The problem with all these other sims like JT and Fighter Ops is that they all set out to be super-duper accurate and hyper-realistic and as a result turn out too complicated to develop for any team that doesn't get their real money from military contracts.


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