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Posts posted by jerhear

  1. Sandbagger has hosted/posted version 3 of User skins and Alternatives.


    Pack 3 has 193 new skins/all the older skins have had an image quality upgrade and some rework.  Some misplaced skins were removed from Pack 1 to Alternatives or deleted.  So now there are 279 in there and 149 in Pack 2 and 124 in Alternatives.


    There are skins for Kest 1 and 3/some Fokker DVII {Alb) with five color wings and fuselages and t here are skins to fill in the BH&H2 gaps in  Jastas 4/5/10 15 and 18.  I made some early Pfalz DIII factory camouflage crates for Jasta 10 and put some in Kest One, just for Fun (poem).


    More pictures are posted in the screenshots thread here and on the SimHq forum.

    J10 Kuehn Pfalz.jpg

  2. I've got Leibermann highlighted when in a fight.  There's no way I could track him otherwise.  I don't really have time to help anyone else, he's a little agressive.  He actually should be following me as my wingman but he doesn't, they very seldom seem to except that they usually join up with out after a fight.  Independent lot!

  3. New wingman to babysit.  He's another one who comes with a victory but no claim.

    Gotten him through a few missions now.  Had to pull a Drekmann from Jasta 4 in a Dr.1 off his tail in the last scrap.  He got someone and made his first claim, I think it was one of the other Fokkers.  Nursemaded him home with a chewed up wing.



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  4. Thanks, I was lost on that one.  I should have asked my wife, she always knows the name of that singer or actor on that show...you know...the one about the guy with the apartment and the weird friends.  My name retaining skills have always been bad.  I think someone did put something in there, I've seen Paul Simon, Paul Neumann and the like on the rosters and there are a few aces that are some sort of inside joke, like Herbert 'Bubi' Boy in Ss-29.

  5. New game to play.  Since now the AI pilots can learn, I thought I would see if I could keep my wingman alive and see him improved, maybe become an ace.  Stanley isn't as green as I would have liked but he'll do.  You have to survive awhile yourself to get a novice wingman.  I cheated with "pilot never dies" just to make sure I got there.

    I'm going to watch over him like a mother hen, I will put the yellow target marking on him so I can keep track of him, lot's of cheating here but I'm not a purist anyway.  We'll see how long this guy can last with a little help.


  6. I like to fly and fight in the areas where the skins I'm working on are active.  Right now I'm with the 94th Aero in May 1918, flying against Jasta2 64w, 65 and Kest 1, which I am working on now.  I took down an old DV still in use by Kest 1 this morning.  Shot his wings off.

    Doing this serves an additional purpose in that I get to see whether the Sim is using the skins when you are not flying in the outfit you made them for.  In this case I got to see that the Sim was using mixed aircraft for Kest 1, the DV and DVa together in the same flight.


    Kest 1 down.jpg

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  7. Just some info:

    This is Version 2.0 of User Skins. The download has 2 separate folders.

    Pack 1 is the original mod with a few skins removed as irrelevant and a couple more added to make 284 sins.

    Pack 2 is 147 new skins, including some for the American 1st Pursuit Group. Jastas 64w and 65 who opposed the Americans in the Toul area have some new skins, including a wingman skin for the Jasta 64w Pfalz which had been overlooked.

    Alternate skins version 2.0 has some new skins, making 91 in the pack.

    I am, again, posting some screenshots in the screenshot thread here and on Combat Ace.



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  8. Just some info:

    This is Version 2.0 of User Skins. The download has 2 separate folders.

    Pack 1 is the original mod with a few skins removed as irrelevant and a couple more added to make 284 sins.

    Pack 2 is 147 new skins, including some for the American 1st Pursuit Group. Jastas 64w and 65 who opposed the Americans in the Toul area have some new skins, including a wingman skin for the Jasta 64w Pfalz which had been overlooked.

    Alternate skins version 2.0 has some new skins, making 91 in the pack.

    I am, again, posting some screenshots in the screenshot thread here and on SimHq.



    J65 DVa Deutsche Michel.jpg

    J27 Noltenius Hertha D.jpg

    95th Avery Spad.jpg

    • Thanks 1

  9. Sandbagger has hosted two skins Mods for me.  The first one contains 290 new fighter and two-seater skins.  No WOFF Skin Pack Skins are overwritten by any of these.

    The other Mod, Alternative Skins, has 81 fighter and two-seaters.  Some are just personal skins that I thought someone else might enjoy using but most of them replace a WOFF Skin Pack skin.  The reasons for these alternatives are given in detail in the ReadMe file, so look that over well. 

    If you do not want some of these skins, please follow the information provided in the “Managing your skins” section of the ReadMe Files.


    If you have any of my old UE/PE Mods I recommend you remove and or delete them.  Many of these skins are improved versions of them.  Not all of them have been replaced by this Mod but will be in the upcoming one. 


    The screenshots shown here are only a sampling. 

    Detailed Explanations of the sources and rational used in making these skins can be found in the ReadMe Files for each Mod. 

    J74 Hippert.jpg

    J29 Siempelkamp.jpg

    TSYA FA23B Vallenor Rumpler a.jpg

    TSVA FAA 257 1917.jpg

    • Like 2

  10. Sandbagger has hosted two skins Mods for me. You can find them on his Mods page under User Skin Mods.

    The first one contains 290 new fighter and two-seater skins.  No WOFF Skin Pack Skins are overwritten by any of these.

    The other Mod, Alternative Skins, has 81 fighter and two-seaters.  Some are just personal skins that I thought someone else might enjoy using but most of them replace a WOFF Skin Pack skin.  The reasons for these alternatives are given in detail in the ReadMe file, so look that over well. 

    If you do not want some of these skins, please follow the information provided in the “Managing your skins” section of the ReadMe Files.


    If you have any of my old UE/PE Mods I recommend you remove and or delete them.  Many of these skins are improved versions of them.  Not all of them have been replaced by this Mod but will be in the upcoming one. 

    I will post some screen shots in the screenshot thread


    • Thanks 3

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