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File Comments posted by Pentuer

  1. Hi! I'm new in FE2 (I play usually WOFF and ROF). I have Windows 7.

    I did everything follow instructions:

    1 - FE2 ver. Jul2010 is instaled (it's stock - no any mods, no any add-ons):             C\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\First Eagles 2              - (it's default path)

    2 - I've copied wwiCaporetto from temporary folder into               C:\Program Files (x86)\First Eagles\Terrain

    3 - I've copied all files from the from temporary folder Objects\GroundObjects  into User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\First Eagles 2\Objects\GroundObject

    ...and when I'm running the game I can choose Cambrai and Verdun only... Caporetto is missing. What's wrong?


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