- Version 1.1
********************** Southwest United States Terrain ************************
This is a remake of Dave's & Deuces SCal terrain, as included in the TopGun
campaign from 2003.
The following are the biggies:
- Previous target areas moved to their correct locations
- Several new target areas added
- The HeightMap has been regenerated as previous was 3x reality
- Completely retiled with 1024x1024 tiles, via gerwin's TFDTool
- Custom Nellis AFB and Edwards AFB layouts
- Bombing/Gunnery range just east of China Lake
Yuma and Tonopah are hostile airfields.
Currently, the enemy is set to be the Soviets. This is temporary, as I am
currently working several TopGun campaigns and updated, Hi-Res skins, for the
A-4 aggressors. You can change this if you like, in the SWUS_NATIONS.INI file.
After the campaigns are complete, I plan to work to add city tiles and trees.
*********************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS *****************************
1. Copy the SWUS folder into "ModFolder"/Terrains/
2. Edit "ModFolder"/Terrains/SWUS.ini to point to a stock terrain.cat file that
you have installed:
3. (Optional) Edit "ModFolder"/Terrains/SWUS.ini to point to an
EnvironmentSystem.INI file of your choosing:
I needed to raise the altitude of the clouds, to prevent them from colliding
with the high mountains of the terrain. Included are three Environment
files whose only edits are the cloud height. If you are using one of
Stary's SARCASM mods (recommended), comment out the stock file, and
uncomment out the file for the version of SARCSM you're running. Files for
versions 1.4 & 1.5 are included.
********************************* CREDITS *************************************
Original SCAL terrain....................Dave & Deuces
Static SU-9 Model........................russouk2004
Hangars "str_han"........................Stary
Hangars "halle"..........................Mitch
TowerComplex & FireExtinguisher..........Amokfloo
FloodLight, SunShelter & HeliPad.........Pureblue
RAF_Cart & PT_Y..........................Sundowner
Fire Trucks..............................Ravenclaw
Runways & Taxiways.......................Gepard & Sundowner
Radars r4 & r5...........................Polak
Barbwire.................................Monty CZ
Nellis AFB object layout.................Hurc
Special thanks to gerwin, for without his TFDTool, I would not have been able
to make this.
If I left anyone out, it was unintentional. Please let me know and I will
update the README.
******************************* LEGAL STUFF ***********************************
Since this is still a work in progress for me, I request that you don't upload
modifications to this terrain. I would like the chance to finish it first.
Feel free to reuse the tiles for anything that is FREEWARE, but be aware, I did
not make all possible transition tiles, just the ones I needed for this
Do not include any of this in PAYWARE.