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Posts posted by WallysWorld

  1. I am using Shoot 1.6.4 successfully with IL2 1946 and FSX on my Windows 10 computer. My Windows drive got corrupted a few weeks ago and I had to reinstall .Net Framework 1.1 in order for Shoot to work again. But no issues with it otherwise than once in a while I have to repeat my command but that probably has more to do with my microphone than Shoot itself.

  2. I've been tempted more than once to try Falcon BMS, but I'm afraid of the lengthy learning curve and spending three days figuring out how to start the engine. Same applies with DCS.

    SF2 strikes the right combination of complexity for me.

    • Like 2

  3. TIR5 and Windows 10 here too. No issue and I wouldn't play SF2 without it. It's quite expensive, but well worth it once you get used to the head motion.

    Here is the list of games I use it for so you can see that the high cost pays for itself with the large amount of games I can use it with:


    Rise of Flight

    IL2 1946

    IL2 Great Battles

    Cliffs of Dover

    Wings Over Flanders Fields

    Train Simulator

    Euro Truck Simulator 2

    American Truck Simulator


  4. Just playing Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam using the excellent air and ground expansion mod and sometimes on the way to my target another flight reaches the target first and destroys it and thus Red Crown orders me to return to base.

    What do other players do when you get this message? Do you continue to the target area and find other targets of opportunity or do you return to base as ordered and dump your ordnance on the way back? I would like to hear any opinions, please.

    What was the real standard operating procedure for US forces in Vietnam if their mission was completed or cancelled before they reached the target?


  5. 1 hour ago, TheLemon said:

    You know, I really really want to try this game, but I am afraid it will be super difficult to learn all the start up procedures and managing the weapon systems. It might take months just to learn how to fly one type of plane and operate all it's systems properly.

    I am thinking exactly the same. Very tempted to get Falcon 4 BMS, but I'm afraid it'll be more frustrating than fun for myself.

  6. I'm just saying what other people have posted about the patch levels and which to stay about. Something about the AI not using external ECM pods and flares with the latest patch? I happened to come across some threads as I was installing SF2.

    I would be happy if I could patch it to the 2013 patch and not wonder about what these threads said as I humbly defer to those with way more SF2 experience than me.




  7. Hello,

    I have my SF2 install set to the July 2012 patch and wouldn't mind buying the Campaign Customizer DLC. But I am worried that installing the customizer DLC may update SF2 to the latest patch. I read about extracting the files from other DLC's using WinRAR and just copying the .DLC file to SF2's DLC folder which seems to work according to posters. Can the same be done with the Campaign Customizer DLC?


  8. Having planed SF2V for about a month now and using the excellent Air & Ground War Expansion Pack, I was wondering what experience players tell their wingman to do when on a strike mission.


    Do you go in yourself and bomb the main target without ordering your wingman to do anything? I've been targeting the main target and then telling my wingman to "Attack my Target" and most of the time he gets in there before I can drop my bombs and he gets the kill. I usually end up dropping my bombs too late to destroy the main target.


    Maybe I should be just going in myself to hit the target and then only if I miss then I should give my wingman the order to "Attack my Target"?


    Would like to know what others are doing with it comes to strike missions and who bombs the main target: you or your wingman?



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